How to crochet raglan: recommendations, options, schemes

One of several popular techniques that greatly simplify the life of knitters, we can safely call the raglan sleeve. Crocheting it can be done in two ways: top and bottom. Any of them can either be connected with a single piece of fabric with details of the front and back, or be sewn from separate elements.

crochet raglan sleeve

General principles of knitting raglan sleeves

Crocheted raglan is easiest to knit on top. In this way, the need to stitch together details and match pattern elements can be avoided. In addition, this technique is very convenient with a limited amount of yarn. You can first knit the sleeves, and then use the remaining yarn for the entire length of the product.

Raglan is crocheted in the same way as with knitting needles: the details of the sleeves, the front and the backs are successively reduced to form bevels that are equally long. The bevel angle, as a rule, is 45 degrees, but there are many exceptions.

If the raglan sweatshirt is crocheted from above, then the loops are added along the raglan line, otherwise, when knitting from the bottom, they are reduced.

Correct raglan formation when knitting from bottom to top

Planning this way of product design, you can go in two ways: to work in circular rows or to make all the parts separately with subsequent stitching.

Crochet stitching raglan (the layout of parts is proposed later) is performed with a sequential reduction of each canvas from two sides.

crocheted raglan

In this case, it is undesirable to start the bevel from the very edge, it is better to make a small indent (2-3 cm). After stitching, these indents will allow you to move your hands more freely. Otherwise, a crocheted raglan can pull a little on hand.

Abbreviations are performed in accordance with the pattern. This is a mandatory measure when working with raglan, as incorrect bevels, errors or asymmetries will be very noticeable.

Abbreviations should be correlated with the pattern. For knitting raglan, it is better to choose patterns with small longitudinal rapports. An excellent example is the following patterns.

raglan patterns

Making the right raglan involves taking into account that the back part must be slightly longer than the front, otherwise the neck will cut into the neck at the front, and the product itself can pull back. The difference in height of the parts of the front and back is called a sprout. When knitting a stitched raglan, it’s easier to solve this issue by extending one of the raglan lines of the sleeve and leaving the second a little shorter. A short one will be sewn to the front, and a long one will be sewn to the back. The following picture illustrates this perfectly.

jacket raglan crochet

Raglan knitted round top

The execution of the circular raglan, connected from below, begins when the necessary details have been prepared. Before, the back and sleeves should be tied to the armhole line. Unfinished parts can be reassigned to other knitting needles or to a thick thread.

Then they need to be transferred in the correct sequence to the circular knitting needles and continue to work. Loop cuts are performed along raglan lines. As a rule, in each second row one loop is removed on both sides of the parts. Thus, every two rows the fabric is reduced by eight loops. But this rule is relevant only for solid patterns, but if they knit openwork, then the abbreviations are compared with the pattern of rapports. To tie the sprout, the back detail is tied with shortened rows.

Raglan knitting on top

Knitting begins with a set of chain of air loops. Its length should be equal to the circumference of the neck.

With this method of raglan decoration, it is almost impossible to make a sprout. The neck often looks the same for the details of the front and back, as in this knitted blouse.

blouse raglan

The expansion of the paintings begins from the very first row. As a rule, the entire circle is divided into four equal parts. Sometimes they adhere to a different proportion: one sixth of the loops are allocated to each sleeve, the rest are distributed between the front and back.

Loop additions are performed in the same way as the abbreviations described in the previous paragraph. It is advisable to observe an angle of 45 degrees and focus on the aesthetic appearance of the pattern when adding new rapports.

The formation of new loops occurs along raglan lines. They can include a different number of loops or posts: from one to ten or more. A crocheted raglan with a pattern along the line of addition looks good.

The following diagram illustrates very well the formation of raglans.

raglan crochet pattern

Here you can clearly see how the formation of new pattern repeatings occurs. After the extensions are completed, work should continue with partial knitting. Details of the front and back are closed in a circular row and continue to knit down. Then proceed to the manufacture of sleeves. They can be knitted with an even cloth and then sewn or also work round.


At the end of the work, care must be taken to tie the neck, bottom line and sleeves of the product. The finished blouse or crochet pullover-raglan, the pattern and pattern do not matter, should be washed in warm water or steamed with an iron. When choosing the latter method, do not put the iron on the product, since the canvas will immediately become too soft and may stretch (if there is acrylic in the yarn).


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