The system of federal executive bodies includes ... What is included in the system of federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation?

State power at all times was a complex structured phenomenon. Moreover, it developed parallel to the evolution of society itself. Initially, the organization of society was in the form of a tribal community. Power in such formations was built solely on the authority and will of the leader. Over time, society has formed new, more ramified and effective structures. Ultimately, a state arose. As for power in modern countries, it is implemented by people through special bodies. They are guided by the provisions of a certain regulatory framework in their activities, and also perform a number of rather specific functions. At the same time , the executive branch of government is of great interest. After all, their main task is the direct implementation of the main functional areas of state policy. It should be noted that similar organizations work as part of a structured mechanism, the construction of which is based on the current legal regime of the Russian Federation.

the system of federal executive bodies includes

Three branches of government

The system of federal executive bodies includes various departments and services. But in order to understand in more detail the features of such a structure of departments, it is necessary to find out what is its immediate beginning. We have all heard of the principle of dividing government into three fundamental branches: legislative, judicial, and, of course, executive. However, few people know about the moment of invention of this legal category. The bottom line is that the principle of the separation of powers was invented by Montesquieu and John Locke during the New Age. At that moment, states around the world were moving to a new level of government.

the system of federal executive bodies includes federal
The main goal of the reform was the destruction of the sole power of the monarchs and the creation of democratic institutions. As we understand it, the innovative principle of separation of powers has found its application. In almost all modern countries, public administration has a trihedral system. After all, the monarchical system of government has shown its complete inefficiency and futility. Adherents of such a political regime would never have gained the support of society.

the system of federal executive bodies includes

Russia is no exception in this matter. All bodies operating in our state today are included in the structure of the judicial, legislative or executive branches of government. Therefore, in order to answer the question which organizations are included in the system of federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation , it is necessary to analyze the specifics of a separate branch of management and its significance.

Executive Management Concept

Each branch of power exists for a specific purpose. The executive management area is completely independent and autonomous. It exists, first of all, for the performance of certain state functions, which have the status of the most important. Of course, the main goal is to implement the basic law and its norms, and only then the provisions of other legislative acts.

Executive body

As part of any branch of management, special departments function. They, in fact, are direct implementers of state power. In the context of this article, we consider the bodies of the executive branch. These departments are endowed with a mass of specific powers. Their main goal is nothing more than bringing certain state programs to life. Moreover, the system of federal executive bodies includes completely different structures. This indicates the significant role that the presented branch plays. It is worth noting that the system of departments itself has a large number of interesting aspects that need to be analyzed separately.

The concept of a system of departments

The authority of the mentioned branch of management in a single copy does not represent anything significant. That is, he is ineffective in his activities. Therefore, for the successful implementation of state policy, a whole system of executive authorities has been created. But what is she like? The system of executive departments is a combination of certain bodies, as well as their units and other elements, determined by individual state functions and traditions of a national nature. That is, the structure is an independent mechanism, which is based on specific principles and has its own tasks.

Features of building a system of official bodies

The principles of building the structure of departments are key theoretical aspects, according to which the formation of the mechanism of the entire executive branch takes place. To date, scientists have come up with three starting points.

  1. Democracy is not only the principle of building the executive branch, but also the basis for the implementation of any activity on the territory of our state. According to its provisions, the whole country's policy is aimed at ensuring that people realize their guaranteed opportunities and freedoms. On the basis of this, control agencies are also included in the system of federal executive bodies, the purpose of which is to ensure the legitimate functioning of the structures of the corresponding branch. This is done so that the rights and freedoms of people are not violated, and free will reigned in the state.
    the system of federal executive bodies includes
  2. The principle of unity suggests that the entire system of executive bodies is hierarchical, centralized and indivisible. This allows you to implement the main state tasks more efficiently and expeditiously. Moreover, the hierarchy determines the mutual subordination of all organs, as well as the possibility of their direct control.
  3. Independence is a fundamental beginning, which suggests that the executive branch and its bodies are relatively independent in the implementation of their activities. That is, bodies of other management branches cannot influence executive structures.

What is included in the system of federal executive bodies?

To date, in the Russian Federation there are many departments presented in the article management branches. Very often, this fact does not allow us to imagine their structure. In other words, many people simply do not understand what is included in the system of federal executive bodies. If you do not take into account the doctrinal achievements of scientists, then the basis for the systematization of this area is the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, published in 1994. According to its provisions, the executive power system includes: the central authority, the Government of the Russian Federation, committees, state committees, federal services and ministries. Moreover, there are specific elements in the structure of these departments. For example, the subjects of the Federation have their own vertical of executive power . This fact is largely due to the territorial structure of the Russian Federation. The state is federal, which gives its subjects a certain autonomy in internal and some external relations.

Features and powers of the Government

As we have found out, the central body regulating the entire vertical of the branch is included in the system of federal executive bodies.

The system of federal executive bodies includes an article

Such is the Government of Russia. The body exercises a number of fairly significant powers:

  • develops the federal budget;
  • manages property that belongs directly to the state;
  • enforces security, health, education, and the like policies;
  • takes appropriate measures to ensure the process of combating crime, protecting public order.

The system of federal executive bodies of Russia includes

As we see, the presented body plays a significant role in the process of direct implementation of state policy and the provisions of individual regulations.

Legal status of other national structures

The system of federal executive bodies includes federal departments and committees, and ministries. These organizations operate under the control of a central authority. Moreover, they have their own competence, within the framework of which all the direct activities of the elements of the federal executive system are carried out. Provisions on specific bodies are approved by the head of the state or the Government. Thus, this or that organization is a legal entity that can independently and on its own behalf enter into legal relations.

The system of federal executive bodies includes federal services and ministries endowed with special status.

what is included in the system of federal executive bodies

An example is the ministries of internal affairs, defense, the FSB and the SVR. In their activities, they are directly subordinate to the President, and not to the Government of the Russian Federation.

The level of subjects of the Russian Federation

The system of federal executive bodies of Russia includes federal organizations of the territorial elements of the Federation. In this case, the structure also includes ministries, departments, departments and services, etc. However, their activities extend exclusively to the territory of the corresponding state entity. At the same time, the system of the executive branch of the elements of the Federation may include organizations whose existence is determined by the traditions of a particular ethnic culture. As mentioned earlier, this approach to the organization of management at the level of individual territorial entities is determined by the federal structure of the Russian Federation. The bottom line is that a centralized system of executive bodies would not be able to meet the needs of all, without exception, the subjects of the country. Therefore, a separate system was created, functioning at the territorial level.


So, we tried to find out which departments are included in the system of federal executive bodies. The article reveals this issue, and also explains some features of the corresponding branch of government.


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