Baby food at 6 months. We introduce complementary foods

So the age has come when the baby is already missing one breast milk. Although it contains a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients, but now the baby needs an additional source of their production. The nutrition of a child at 6 months becomes more diverse - complementary foods are introduced.

It is recommended to start with mashed vegetables. For the very first feeding, zucchini, cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower) or carrot are perfect. In no case should you start with potatoes; it contains starch, to which an allergic reaction may occur in a child. The first child’s nutrition at 6 months includes only one-component mashed potatoes.

If you plan independent cooking, then the choice of products should be treated with great caution. The ideal option is vegetables from your garden. You can be absolutely sure that they are completely natural, grown without the help of various chemicals. Some species are well preserved for the winter in the freezer. For example, various types of cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli). When purchasing products for the preparation of baby food, you do not need to pay attention to the fruits with a beautiful appearance. Such beauty is the result of enhanced chemical treatment. This applies to both vegetables and fruits. A child’s nutrition at 6 months should only consist of completely natural ingredients, and these are those unattractive fruits that you usually don’t pay attention to.

To preserve all the beneficial properties, it is better to cook baby food for a couple. It is not only more useful, but also tastes better, mashed potatoes become more tender. Salt, sugar, spices, none of this is added to baby puree. Boiled vegetables are rubbed through a sieve or ground with a blender.

Begin the introduction of 6 months of vegetable puree into the child’s diet in order to be able to detect an allergic reaction or a change in the stool of the child. For the first time, a whole teaspoon is given, then the volume of the puree gradually increases to 150 grams. Koneno, if we organize the baby did not give any reactions.

Every week you can introduce new vegetables. Then the food becomes more diverse, vegetables already familiar to the baby are mixed. These are the so-called multi-component mashed potatoes.

Next in line is fruit puree. In theory, fruits can start complementary foods instead of vegetables. But there is one reason why you should not do this. Fruits are a sweet product, the child gets used to it and may refuse not very tasty vegetables.

Fruits are a real storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. They are sources of iron, potassium, magnesium, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins A and C. All this helps the small body to fully develop. This must be included in the baby's nutrition at 6 months.

Before introducing fruit into the diet, you can try to give your child a little apple juice. If there was no reaction, then feel free to start feeding the baby apple puree. Then mashed pears, peaches and apricots, bananas are gradually introduced.

If there is no allergy to all introduced vegetables and fruits, then you can prepare combined mashed potatoes. Carrots with apples, zucchini with apples, kids really like mashed potatoes with the addition of mother’s milk or a mixture.

A sample menu for a 6 month old baby includes about 60ml. juice, 100 grams of fruit puree and 150 grams of vegetable puree. And, of course, breast milk or a mixture. But you should understand that these are only approximate figures. Each child will eat just as much as his body needs. That is why it is completely not necessary to force the baby to eat the whole portion. If he spits out food, twirls his head, then he just ate too much. It may be quite the opposite, if a child requires extras, cries, opens his mouth, then he needs an addition.


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