Valery Gerasimov: biography, photos and interesting facts from life

The chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation — the chief deputy minister of defense, the army general, and the loyal and reliable man of his country — such is the biography of Valery Gerasimov. In this article, we will introduce you to a person whom the top officials of the country respect, turn to him for advice, and he is entrusted with the most complex and risky tasks. We will tell you how Valery Gerasimov learned to cope with everything and what he achieved in life.


Valery was born on September 8, 1955 in the city of Kazan in a family of absolutely ordinary workers. Even in his early childhood, he passionately loved playing various serious games, which subsequently influenced his fateful decision. The boy finally decided that when he grows up, he will become a military man, so his whole subsequent active life was turned into that direction. The global interest in the military profession began to manifest itself only after he carefully listened to vivid and rich details from the stories of his beloved uncle, who took part in the war.

Valery Gerasimov

In school years, the boy’s worldview was significantly influenced by numerous stories by Konstantin Simonov. He read this literature with great rapture, passion, enjoying and absorbing what he had just learned. Sometimes I even re-read the same work twice, in order to remember some individual details and the smallest details. The entire extensive biography of Valery Gerasimov since the age of 16 is connected with the army. After school, he immediately went to study at the Suvorov School, then at the tank. He successfully completed the Kazan Suvorov Military School in 1973, after which he successfully graduated from the tank in Kazan named after the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, then studied at the Military Academy of the Armored Forces, and after graduation went to the Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Vigorous activity

In Soviet times, the biography of General Valery Gerasimov does not mean service in the "hot spot". During the fighting in Afghanistan, he faithfully and frenziedly served in the Far East. And before that, he was two years in the service in the troops, which were at that time in Poland. Gerasimov’s life has never been extremely simple, easy and carefree. Before becoming a "big" man, he had to overcome a lot.

It is noteworthy that during the collapse of the Soviet Union, Gerasimov personally commanded the Guards Motor Rifle Division, whose headquarters were at that time in Tallinn. In 1994, he was officially entrusted with the difficult task of quickly withdrawing the division from Estonia to Yelnya. Apparently, this left a mark in the soul of the Soviet employee. After all, for several years he effectively resisted Western enemies, but suddenly he had to leave everything and return home.

Valery Gerasimov biography

Participation in hostilities

Most prominent Russian military commanders went through a rather harsh and tough school of life during the Chechen wars on duty. This fate was not spared and Valery Gerasimov. From 1993 to 1997, he commanded the motorized rifle division of the Northwest Group of Forces. Then he served in the North Caucasus Military District, from 1998 to 2003. Repeatedly participated in counter-terrorism operations. He was well aware of the military situation that had developed in the North Caucasus and his choice fell on the fifty-eighth army, where he headed the headquarters.

Gerasimov was instructed to understaff the military units of the army. He was the organizer of combat training and provided commanders and ordinary soldiers with the necessary material supplies. A little later, Valery was assigned the responsibility for the operation in the Bamut direction. During operation, the armored group under the command of Gerasimov found herself in an enemy ambush. The military leader and fighters were almost point-blank shot from grenade launchers and other types of small arms. Russian soldiers naturally tried to respond with oncoming fire until the moment when transport helicopters flew behind them.

A little later, the army men proved to the militants that the Russians were not accustomed to remain in debt. After a week, they lured the militants into their elaborate death trap, where they destroyed more than ten armed bandits, seized a significant part of small arms. After a successful operation, Valery Gerasimov (photo presented in the article) explained in an interview that the capture was prepared very carefully, both artillery and reconnaissance were perfectly able to do the job. And most importantly, in this battle there were no significant losses.

Valery Gerasimov photo

General Gerasimov - experienced commander and reliable comrade

Soon Gerasimov took part in an equally responsible operation in the Argun Gorge. The task was to block part of the Itum-Kale-Shatili road and part of the state border with Georgia. Initially, they examined the surrounding area, delivered military equipment and weapons. Then they carried out the main task - tactical training of airborne paratroopers, professional training of ordinary soldiers. Valery Gerasimov, as the commander-in-chief, gained extensive experience in organizing and conducting military operations in the mountains in the south of Chechnya, in the ruins of Sakinzhili’s places, in parallel dealing with criminal gangs and groups.

According to his colleagues, in difficult situations, Gerasimov never lost his composure, objectivity and fortitude. He is always calm, balanced, prudent, his decisions are carefully weighed and thought out to the smallest detail. During combat operations, its most important task is not only the complete destruction of the maximum number of enemies, but also the reduction of personnel losses of entrusted units.

General Gerasimov Valery biography

Impact on Ukrainian events

In 2014, when the revolution in Ukraine took place, Gerasimov was one of the first to be on the EU sanctions list, and a little later on Canada. He was charged with illegally transporting Buk to the occupied territory of the self-proclaimed republic of the DPR. In addition, he was accused of launching a rocket under his direct command, which shot down the Boeing 777, which in the end was a terrible tragedy for the entire world.

In 2015, the Ukrainian military prosecutor's office issued a decision according to which the general was considered not only the main military ideologist, but also attributed to him many war crimes. He was later announced in absentia. As a result, Valery Gerasimov was officially put on the wanted list.

Gerasimov Valery wife

What do relatives and colleagues say about the general?

He is spoken of as a military man to the bone, an experienced commander and a faithful comrade who will always substitute his strong and reliable shoulder. The courage and awards of the general are vivid proof that he made an incredibly huge contribution to the prosperity of his Fatherland. As noted by S.K. Shoigu, Valery Vasilievich - "a respected man and military leader. He has gone a difficult way from a cadet to an army general, gained incredible experience in the General Staff and directly in the midst of military operations." Among colleagues, he is highly respected and has authority. As one of the military leaders noted, the qualities that Valery Gerasimov has are characteristic only of highly educated and intellectually savvy people.

Gerasimov Valery V. Biography

Family of Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov

Needless to say, and in the family life of a brave general, everything is fine and rosy. He entered into marriage quite early, but he never regretted it, because he had made the absolutely right choice. Even while studying at the school, he met the future mother of his child and made her an offer, which she could not refuse. The beloved wife of Valery Gerasimov throughout their long marriage was a devoted ally, friend and support in difficult times. There is a son in this marriage.

Service locations

  • The platoon, company commander, in the battalion of the Northern Group of Forces, was the commander in the Far Eastern District.
  • The chief of staff and commander of a tank regiment, was the commander of a motorized rifle division in the Baltic.
  • He was deputy army commander in the Moscow District.
  • Commander of the 58th Army in the North Caucasus Military District;
  • He worked as the chief of the main direction of combat training of the Armed Forces.
  • Commander of the troops of the Leningrad and Moscow Military District; in 2005 received the rank of colonel general.
  • In 2010, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed deputy chief of the General Staff.
  • From 2009 to 2012 - the commander of the parades in honor of Victory Day.
  • He was the commander of the troops of the Central Military District.

Gerasimov Valery Vasilievich family

Gerasimov Awards

  • "For Merit to the Fatherland".
  • Order of Friendship of the Peoples of the Republic of Belarus.
  • Medal "For Military Merit";
  • "For the strengthening of the military community."


Gerasimov since 2016 - Hero of the Russian Federation. He received the highest award for organizing a military operation in Syria in September 2015. His military rank is army general.


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