Shed roof: design and application features

Roof structures in modern construction are very different. Most often, gable, mansard, flat, tent and single-pitched roofs are used. The simplest in design is the last type - a pitched roof.

pent roof
Traditionally, this type is used not for residential premises, but for outbuildings, garages, arbors, sheds, etc. However, sometimes a shed roof is also used for residential buildings, but most often as one of the roof elements of complex construction.

One of the most important points when installing a pitched roof is the correct calculation of the slope angle. It can be different when using different roofing materials. The table shows the minimum tilt angle for the most common of them.

Roofing material

Minimum angle (deg.)

Ondulin, slate






Metal tile


The rafter system of a shed roof, as already noted, is simple in design. All you need to do is to arrange so that one wall is higher than another during the construction process. But with this option, it is quite difficult to achieve a flat ceiling. Therefore, they often use another option: they simply build up the walls with wooden beams, and on one of the walls they put a thicker beam, on the second - thinner. As a result, the rafters will lie obliquely, and you will get a slope at an angle. How much one wall should be higher than another, or one bar is thicker than another to form the necessary angle, is calculated using geometric formulas.

shed roof construction
The construction of a single-pitched roof, if the span is not more than 4.5 m, will consist only of Mauerlat, stoppers and crates. With a larger width, additional beams of such a thickness are filled on the floor beams to withstand the angle of inclination, or struts are installed. In the rafters, to prevent their possible shifts, triangular cuts are made - in those places where they rest on the Mauerlat and on additional intermediate bars. For reliable fastening of rafters and Mauerlat, two hundredth nails are used. You also need to arrange an additional mount by scoring a side railing bracket. Such brackets are made of reinforcement.

For all roofing materials used in construction, there are some general rules for installation on any type of roof. A pitched roof is no exception in this regard. Firstly, the material is laid from the bottom up, starting from the cornice. Secondly, they overlap between plates, sheets or canvases. The openings between the ramp and the walls from the ends are laid with bricks, concreted or clogged with boards.

pitched roof truss system
As you can see, the shed roof is quite simple to perform. Any person can do such a design if he has a desire and initial skills. And materials on it leaves much less, than on other types of roofs. And this means that it is much cheaper. Such a roof has only one significant drawback: it is impossible to build an attic space under it.


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