Traditional Japanese Art: Origami from Triangular Modules

From ancient Japan we got the art of folding various paper figures called origami, which is widely used today. The most popular form of this technique is modular triangular origami, representing a collection of separate identical modules of one whole figure. Each of these modules is made up of a separate paper sheet, after which all parts of the structure are interconnected so that the figure does not break up.

Using origami from triangular modules, you can create various three-dimensional figures, for example, animals, birds, flowers and more. In order to create a figure, it is necessary to use paper of any thickness, both printer and newspaper. Designing shapes using origami is not difficult, so you can create products of any size and complexity.

Basically, origami uses printer paper of any color, having the A-4 format. Each sheet of paper is cut into 16 or 32 equal parts, depending on the size of the structure. To do this, the short part of the sheet is divided into four parts, and the long - into eight parts. Cut the sheets with a clerical knife or a special cutter. From each resulting rectangle, one module is created, which is an integral part of the craft.

After all the paper is cut, you can proceed directly to the creation of origami from triangular modules. To do this, you need to take one rectangle and first fold it in half in the direction of length, and then in the direction of width. The resulting workpiece must be deployed to obtain a bend, after which all corners are bent along it. Next, turn the workpiece over and wrap the small corners up, and a triangle should form. After that, it remains to fold the figure in half, and we can say that the module is ready. If everything is done correctly, a triangle should form, having the bottom two pockets, into which the rest of the modules will be embedded in the future.

There are special schemes for working with the origami method of triangular modules, which are widespread, therefore understandable to people of different nationalities. Such a scheme involves two folding paths: “valley” and “mountain”. They are used depending on the location of the fold line, not reaching the edge of the figure.

It should be noted that a triangular origami can be folded from sheets of various sizes, depending on the size of the structure, however, all sheets of the same figure must be of the same size so that the products fit together. Therefore, it is recommended for yourself to choose the appropriate module size for crafts and stop on it. Modules of the same size are also convenient in that the crafts created from them can be disassembled and another created. For example, a Christmas tree can easily turn into a palm tree or other figure.

Today, origami is traditionally used in Japan. A large number of country symbols, for example, cranes or lanterns, are made using this technology. Passed from generation to generation, in most cases along the female line, origami from triangular modules has become a tradition. Therefore, here in every house they know how to create beautiful and unique crafts that reveal the history and culture of the country.

Thus, with the invention of conventional signs in the form of drawings - schemes for origami, the process of folding shapes becomes simple and accessible to every person, regardless of their nationality and knowledge of languages. And the unique paper figures that the Japanese have spread throughout the world for many centuries symbolize the peace and friendship of peoples.


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