Grapes Krasa Severa: description, features of planting and cultivation

Grapes have been grown since time immemorial. During the existence of these berries, many varieties were bred. Grape growers - professionals and amateurs - are doing everything possible to achieve an ideal look with good taste and high yield. The grapes of the Beauty of the North, or Olga, have been very popular for over fifty years. All about this variety can be found in our article.

History of Olga

Where the second name came from, consonant with the female name, is not known exactly. There is an opinion that they gave the sort the name of their daughter to the wife I. L. Shtin and I. M. Filippenko, who bred him. The variety was named for its wide distribution not only in the southern parts of the planet, but also in the northern latitudes.

Krasa Severa is a hybrid grape variety. It was bred by crossing the Dawn of the North and Typhi Pink. The new look adopted from parents all the best tastes and adaptability to adverse climatic conditions. The Breeders of the Institute of Horticulture named after I.V. Michurin were able to create the Beauty of the North and registered a new variety in 1960. Vine growers immediately noted the high productivity and incredible taste of their offspring.

grapes beauty of the north


The Krasa Severa grape variety immediately won the love of the whole country and began to be grown in many areas. Thanks to endurance and frost resistance, this berry was able to get to the cultivation of gardeners not only in the South, but also in the middle strip, in the North. Widely distributed in the Far East and Siberia. Until now, the Beauty of the North is very popular among residents of Belarus and the Baltic states. The vineyards of the Krasnodar Territory are famous throughout our country, and Olga is also grown in these territories.

The varietal range of grapes is constantly updated and improved, so many obsolete species are crowded out. In the South, the Beauty of the North is almost not grown, since for these latitudes there are many interesting varieties. The Krasa Grapes of the North does not lose relevance in territories where climatic conditions are not suitable for growing more heat-loving creatures. The described variety has high frost resistance, tolerates a decrease in temperature to minus 26 degrees. The vineyards of the Krasnodar Territory are an ideal place for growing varieties, since winters are unpredictable there. He is not picky, practically not exposed to many diseases that affect grapes. But we will talk about this a little later.

how to spray grapes


The description of the Beauty of the North says that this variety belongs to the dining group. It is mainly consumed fresh, but many winegrowers who grow Olga for personal use only make homemade juice and wine. The tasting score of grape juice is very high, kept at 8.5 points. From the Beauty of the North, you can make drinks without adding sugar, since there are enough berries in it. Products made from this variety are of decent quality.

The described grapes can be used as a vitamin supplement, since it contains a large amount of folic acid (0.23 grams per 100 milliliters).

Krasa Severa grapes are also popular in the market. The variety is endowed with high transportability and can be transported over long distances, while not losing its original form, taste and freshness. The same goes for storage. Grapes of the Beauty of the North will delight you after harvest until the New Year! Agree that in the midst of winter it is pleasant to treat yourself to fresh, personally grown grapes.

vineyards of the Krasnodar Territory

Krasa Severa (grape): variety description

Bushes are tall, grow well and quickly. The vine is long, and all its shoots ripen during the growing season, this allows you to endure severe frosts without prejudice to the future crop. The clusters of Olga are quite large, can weigh up to 900 grams, they have a conical shape, look slightly loose. The berries themselves are large, rounded, but somewhat elongated, the average size is 19x21 mm. Ripening of fruits lasts for 110 days, taking into account the total temperature of the warm season of at least 22 degrees. Harvested in mid-August.

The skin of the berries is translucent, thin, and may have a waxy coating. If heavy rains are present in the ripening season, it may crack. Each berry has two to four seeds.

Flowers of the Beauty of the North are self-pollinated, but still prone to pea. The variety has a high yield, and for each new shoot there are two inflorescences. The leaves are three-lobed, slightly dissected or without dissection at all. There is a slight soft fluff on the underside of the leaf.

Grapes Krasa Severa is highly resistant to disease. Oidium and mildew are the most common ailments of the variety. But to gray rot there is a good resistance.

Berries in conditions of high humidity can mature in a bush for a long time. They will retain their presentation, do not rot.

grape variety beauty of the north

Taste qualities

Olga's berries are very juicy and fleshy. Sugar in them is about 17%, acidity does not exceed 5.4%. The taste is pleasant, refreshing, without any features. There is no sign of nutmeg in it. The aroma is weak, almost imperceptible. The peel has a light grassy flavor, which is a hallmark of taste. Thin peel is very soft, easy to eat.

Grape growers claim that the older the bush, the juicier and sweeter the berries on it. Also, as the ripening, the proportion of sugar in the berries increases, so you must wait until they are fully ripened.

how to make a trellis for grapes

Planting vines

Initially, I want to note that to obtain the Beauty of the North, a frost-resistant variety was used, and the created species also has high resistance to cold. Therefore, you should not choose a place where the bush will be protected from winds, rains and frost. It is worth taking the choice of soil seriously. It is advisable to plant the soil in half dilute the sand with sand. Each bush needs a vast territory of at least six square meters. Productivity depends on this, as bushes need a lot of nutrients. If you select a smaller area, then individuals will share with the neighbors the necessary substances, and the yield will be low. Between rows, the distance should be two meters, and between landings at least three.

Planting of germinated cuttings is standard. It is necessary to dig a hole at least half a meter in depth. A mixture of humus and sand is laid at the bottom. Then, a stalk is placed in the pit, sprinkled with earth extracted from the very depths. The neck of the root should remain on the surface.

After the appearance of new shoots, it is necessary to choose the four strongest and strongest, and remove the rest, cutting off with a special secateurs. The remaining shoots will need to be fixed on the trellis.

beauty of the north grape description

How to make a trellis for grapes?

Just planted cuttings do not need trellis per se. It will be enough to dig a stick nearby and tie a young bush to it. In the second year, it is necessary to tackle the complete garter of the vines, which must be done with the end of the frost, but before the buds open. So how to make a trellis for grapes?

Concrete or metal supports will be required, at least two meters in diameter and 15 centimeters in diameter. Of course, you can also dig in wood, but only oak or acacia, as they are less susceptible to decay. If the wooden supports are selected, then you need to properly prepare them: remove the entire bark from the bottom, which will be dug in, and soak in a five percent solution of copper sulfate, which is prepared in a ratio of 0.5 kg per ten liters of water. To keep the trellis longer, grease the digged-in part of the support with resin.

Supports are dug on both sides of the bush at a distance of half a meter and in depth as a half meter. Between the posts, several rows of 1.8-2.4 mm galvanized wire are pulled. If the grape planting site is in the shade, then it is worth raising the ranks higher, if in the sun, then up to one and a half meters. The distance between the rows should be half a meter.

Garter vines to the trellis should occur as the bush grows. The first shoots in the spring are attached to the first and second rows, giving the kidneys the same space for development and growth. It is necessary to tie it tight so that when the swaying vines do not move.

hybrid grape variety

Further care

The bush will begin to bear fruit after 2-3 years, but before that the plant still needs proper care. It is necessary to prune it so as not to overload the bush, spray it from diseases and pests. Than to spray grapes, we will tell in the further maintenance.

When the eyes appear, pruning is necessary, it is recommended to leave no more than 10 eyes. If you want to get larger berries, then leave no more than 5-6.

In preparation for winter, grapes are removed from the trellis, covered with a special film. The Krasa Grapes of the North does not need such protection if long frosts below 26 degrees are not planned.


Spring treatment of grapes from diseases is a must. Every grower knows that the bushes are easily susceptible to disease and are very poorly treated. So how to spray grapes?

At the very beginning of the season, when the plant wakes up and begins to grow actively, the first treatment is necessary. From mildew, Bordeaux liquid, cuprostat or diluted copper sulfate is used. Oidium is fought with the help of a special Topaz agent or colloidal sulfur is used.

When the first two leaves appear on the shoots, it is necessary to treat the pests with BI-58 or Karbofos preparations.

With proper care, you will be pleased every year with a high harvest of delicious grapes!


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