Cheat codes for "GTA San Andreas" for pitching

In many computer games, there is the possibility of customizing the appearance of your character - thanks to this you can change the face of your hero, his complexion and many other physical features. Somewhere this opportunity is implemented in more detail, and somewhere - only superficially. But if we are talking about a series of GTA games, then for a long time such an opportunity was not provided at all. You played a given character that did not change at all. However, the situation became completely different with the release of the new part of "GTA San Andreas" - that hero was still the only one, but at the same time you got the opportunity to gradually change his appearance in various aspects, including hairstyles and tattoos. You can also change the complexion of your hero, however, for this you will have to spend a lot of time. But there is a faster way - codes for "GTA San Andreas" for pitching and other types of complexion. By entering a small combination, you can immediately change how your character looks. And in this article you will learn the codes for "GTA San Andreas" for pitching, as well as how they should be used.

Build Up

codes for gta san andreas for pitching

Of course, codes for GTA San Andreas for pitching are important if you want to get a quick result, but first you need to figure out exactly how the pumping process goes. The fact is that your character can change his appearance over time - starting with the purchase of various clothes in specialized stores and ending with the application of tattoos of various types on different parts of the body. You will need time for all this, as your character will only gradually get the opportunity to make certain changes, as well as discover new aesthetic objects. Naturally, all this will also require financial investments from you, so do not expect that all this will be extremely easy for you. It is for this that you are invited to use the codes for "GTA San Andreas" for pitching.

Using Codes

codes for gta san andreas pitch

So, if you decide to still use cheats to get the right complexion, then first you need to think about how to enter them in principle. Indeed, in each computer game, the methods for introducing cheats are different - somewhere you need to call the console, somewhere - install special software. But in this case, everything is completely different - we can enter the codes for GTA San Andreas without any problems. A jogger is a very common physique, so many people look for this particular code, and then can’t enter it. But in reality, everything is much simpler than you can imagine. The fact is that in this game you do not need to call any special menus - the codes are entered directly during the game, so you should keep track of exactly where you start using them so that you do not put yourself in a difficult situation in the process, because cheats can include keys that you use to move, stop the car, and so on. So be careful when entering cheat codes for GTA San Andreas. The pitching is the physique of the character, which is discussed in this article, so it's time to go directly to a specific cheat.

Cheat on pitching

cheat codes for gta san andreas pitch

There is a large variety of cheats, each of which gives you access to different types of build, various costumes and so on. In general, with the help of codes you can as you want to change the appearance of your character. If you are interested in the physique of the pitching, then you need to use a combination of JYSDSOD. Immediately after its introduction, your character will turn into a full-fledged pitching. An alternative to this cheat is another combination that will be easier to remember for those people who know English - BUFFMEUP.


If you do not have enough opportunities to change the appearance that cheats offer you, then you can always turn to special modifications. It can be either mods that seriously change the gameplay, or mods that simply add special skins to change the appearance of your hero.


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