Customs limit: features and rules

Currently, Russian citizens prefer to travel abroad, bringing from there foreign goods for themselves and loved ones. Upon returning from abroad, each person will have to go through a luggage check for the presence of prohibited or restricted goods. At present, Russia has introduced a customs limit on parcels and purchased items.

The essence of customs

Customs is a state-owned specialized agency involved in the control of the transport of various types of goods across the Russian border (including baggage and mail). As well as levying duties and fees for certain types of goods.

Bag check

The customs limit establishes a list of items prohibited for import and export, as well as restrictions on the delivery of goods and collection of fees to the state treasury for exceeding the established framework.

Customs points are located at the checkpoints of citizens across the state border: in sea and air ports, at railway stations, at automobile checkpoints. Customs inspects individuals (tourists) and organizations involved in international transportation.

Export of goods

The customs limit sets the limits for the export of various items from the country that do not require inclusion in the declaration. This list includes the following items and goods:

  • Cash, the amount of which does not exceed three thousand dollars in any currency. At the same time, any amount can be on the bank card, without restrictions. If a citizen takes out up to ten thousand dollars, this amount is entered in the declaration. Money above this limit can only be transported with the permission of the Central Bank.
  • Checks (travel) in an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars.
  • Jewelry and valuables for personal use temporarily exported (e.g., traveler's jewelry). Customs officers recommend declaring expensive items. This is necessary so that upon returning you do not have to prove at the checkpoint that these items were not purchased on the trip.
  • Fish or seafood weighing no more than five kilograms.
  • Sturgeon caviar up to two hundred and fifty grams.
Customs officer with a dog

Customs officers are authorized to check luggage for the presence of items restricted or prohibited for export and their quantity. If a citizen has exceeded the customs limit, he may be detained for violating the rules for the transport of goods with a protocol, even if the excess is minimal. Carried items will be seized.

There are some nuances regarding the export of alcoholic products from the country. Russian citizens can take alcoholic drinks on trips in unlimited quantities. One must not forget that importing them into a number of states is prohibited. In addition, a large batch of alcohol may be of interest to customs officers as an object of commercial activity. This is due to the fact that only goods for personal use are allowed to be exported. And the export of a large number of alcohol-containing drinks can hardly be called such. Not surprising.

Import of goods to Russia without duty

The customs limit in Russia determines that, without paying a duty, it is possible to import goods into the country in the quantity established by the norms:

  1. Land transport - the amount of goods no more than one and a half thousand euros.
  2. Air transport - the total cost of the transported goods is not more than ten thousand euros.

The maximum weight in this case should not exceed fifty kilograms in both cases.

If the cost of things brought from abroad is more than these norms, but does not exceed six hundred and fifty thousand rubles, and weighs from fifty to two hundred kilograms, the citizen will have to pay a fee. Its size is thirty percent of the total cost. For each kilogram, you will need to pay at least four euros.

If customs officials suspect that items have been brought into the country for commercial purposes (for example, items of the same type), they may calculate the duty for things at different rates. If more than two hundred kilograms are imported into the country, the fee is charged as from participants in foreign economic activity.

Customs officer at checkout

Thus, it is possible to import things into the country without duty if a number of conditions are met:

  • All things are intended for personal use of a citizen or his family members, and not for commercial activities. The same group includes used items and household appliances.
  • The weight of all imported items does not exceed fifty kilograms.
  • The total value of goods is not more than one and a half thousand euros for ground vehicles and ten thousand for air vehicles.

The rule on setting a limit on customs duty has a number of exceptions:

  1. Immigrants moving voluntarily under the State Program along with family members are entitled to bring unlimited quantities of personal items for personal use. This benefit is one-time. To use it, a citizen must present a certificate of participation in the state program.
  2. Refugees, displaced persons (forced). For them, there are also no restrictions on the import of objects. They are required only to present documents confirming this status.
  3. Russian citizens who have lived abroad for more than six months. They can enter with things in an unlimited manner.

Import of tobacco and alcohol into Russia

The customs limit in Russia in relation to alcohol is strictly regulated. With regard to alcoholic beverages, a restriction is established - no more than five liters per trip. If the volume of low-strength drinks exceeds three liters, it must be added to the declaration with an extra charge of ten euros per liter more than the norm.

Bottles of alcohol

If a citizen imports stronger drinks (for example, vodka), he will pay twenty-two euros per liter for exceeding the limit. The established limits do not depend on where the products are purchased (in another state or duty free). The main restriction is the import of goods is allowed only by adult citizens.

For tobacco, other rules apply:

  • cigarettes - up to two hundred pieces;
  • cigars - not more than fifty;
  • tobacco - up to two hundred and fifty grams.

For exceeding the established limits, a fee is also paid.

Importing products into the country

The customs limit in the Russian Federation applies to products. Here, general restrictions apply - no more than five kilograms. If customs officers find excess of permissible norms, they can withdraw the entire batch and impose a fine on the tourist.

It is possible to import animal products (for example, cheese, meat, milk) into the country only in factory-type packaging. Otherwise, customs officers may require the presentation of quality certificates.

For a number of products, not a customs limit, but a complete ban. Individuals are prohibited from transporting the following types of goods across the border:

  1. Products that do not have factory packaging (for example, purchased on the market).
  2. Seeds and bulbs.
  3. Potatoes.

This list is periodically updated with products from countries where outbreaks of serious or dangerous diseases have been noticed. Limitations of this type are temporary. Information about them is available on the Rospotrebnadzor website.

In the field of import of goods there is the concept of β€œsanctioned” products. The essence of the rule of import of such goods is admission to movement only to individuals for personal use in company packaging. The maximum weight of the transported products is five kilograms.

It should be borne in mind that customs officers may consider a large number of foreign goods to be an object of commercial activity, and not products for their own use.

Import of medicines and preparations

The new customs limit determines the conditions for admission of various drugs and medicinal products for import into Russian territory. It is possible to transport medical supplies containing toxic or potent substances across the border only with documents or their certified copies.


The importation of drugs and drugs prescribed to a particular citizen in accordance with medical indications. This list includes the following products:

  • clozapine;
  • androstanolone;
  • chloroform;
  • tramadol, etc.

Import Declaration Process

The customs limit for parcels determines the rules for the entry of goods and their declaration. According to import standards, there are two ways to transport goods to Russia:

  1. Through the "green" corridor.
  2. Through the red corridor.

The first method is suitable for citizens who travel without items to be declared. In this case, when crossing the border, the tourist verbally confirms that he does not have goods that need to be documented. Citizens should remember that a customs officer can check tourist baggage at any time. Upon detection of illegally exported items, the traveler will be held liable, depending on the quantity in which the goods to be confiscated are discovered. Sanctions may be in the form of a fine or criminal liability. In this case, it is impossible to bypass the customs limit.

The second method is intended for those who introduce goods to Russia that must be included in the declaration. In this case, at the border crossing, the tourist confirms that all or part of the luggage is subject to a duty, or has restrictions on size and cost.

For citizens of the European Union, it is possible to move along the "blue" corridor without additional checks.

For illegal transportation of goods across the Russian border (smuggling), severe sanctions with confiscation of goods will be applied to the citizen. Often, fines reach double the price of introduced items.

The essence of the customs declaration

The monthly customs limit determines that exceeding the norm requires declaration. Citizens fill out this document at the checkpoint. After this, the declaration is transmitted to the reviewers.

The Federal Customs Service clarifies that all information specified in the declaration is accompanied by written documents. Customs officers may require that the goods indicated in the papers be presented for verification.

Travelers over the age of sixteen must complete the declaration. If citizens are younger, information is filled in by parents or other persons responsible for them. The paper is executed in duplicate, in a clear and legible handwriting, without errors and blots. One document is handed over to the customs officer, the second remains with the traveler.

Together with the declaration, the citizen gives the following documents to the checkpoint employee:

Customs declaration
  • International passport.
  • Checks of a commodity type, receipts for purchased goods and other documents confirming the value of purchased items.
  • Travel tickets.
  • Customs benefits with confirmation (if available).

Even in the absence of receipts for goods purchased, customs officers will be able to correctly calculate the cost of baggage based on existing catalogs and magazines with similar types of goods.

Exceeding the customs limit determines the following information for inclusion in the declaration:

  1. Cash over three thousand dollars.
  2. Securities.
  3. Travel checks, the amount of which does not exceed ten thousand dollars.
  4. Gemstones and metals.
  5. Medicines that contain toxic and potent substances.
  6. Drugs of a narcotic and psychotropic nature with a medical prescription and an extract from an outpatient card.
  7. Nuclear parts, components, materials.
  8. Cultural values. The state duty is not paid for them, but they must be entered into the declaration. After the item has been imported into Russian territory, it is subject to registration with the regional department of the Ministry of Culture.
  9. State type awards.
  10. Motor vehicles (mopeds, cars, motorcycles).
  11. Ammunition and weapons, together with a permit issued by the competent authorities.
  12. Fuel in excess of ten liters in separate containers (excluding gasoline in vehicles).
  13. The results of scientific and creative activities, materials on state secrets.

An additional list of declared goods is available on the website of the customs federal service. All the above items must be with documents. Paper may be permits and certificates proving the legality of the transport of these things.

There is no need to declare a limited type of goods for personal use: clothing, toiletries, jewelry and jewelry, film and photo equipment, and accessories.

Import of animals

Reducing the customs limit on goods applies not only to things, but also to animals. When transporting them across the Russian border, an international passport for a pet is required, issued by the veterinary authority of the country from which the traveler left.

Many animals

This passport replaces the international veterinary certificate. It contains information about the vaccinations against rabies, a note is made that the pet is clinically healthy. The vaccination period is from thirty days to one year until the day of departure. After traveling, this international document is exchanged for a Russian veterinary certificate.

As in the case of goods, the weight of the pet is included in the mass of baggage and is paid in a separate manner.

Goods prohibited for import into the country

The reduction of the customs limit to zero refers to the following goods prohibited for import:

  • printed matter, photo and video materials of a pornographic type;
  • papers promoting racism, terrorism, religious or national hatred;
  • materials with state secrets;
  • substances of a narcotic type;
  • fruits and vegetables without a certificate of phytosanitary service;
  • weapons with compiled parts and ammunition without special permission;
  • human organs, blood, biological tissue.

For transportation of these goods tourists can be held criminally liable.

A customs limit is set for travelers to limit the possibility of undermining the economy of the country and the exporting state.


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