Royal Basil: Planting and Plant Care

To date, many have managed to evaluate the beneficial properties of the basil plant, planting and care for which give many pleasant minutes to everyone who has their own personal plot. He came to us from South Asia as a medicinal and spicy plant. He was especially popular in Ancient Greece, where he was called royal grass. As a holy seasoning, the basilica was treated in India. Due to the excellent culinary combination with tomatoes, it was called tomato spice.

sweet basil
Many signs are associated with this plant. For example, the Greeks did not consider it a very good sign if basil grew on graves; the Romans were convinced that the more people used this spice, the richer they became. In Crete, the plant symbolized love, which is washed with tears. Fragrant basil is an annual plant with a balsamic pleasant smell. It is used as a seasoning in both fresh and dried form. It is added to fish and meat dishes, salads, with salting and canning. Basil has become quite popular in folk medicine. The essential oils contained in it have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, therefore it is successfully used for headaches, oral care, colds, asthma, cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases . In addition, basil is able to raise the general tone of the body.

Planting and caring for basil

basil, planting and care

This thermophilic plant is grown from seedlings, but you can try sowing under the film. In late March, small seeds of the culture are sown in nutrient and moisture-permeable soil to a depth of 1 cm, leaving about 6 cm between rows. If the conditions are good, then after twelve days you can observe the appearance of the first shoots. All care consists in moderate watering of the plant. Ready seedlings are planted in the ground in the second half of May. You can sow basil directly in the garden, planting and care in this case will be slightly different. This landing is made in early May. Keep in mind the May frosts. Seedlings at this time, to avoid its death, it is necessary to cover the film. So that the plant shrubs well, shoots are thinned out and only 12 pieces are left per 1 m 2 . Basil is very demanding on nutrients - planting and care require frequent use of fertilizers. And at the very beginning, and throughout the summer, the plant is fed with organic and mineral substances. To do this, use liquid mullein, bird droppings, crystallin, potassium sulfate, urea, superphosphate, wood ash.

basil care
Pests and diseases of basil

Basil is quite resistant to various diseases, and it has few pests. But still, if the plantings are too dense, poorly ventilated and there is a large excess of moisture, then young plants are often affected by fungal diseases: blackleg, spotting, fusarium, gray rot. If measures are not taken in time, then diseases will inevitably lead to the mass death of all plants. In some cases, the use of special preparations, the destruction of diseased plants, and, after the harvesting is complete, a deep digging of the land can be recommended to combat diseases and pests.

Grow basil for health - planting and care will not be difficult for either a beginner amateur gardener or a person with experience.


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