Clematis Piilu: description, features of cultivation

Vertical gardening in landscape design is a long-known and extremely popular technique. An important point is the choice of plants. Pay attention to the Clematis Piilu, it belongs to the group of compact varieties, so it fits in a small garden or even on the balcony, loggia, terrace. It is enough to provide him with support, and you will see how the space around you is transformed. Bright greens and fragrant large flowers of a bright color are almost ideal.

Clematis Piilu.

Clematis Piilu: Description

This variety is bred in Estonia. Unlike many relatives, it is not so tall (maximum 1.5 meters), compact. Flowering is plentiful. It lasts from May to July, with proper care, repeated in September. The flowers are large (10-12 cm in diameter) of a lilac-pink hue with a dark pink stripe and have bright yellow stamens. The main feature is that their shape depends on the age of the shoots. So, on young branches, the flowers appear ordinary, and on last year's, they appear half-double. This is a moderately growing variety, if there is support, it clings to it with its petioles and creates dense thickets.

Clematis Piilu: Planting and Care

The rules for growing are the same as for all other clematis. It is worth noting a few features that you should pay attention to:

  • it is a photophilous plant, but it does not like direct sunlight , diffused light is best suited, slight shading is possible;
  • Choose places for it, protected from wind and drafts;
  • prefers fertile loamy soils with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction of the environment;
  • at the bottom of the landing pit, be sure to pour a drainage layer of expanded clay, gravel or sand;
  • beware of nearby groundwater, otherwise the roots of the plant will quickly rot;
  • if the seedlings have an open root system, then plant them in spring or autumn, if they are in a container, then summer planting is also allowed.
    Clematis Piilu: planting and care.

The rest of the care consists mainly in timely watering, fertilizing with fertilizer and pruning. Clematis loves moisture very much. Watering should be regular - once a week, if the summer is dry, then increase to two. During the growing season, feed the plant twice with complex mineral fertilizer.

Pruning Clematis Piilu

Like all other species, Clematis Piilu requires regular pruning. Everyone who has ever come across these plants knows that they can be cut in three ways, and each has its own characteristics. So, it requires the second type, characteristic of varieties in which flowers are formed not only on fresh shoots, but also on last year. Pruning is quite gentle, it is best done in the fall. There is no unequivocal opinion on what height to leave shoots, some gardeners believe that it is optimal 50-100 cm, while others offer 100-150 cm. The optimal option will have to be chosen by trial and error. If your clematis really needs a rejuvenation procedure, then select the maximum pruning option, and weak and diseased shoots generally need to be removed.

Do not forget about the pinch. The very first is carried out when the plant reaches a height of 20-30 cm, then when all shoots grow to a level of 50-70 cm, and the final one after reaching 100-150 cm.


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