Solid fuel boiler made in Russia. Overview of manufacturers, advantages and disadvantages of products

Not all settlements are supplied with natural gas, so their residents have to look for alternative heating options. Diesel fuel and electricity are quite expensive, which is why consumers often prefer solid fuel.

Having visited the store, you will be able to purchase a solid fuel boiler of Russian production of long burning, but foreign models do not always correspond to harsh climatic conditions. Experts advise choosing domestic products, which are represented by various enterprises manufacturing fuel boilers. In order to make the right choice, it is necessary to consider the main advantages and disadvantages of the equipment, as well as pay attention to the features of work.

solid fuel boiler made in Russia

Siberia company boilers

The models of this company are distinguished by the presence of a metal burner for cooking, which expands the scope of use of devices. Units can work on wood, coal, as well as other types of solid fuel. Their power varies up to 30 kilowatts, which allows you to operate such boilers for heating cottages and private buildings. If you prefer a Russian-made solid fuel boiler with a water circuit, the last of which is represented by a boiler, you can also use hot water.

solid fuel boiler Russian-made zota

The main advantages of solid fuel boilers brand "Siberia"

If you prefer Sibir products, you can purchase a factory-made solid fuel boiler of Russian production. Such equipment is made of high quality steel, which is coated with polymer protection. It is necessary to prevent the formation of rust and eliminate mechanical damage. The models have a fairly voluminous furnace, which allows the use of firewood up to 60 centimeters long.

If you want to use coal as fuel, then you can load it even through the cast iron burners located on top. In the case there is a thermometer that will indicate the temperature of the coolant. If a consumer purchases such a solid fuel boiler of Russian manufacture, then he can use not only coal and firewood, but also briquettes. The equipment is small and can be used in conjunction with any chimney.

solid fuel boiler Russian-made combi

Disadvantages of boilers "Siberia"

Choosing the products presented by the Siberia company, you should consider some disadvantages. Among them, one can single out the need for periodic cleaning of ash, as well as control over the combustion process. The user will have to systematically add fuel.

The main advantages of boilers "Don"

Russian-made solid fuel boilers (β€œDon”) can provide water heating, which is done with the help of electric heating elements, which are used for cooking. Heating elements can work independently or in the process of burning fuel. The presence of a built-in temperature regulator in them makes the equipment turn on to maintain the set temperature.

solid fuel boilers Russian-made don

Overview of the "Hearth" boilers

If you decide to choose such a solid fuel boiler of Russian production, you should familiarize yourself with the main features of the equipment, namely that high-quality steel is used in the production process. The effectiveness of the equipment is so high that it can be used to heat large rooms up to 250 square meters. Consumers call this product one of the best among local counterparts. On sale you can find solid fuel devices of three models: some of them are equipped with heating elements, others are represented by standard modifications, and others are new generation options. However, all devices, without exception, are universal and are equipped with gas burners.

The Russian-made solid fuel boiler Ochag appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already attracted the attention of users with its modern design and the availability of a draft regulator. If we are talking about standard equipment, then it is divided into single-circuit and double-circuit boilers, the last of which have coils. Power can vary from 6 to 31 kilowatts. Choosing a modern modification, you get a device that has two special holes for the heating elements and an elongated firebox designed for firewood.

solid fuel boiler of Russian production of long burning

Positive characteristics of the equipment of the Ochag brand

A Russian-made solid fuel boiler has many advantages, including the ability to transfer equipment to another type of fuel - gas. That is why, if you live in a house to which you want to connect the highway, the device does not have to be changed, it will be enough to install a gas burner.

Consumers choose the models of this company because of their non-volatility, ability to save energy, and also because of minimal emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Boilers of the Ochag brand are characterized by accuracy of temperature control, which allows the user to simply select the necessary microclimate in the house. Devices belong to boilers of long burning.

100 kW solid fuel boiler

The main disadvantages of boilers "Hearth"

To store fuel you will need an area, a building or separate utility rooms. In order for fuel combustion to occur with a maximum efficiency, certain conditions will have to be observed. Cheaper boiler models make the consumer put up with reduced comfort, which is expressed in the formation of soot, as well as soot. One cannot but single out the need for manual loading of fuel.

Product Overview Zota

This product is known to the consumer for its good quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the devices. The plant’s developments are intended for heating residential buildings, industrial premises and are made of welded steel housing. A distinctive feature is the method of loading fuel, models are equipped with two point doors, one of which is vertical, the other horizontal. The user will be able to load fuel through any of them. The design has a unique structure of the combustion chamber, which allows to achieve high efficiency, held at 70%. The Russian-made solid fuel boiler Zota has an electric kit, which is supplemented by a power control panel.

Advantages of Zota Products

Considering the goods of the manufacturer, it is impossible not to note the possibility of working on any type of fuel. The equipment is able to maintain a certain temperature in any operating mode, it is characterized by excellent economic performance, affordable cost and high quality. Devices can be used in continuous burning mode, and if necessary, it switches to work from the heater. You can connect such devices to any heating system, which allows you to install units even in small rooms. The manufacturer took care of the ease of maintenance. The boilers are made of solid steel, which forms the basis of the body, therefore, the minimum number of welds is obtained.

Russian-made Cooper solid fuel boilers

The main disadvantages of boilers brand "Zota"

Equipment, no matter how high quality it is, will have to be regularly looked after. Additionally, there may be a need to install auxiliary devices such as heat accumulators, forced draft devices or solid fuel boilers.

Overview of the products of the most popular manufacturers in Russia

A solid fuel boiler of Russian production "Combi" is quite common among consumers. This is explained by the fact that it is possible to use such equipment even for heating production workshops with an area of ​​up to 450 square meters. Coal is used as the main type of fuel, however, if we compare with other models, the described ones are small, which indicates an economical fuel consumption. The body is made of steel with anti-corrosion treatment, which ensures efficiency and reliability.

Cooper Russian-made solid fuel boilers have a large external surface of the heat exchanger, which is surrounded by exhaust hot gases and flame, which guarantees high heat transfer. The increase in this indicator contributes to the insulation of the outer walls. The efficiency of such models increases due to drying of the top layer of firewood during the burning of the lower logs. To enhance traction, the method of opening the furnace damper is used. If you are interested in a solid fuel boiler of Russian production of 100 kW, then you can purchase professional products of the Buran brand.


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