How to cover the roof with corrugated board: step by step instructions

Decking is considered one of the most affordable, durable, as well as practical materials for arranging the roof. It is a metal sheet coated with a protective layer. Next, the sheet is passed through a special molding machine. As a result, grooves and protrusions are formed on it. This is necessary so that the product is rigid. Decking is lightweight. Roof installation from corrugated board can be performed independently without outside help.

Types of materials

In construction supermarkets there are several types of profile sheet. They produce ordinary galvanized material. There are also color counterparts. So, one more polymer-based protective layer is applied over the zinc layer. This coating has a protective function and also gives the material a more attractive appearance.

Roof Pipe Decking

Galvanized profile sheets are often used in roofing works on temporary buildings. If the old garage leaks, it is real to block the roof with corrugated board of this type. The color version is used on the roofs of residential buildings.

Type of material as intended

It is made of sheets of various thicknesses. The thinnest are intended for mounting on walls, but the roof is made of corrugated board (the photo is presented in this material) is also performed. However, a partial or full crate is required and light loads in the form of snow. A thin sheet will not withstand heavy loads. These sheets are most often labeled as follows - “C”.

The thickest corrugated board is characterized by increased bearing capabilities. It is labeled as follows - “H”. This is mainly roofing material. Most often, it is purchased for the installation of roofing from corrugated board in areas where there are increased wind and snow loads. The more universal is designated as “NS”. It is used to equip walls and roofs.

After the letters in the marking of profile sheets there are numbers. Numbers indicate the height of the wave - it is indicated in millimeters. Which roof decking to choose? Usually used roofing, where the wave height is not less than 20 millimeters.

As for the form, the supporting metal profile has a more complex wave. Additional elements were added to it in order to increase rigidity.

Professional flooring by type of protective coating

Despite the fact that the sheets are similar to each other, their cost can vary significantly. The thing is that in the production of various materials and technologies are used. For example, it has already been noted above that the protective coating can be zinc or zinc with the addition of aluminum. The second option began to be offered relatively recently - equipment for production is quite expensive. However, the durability of the product is significantly higher due to the properties of the alumina-zinc coating.

Cover the roof with corrugated board

The durability is also affected by the method by which the manufacturer formed a wave of profiled sheet. Now two popular technologies are used. This is cold rolling, as well as rolling with an emulsion. In the first case, the sheets are pressed without any preliminary preparation by rotating metal rollers. In order not to damage the protective layer in the process, more expensive machines are used. Therefore, cold rolled professional sheet will cost more.

In the process of wave formation during rolling using an emulsion, the metal surface is first wetted. It can be oil, water or other special liquids. Only after the surface has been carefully processed, the sheet is sent under the rolling rolls. Then it is dried. If you do not dry after hire, the wet areas will quickly rust. It is physically impossible to notice these defects in advance - one can only hope that the manufacturer has not violated the technology during the production process. As for the final cost, it is cheaper than a cold rolled sheet.

Types of polymer coatings

Polymeric protective coatings are also different. This layer is a protective film of different density and thickness. Properties depending on the type are different.

Cover the roof with your own decking

Decking is covered with polyester. The coating can be either glossy or matte. The price of the sheet is relatively low - this is the cheapest product from the entire assortment of color profile sheet. Characteristics, despite the affordable prices, he has good. Polyester coating is sufficiently plastic, does not fade in the sun and does not change color. The matte finish does not glare in the sun, and the appearance is velvety. Manufacturers achieve this with other application technologies and thicker layers. Matte polyester coating is the most reliable and resistant to various kinds of mechanical stress.

Plastisol is also used. This polymer material is characterized by increased resistance to aggressive media and impacts, but is practically not protected from ultraviolet exposure. A roof made of plastic sheeting with a plastisol coating will lose color brightness within two to three years.

Pural. PVDF

This is polyurethane with the addition of polyamides and acrylic. The result is a uniform coating with a long service life. In order for the color to change, at least ten years must pass. Minus is the very high price of such a professional sheet.

This is a polymer coating based on polyvinyl fluoride with the addition of acrylic. This coating is also quite expensive, but the service life is very high even under constant exposure to aggressive environments. One of the characteristics is self-cleaning. A little rain is enough for the corrugated roof to shine, as if new.

What to choose?

Under ordinary conditions, the roof is equipped with materials with a polyester coating. This is the best solution with a good ratio of quality and price.

The roof structure of corrugated board, in addition to the profile sheet itself, is a whole complex of various structural elements. These are thermal insulation materials, vapor barrier, ventilation. Each of the elements performs an important function, ensuring the correct functionality of the coating. In order for the roof to serve for a long time, it is important to correctly position all layers of the roofing cake.

The purpose of vapor barrier is to prevent moisture from entering insulating materials. To do this, use a film. Their laying is carried out inside the roof. Fastening is carried out using a stapler. Seams are glued with adhesive tape or special butyl tape.

The next layer should be insulation materials. The insulation serves to compensate for temperature differences. This will prevent condensation from accumulating during the operation of the room. The thickness of the insulation is selected depending on the region. Experts recommend the use of insulation with a thickness of 200 mm for high efficiency. The insulation material in the plates or roll is placed between the power elements of the roof.

At the final stage, the installation of waterproofing membranes is performed. They act as an additional heater, and due to water resistance they protect against condensation, extending the life of the roofing system. Membranes roll out horizontally. They are lapped, every 150 millimeters.

How to install corrugated roofing?

The roof is laid on a previously created crate. Fragments of it should be parallel to the overhang. The step between the boards of the crate should be up to 60 centimeters. It is made smaller the smaller the slope of the roof. So, for a slope of 15 degrees or less, the step of the crate will be 300 millimeters.

DIY roof

For the manufacture of roof battens for corrugated board, an inch board trimmed is used. Sheets are laid one by one. In this case, a vertical overlap of one wave to another is performed. In the process of laying pay attention to the fact that the extreme shelves can have different lengths. The shorter shelf should be at the bottom, and the long one should cover the shorter one. Why is that? Everything is simple. In this case, two profile sheets very well adjoin each other. There are no gaps. If mixed up, a gap is formed in which water will fall.

Roofing with corrugated board always starts from the bottom up. Moisture will not be able to fall between sheets. Wavy material is stacked against the direction of the wind. If the wind often blows to the right, then the installation is performed from left to right.

If the length allows, it is better to use a whole sheet. Then the installation begins from the end of the roof. Align on the ledge and do not forget about 40 millimeters in the light. Some in the process of covering the roof with corrugated board forget about this and align the sheet along the edge - this is unacceptable.


Before you begin to calculate the amount of required profiled sheet, take measurements of the roof. Measure slopes diagonally and compare these values. The discrepancy should not be more than 20 centimeters. The ramps are also checked on a plane level - this is done with a cord and level. For every five meters, the deviation should be no more than five millimeters. Otherwise, the professional sheet will not dock.

To calculate the number of sheets, measure the length of the cornice and divide by the mounting width, taking into account the overlap. You can perform counting in another way. So, the length of the cornice is divided by the useful width of the sheet and the value is rounded up.

If you need to cover the roof with a profiled sheeting of complex shape, then the design is divided into figures. Each form is calculated, and to get the final result, everything is summarized.

Tips from professionals

The professional sheet is lifted using lags made of several boards. Do not work in the wind. In the process of work, you should walk on sheets exclusively in soft shoes. You can only step into the deflections between the waves. To avoid corrosion in the future, all sections are treated with repair enamels.

They use protective gloves when working - the edges of the material are very sharp. Garbage, which will certainly accumulate in the process, is swept away with a brush. The protective film is removed immediately after installation.


To cut the sheet using lever or electric scissors, for fastening - a hammer or screwdriver. To fix the insulation and vapor barrier, you will need a construction stapler. Also, if the profiled sheet is mounted on a pipe, you will need a drill and drill No. 5.

How to fix a professional sheet?

Fix the corrugated board to the roof with self-tapping screws. These are special items that have a rubber gasket under the hat. This ensures tightness. These elements are often painted in the color of the profiled sheet. The number of screws per square meter is about five to seven pieces. At the same time, one must not forget that 20 percent of self-tapping screws will additionally be used for mounting the ridge element, for fastening joints and other works.

Do it yourself with a professional flooring

Screws are mounted in the lower shelf at the place where the sheet touches the crate. The thickness of the fasteners is 20-25 millimeters and depends on the thickness of the board. It is important that the end does not protrude from the back of the board.

Two adjacent sheets are also fixed with self-tapping screws when connected. But here the fasteners are screwed into a wave. Longer options are used.

Installation procedure

When the rafter system is ready, the front board is nailed to it. Hooks are attached to the board, on which a water drainage system will then be installed. On top of the board set a special bar.

Roof from corrugated photo

Pie materials will be different depending on the tasks. If the attic is cold - this is one complex, if warm, then another.

For a cold attic, the scheme will be something like this. A vapor barrier membrane is nailed to the rafter boards from above. You need to fasten with a little sag. You need to lay it from below, sequentially moving up. One canvas should go on the second 15 centimeters. Joints are glued with tape.

Next, they beat the crate. At the top, two boards are installed on both sides of the ridge. In the place where the overhang is formed, two or three boards are nailed. Corrugated board is attached to the crate.

For an insulated roof (corrugated roof) the order is slightly different. There will be more layers. From the inside, the crate is nailed to the rafters. Her task is to keep the insulation. A membrane is attached to the crate. From the side of the roof lay insulation. A membrane or film is mounted on top of it for waterproofing. The membrane should sag, but not touch the insulation. Then they make a crate, and it remains only to block the lid with corrugated board.

Methods of laying material

The first is laid a sheet at the bottom of the roof, and then the next is laid on it. Next, lay the second in the bottom row, on which then another one. After that, the same design is obtained from the other end. A pitched roof made of corrugated board is done just that. The method is relevant if the sheets have a deep drainage groove.

Another method involves three sheets. Two are located at the bottom, and one at the top. The edges are aligned on the ledge. When this design is fixed, the remaining sheets are screwed on top. This method of covering the roof with corrugated board is convenient when there is no drainage groove. The sheets stacked from below are covered by those that are stacked from above.

Mounting and sealing the ridge

The space under the profile sheet must be ventilated. The steel surface heats up quickly and cools, which will contribute to the appearance of condensate. In the upper part, the sheets are not closely joined, but a small gap remains.

Roof decking

To solve this problem, special ventilated skates are offered . But if you just put the usual element of the ridge, then the holes are enough. The higher the wave, the greater the ventilation gap. Sometimes it becomes clogged and ventilation deteriorates.

You can solve this problem if you use a special sealant in the process of installing a roof from a corrugated board with your own hands. This material is made of foamed polyurethane or polyethylene. The material is porous - it passes air well. The shape of the seal repeats the shape of the profile sheet. It is glued to sealants, double-sided tape or glue.

Pipe passage

A lot of questions arise about this. For a round pipe on the roof of corrugated board, special aprons made of steel or polymeric materials are used. The upper part is in the shape of a cone. The bottom is elastic. It can take any form. This product is put on the pipe so that the elastic part lies on the roof. Next, the skirt is shaped into a profile sheet. So that water does not flow under the elastic part, it is coated with sealants.

Do it yourself roofing

Next, fix the main plane. In the case of the upper part made of metal, it is enough to wrap around the clamp and tighten, and coat the joint with sealant. If the apron is polymeric, it is worn with decent effort.


How to cover the roof with corrugated board with your own hands? With the proper ability to work with metal and wood, even beginners will succeed. Efficiency is very high - the design in its characteristics is much better than any soft roofs.


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