How to get a license for weapons and not spend extra effort

It is believed that every man should carry a weapon. Not even that, every man must have a weapon. But you simply cannot buy any remedy in our country - this is a fact, only with a special permit - a license.

how to get a weapon license
So how to get a weapon license? First of all, it is worth mentioning those species that you cannot acquire without permission. These include all types of smoothbore and rifled weapons for self-defense and hunting, cold and gas. Moreover, there are exceptions, for example, a hunting rifle with a rifled barrel will allow you to get only after a few years of owning a smoothbore, namely five.

The goal that you pursue when buying weapons can be anything but military action, of course, but the requirements for how to obtain a license for weapons are the same in all cases.

Before you wear and even have weapons, you need to prove your sanity. Several medical certificates will help to confirm it, if they are available, they will give you a document allowing you to purchase, carry and store a means for hunting or self-defense - a license.

how to get a license
You must not have an outstanding criminal record. Moreover, you should not count on permission if you were serving a sentence for crimes of a deliberate nature. Your age must be more than eighteen years old, you must have a permanent residence permit.

By the way, it is worth worrying about the weapons storage location in advance, since the district police officer may well come and inquire. The safe must be purchased and installed. Otherwise, you will not be able to obtain a license for weapons.

So, you must collect a package of documents consisting of a medical certificate of form 046-1 (issued at the clinic at the place of residence), certificates from a neuropsychiatric and narcological clinic. Before you get a weapon license, you need to make a copy of your passport and two 3x4 photos. Naturally, you will have to write a statement of the established form and pay the state fee.

get a weapon license
With this set of documents you go to the licensing department located at your place of residence. Hand over documents and expect. In principle, the LRO should issue its verdict within 10 days.

By the way, in the licensing department you may be required to undergo testing for knowledge of the rules on carrying, storing and using weapons. After successful testing, you will be given permission. Tentatively, before you get a license, you need to wait about thirty days, but the wait can drag on to six months.

After you finally succeeded in obtaining a weapon license, you must purchase the copy you like within two weeks and bring it to the LRO for registration. By the way, do not forget to take your passport to the store, without it you cannot make a purchase.

Then you again return to the licensing authority at the Department of Internal Affairs to register the purchased weapons. The term of the license is strictly regulated - five years. Therefore, the extension should be worried in advance.


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