Planting trees: stages of work

Properly and correctly conducted planting of trees is the key to the fact that the garden will delight not only with its appearance, but also bring a good harvest. But inept actions will lead to grave consequences, since most of the trees are quite difficult to tolerate planting and replanting. Therefore, it is very important to choose a suitable place for future plants.

tree planting

In the process of determining the place where garden trees will be planted , it is required to take into account the peculiarities of the chemical composition of the soil, the biological nuances of the types and varieties of trees, the relief, climatic conditions and the surrounding landscape. For example, planting fruit plants is best done in loamy soils.

However, knowing the secrets of proper soil cultivation, tree planting can be carried out even on unfavorable soil. Typically, this will require the correct selection of mineral fertilizers, timely feeding of trees, enriching the land with useful minerals and making a number of necessary drainage and reclamation measures.

The most favorable time when tree planting will be successful is the period of biological dormancy of plants, which occurs in early spring or late autumn.

planting garden trees

Plant breeding work includes the preparation of planting pits, which are done previously, if necessary, in spring planting, although it is more correct to dig holes in the fall. Seats should have a rounded shape, and their size should correspond to the type and parameters of the planted tree. When preparing the pits, one should take into account the depth of the groundwater, as well as the subsidence of the soil.

To plant trees, seedlings up to three years old are better suited. It is necessary to inspect the root system of young plants well, remove rotted, damaged areas with a pruner or knife, and straighten healthy roots around the entire perimeter of the pit. Having lowered the tree into the hole, it must be gently sprinkled with earth, slightly shaking the plant. Thus, the soil will better fill the voids between the roots.

Further, the earth around the trunk should be compacted, and a hole is dug along the circumference of the pit. After the trees are planted, they must be watered abundantly. To further care for them was easier, the soil around the plants must be mulched. In addition, this measure will protect the root system from drying out and better retain moisture in the soil.

planting ornamental trees

However, the decoration of the site are not only fruit plants. Near the house, decorative coniferous and deciduous plantations will look great.

Planting ornamental trees in a summer cottage has not stopped anyone. But it should be borne in mind that deciduous plants can grow over time and begin to obscure the area, preventing other green organisms from developing. The undoubted advantage of leafy specimens is their unpretentiousness to the conditions of growth and care, they quickly take root.

Conifers lag behind in growth rates, but in no way inferior to their deciduous counterparts in decorativeness.


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