Mushroom places in the Kaliningrad region. Travel Tips

On Earth, there are many places where mushrooms grow. In total there are more than 65 thousand species. In this article we will tell you what mushrooms grow in the Kaliningrad region - the westernmost region of our country.

mushroom places in the Kaliningrad region

Kaliningrad region - recreation area

Not only mushroom places are attractive for guests and locals. Kaliningrad attracts tourists from all over the world. This is a wonderful place to relax, including active. How nice to walk through the forest, where you can breathe plenty of clean air. Forest hikes are also useful because on the way you can meet various mushrooms, including those suitable for food. So you just need to combine business with pleasure and get out into the forest. Moreover, there are mushroom places in the Kaliningrad region, and there are many of them.

The main forest areas where mushrooms grow

In total, there are about 450 forest areas in the Kaliningrad region. Very conditionally, forest lands are divided into 4 zones:

  1. Neman lowland (Slavsky timber industry, Illichivsk and Polesie forestry). In these forests, a tree species such as black alder is very common . The soil of forestry is peat-boggy, podzolic or silty-boggy.
  2. Krasnoznamensky timber industry and Nesterovsky mechanical forestry. The territory of these regions has a diverse relief. Here you can find quite high hills, consisting of sand, gravel, pebbles and huge boulders. A pine tree has chosen a hilly surface for itself. And where heavy loamy soils are found, mixed forests grow. And these are wonderful mushroom places in the Kaliningrad region, which must be visited during the season.
  3. Curonian and Baltic Forestry. They are located near the Baltic Sea, respectively, the land in this area is sandy. Constant winds create very unfavorable conditions for any vegetation, including trees. Therefore, mushrooms in the Kaliningrad region, precisely on this territory, can be found on sand spits in a pine forest. Mountain dunes grow on the dunes . In the lowlands - birch and black alder mainly. You will hardly find noble trees here.
  4. The remaining forests belonging to the fourth zone, preferably spruce-birch. This is where you can see oak, ash, and even hornbeam.

mushrooms in the Kaliningrad region

What mushrooms are found in the Kaliningrad region?

Mushrooms do not grow anywhere, but prefer specific soil and forests. Accordingly, in each zone, only mushrooms characteristic of this territory grow. In the Kaliningrad region, in addition to noble mushrooms, you can collect a lot of others:

  1. Boletus.
  2. Boletus.
  3. White mushrooms.
  4. Chanterelles.
  5. Greenfinch.
  6. The flakes
  7. The breasts are white and black.
  8. Again
  9. Ram mushrooms.
  10. Butterflies and others.

The main thing is not to pick up grebes and false mushrooms, because the mushroom places of the Kaliningrad region are rich in poisonous species. The mushroom season begins at the end of summer and lasts until late autumn. Large forests with an area of โ€‹โ€‹about 100 square meters. km in the area a little - only seven. Basically, the forest occupies small territories, so getting lost in it will be very problematic.

mushroom places of the Kaliningrad region

Mushroom places

Since the region is rich in forests, respectively, there are many places where mushrooms grow. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the questions of where the mushroom places of the Kaliningrad region are located and how many of them. The appearance of such sites is influenced by numerous factors, such as:

  1. Conditions for the growth of a particular type of mushroom.
  2. Weather.
  3. Seasonality
  4. Remoteness of places from settlements.
  5. Availability.
  6. Personal mushroom picker preferences .

Therefore, the map of mushroom places in the Kaliningrad region is compiled taking into account the above factors. Therefore, it is not completely accurate and complete, but in many ways it will help those who are going to usefully relax in nature.

map of mushroom places in the Kaliningrad region

Tips experienced

Tips to help those who first go picking mushrooms in the Kaliningrad region:

  1. Alone in the forest, and even more so unfamiliar, it is not recommended to go.
  2. You need to stay in the forest at a distance of about 10 meters from a person who is familiar with the territory.
  3. The forest should be well visible in a radius of 30-40 meters.
  4. You must have a compass, phone or navigator with you.
  5. It is advisable to go into the woods in the morning, about seven in the morning and before noon.
  6. It is not necessary to take unfamiliar mushrooms.
  7. You canโ€™t touch, cut off grebes, fly agarics and other poisonous, but very beautiful-looking mushrooms.
  8. You need to pick mushrooms without spoiling the mycelium, that is, mushrooms are cut with a knife. And do not pull out with the root.
  9. When resting, you do not need to leave the knife in the ground, as it can be lost.
  10. No need to pick mushrooms near highways.
  11. Equip yourself in accordance with the recommendations below.

mushroom places Kaliningrad

Mushroom picker equipment

If you are planning to visit forest plantations and, accordingly, mushroom places in the Kaliningrad region and not only, you need to prepare. That is, to collect some things and ammunition. Required mushroom equipment:

  1. Rubber boots, even if the forest is dry.
  2. Headdress.
  3. Remedy for mosquitoes and ticks.
  4. Container for mushrooms, preferably a basket.
  5. Knife.
  6. Sandwiches and water.

It is necessary to wear a suit made of thick fabric, trousers must be tucked into boots. Sandwiches will be very handy, because in the forest just a โ€œbrutalโ€ appetite wakes up. If the phone is equipped with a camera - this is just wonderful. Since, visiting mushroom places in the Kaliningrad region, you will want to capture interesting natural places that will be remembered for a lifetime, because the flora and fauna of local forests is rich and diverse.

Instead of lying idly on the couch, you can usefully spend time in the forest with a basket. Traveling to different corners of our planet will help to get not only a lot of pleasant experiences, but also a lot of new knowledge.


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