How to remove tea stains from white clothes?

Home furnishings, raspberry or strawberry jam and delicious tea ... What else do you need in the evenings? At these moments, one wants to take a break from daily worries and fuss, relax and smile. However, everything can be ruined thanks to a spilled drink on your favorite blouse, skirt or other element of the wardrobe. How to remove stains from tea, if it still happened? They are very well eaten into any tissue. Just because they do not wash. Not knowing how to remove stains from tea, housewives often throw out spoiled things. After all, even with repeated washing, it is not always possible to “save” them.

How to remove stains from tea at home?

In fact, you shouldn’t be nervous, worry and throw away these things. Do not forget that everyone needs to know how to remove tea stains. After all, you can shed it not only on clothes, but also on upholstered furniture. So how to remove stains from tea, for example, from a sofa? Do not throw it away?

how to remove stains from tea

In order to cope with this task, you need to show some patience and cunning. In this case, the stain is sure to “leave”. Together with him, your spoiled mood will disappear. Knowing a few tricks, you can cope with this problem with the help of improvised means. The following methods have been used by housewives for many years. So, let's take a closer look at the main ways


Thinking about how to remove a stain from tea on white linen, do not really worry. Liquid ammonia can easily get rid of this problem. Especially in some cases. Stains are removed very quickly from tablecloths. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute a teaspoon of alcohol in one liter of clean water. Next, you should moisten the sponge in the mixture and properly saturate all the stains with it. A white cloth, paper or napkin is placed under the stained area. This is done so that the spot immediately "moved" there, and not somewhere else.

how to remove a tea stain on white

If any stains remain after this procedure, use a 10% citric acid solution. Walk them on the contaminated surface and leave it for fifteen minutes. After that, clean the surface with a wet sponge (the clothes are rinsed and washed in warm soapy water).

Citric and oxalic acid

Well, how to remove the tea stain on white if you do not have ammonia on hand? Prepare a solution of the following composition: pour into a glass of water and dilute two teaspoons of citric acid and one of oxalic acid in it. With this tool, the fabric is wetted for fifteen minutes. As soon as the stain is discolored, the “affected” clothing is washed in clean water. Well, if you still add a teaspoon of ammonia to the solution, you can probably get rid of this trouble. By the way, thanks to this method, you can easily remove rust stains.

Hydrogen peroxide and glycerin

There are other options if you do not know how to remove stains of tea from white clothes at home. For things requiring delicate care, hydrogen peroxide is ideal. A cotton swab is immersed there, the contaminated area is thoroughly wetted. Fifteen minutes later, clothes are washed in cold water. It also removes peroxide stains from grass and wine.

In the nearest pharmacy you can also get glycerin. Having mixed it with ammonia in a ratio of 1: 4, soak a cotton swab in the solution, treat the stain you put, put a cloth in a basin and wash it in a soap solution. This method is suitable if you accidentally spilled tea on the carpet. By the way, you can do without ammonia. One tablespoon of glycerin, diluted in a liter of cold water, will help save the stained area.

how to remove tea stains from white clothes

In order to destroy stains on woolen or silk products, you just need to wipe them with heated glycerin. A cloth soaked with this substance is left for fifteen minutes. After that, the clothes get wet with a napkin and washed in soapy warm water.

You can also mix some glycerin with sodium chloride. This slurry is applied to the area with a stain. After some time, the stains dissolve and discolor. After that, the item is washed at the temperature that is recommended in the care instructions.

Borax and lactic acid

Let's consider one more moment. How to remove a stain from tea from clothes of bright colors? In this case, a ten percent solution of borax will help. A cotton swab is simply well moistened with the product, the stain is treated, after which a five percent solution of citric acid with salt is applied to this place. After the procedure, the clothes should be rinsed in cold water, then in warm.

how to remove a stain from tea from clothes

Tea stains are removed from natural silk using a solution of lactic acid and distilled water. The contaminated area is wetted with this mixture. After twenty minutes, rinse the product in cool water.

Lemon juice

And finally, it's worth mentioning another effective method. If you do not know how to remove tea stains from colored clothes or from white, if you tried all possible methods, but none of them helped you, you can also use lemon juice. Just soak a cotton swab in it, treat the stain and wash your clothes in warm water.

In a word, do not be upset if you suddenly spilled tea on yourself. This is such a nuisance that every person can encounter at any time. Just use one of the suggested methods. All components of the funds presented to you, as a rule, can always be obtained without much difficulty.

how to remove tea stains from colored clothes

Be sure that these methods are sure to come to your aid. A tea stain is not a disaster, but just a small problem that you can easily handle. Take note of the above recipes. They will be useful to every housewife. We hope that they will help you in certain unpleasant situations. Observing all these rules, you can keep your things beautiful and neat. Good luck!


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