Two-storey house with a bay window: design, layout options, types of bay windows

Today, there are a large number of varieties of layouts of houses. Often you can find the use of stylistic elements from the past. In particular, very often architects use a bay window. If you make it, then the house will look unusual, slightly vintage, original, and most importantly - comfortable. With the help of bay windows, you can expand the area of ​​the house. Rooms that have this architectural element will be distinguished by grace. In the article we will consider all the features of the plans of two-story houses with bay windows, their disadvantages and advantages.

What is a bay window

First you need to find out what a bay window is. This is the protruding part of the building, which gives it an old and original appearance. The advantage of this element is that with its help a large amount of daylight passes inside the house. The fact is that bay windows usually have panoramic glazing. It is convenient to equip a bay window in the corners of houses. In this niche you can make a very comfortable and lighted workplace.

house with bay window two-story photo

It is suitable for recreation, as well as for arranging a winter garden. However, you can independently decide how to use this area. And with the help of a bay window, it is possible to significantly expand the room both visually and in reality. In the article, we presented a project of a two-story house with a bay window. You can use the space at your discretion.

As a rule, the bay window is arranged in the wall on the first floor. Its roof is a balcony, which is located on the second floor. In private homes, this option can be found quite often. But you can also find solutions in which the bay window is large enough; it occupies both floors of the building. He also has a separate small roof. This solution is more original, it can significantly improve the illumination of interior rooms.

Bay window benefits

Among the advantages of using bay windows, the following qualities can be distinguished:

  1. It is worth mentioning about the increase in the useful area of ​​the home.
  2. All walls are almost completely glazed. As a result, the interior is literally flooded with light. This is especially noticeable if the room has several bay windows.
  3. With the help of a ledge, it becomes possible to carry out a panoramic view of all the surroundings. This will be especially attractive if the house is located in a beautiful area or in a fairly picturesque area.
  4. With the help of bay windows, you can give a unique and unique appearance to the house, this will distinguish it from a large number of boring buildings.
  5. Interior rooms are becoming more comfortable.
  6. Bay window can be used as a veranda. This is also very convenient.
  7. There is an opportunity to make high-quality ventilation. With this element you can significantly improve the microclimate in the house.

Disadvantages of bay windows

As you understand, all architectural elements have both advantages and disadvantages. With the help of bay windows, the two-story house will acquire a noble aristocratic look. You will change the appearance of the house, give it a very sophisticated look. He will say that his owner is a wealthy person, has a status in society. This will stand out from the crowd. But let's talk about the flaws. Two-story houses with bay windows have a rather complicated design, planning and construction must be trusted exclusively by competent specialists.

Ground floor plan of a house with bay window and garage

As you know, due to the fact that the task is becoming more complicated, the cost of manufacturing a project increases. This very often stops those who wish to build a house with bay windows. Due to the fact that the number of corners in the house increases, the rigidity of the walls is slightly lost. Strength characteristics are deteriorating, since panoramic glazing is used, the room becomes vulnerable to cold. It is necessary to additionally carry out warming, and this is also a rather big expense.

Corner Bay Windows

There are several types of buildings and their placement on buildings. First, let's look at the corner option. In this case, the bay windows are located directly at the corners of the building. As a rule, they are not installed at all angles, but only at 2 opposite ones. This option is ideal in order to create a bright space in the rooms, visually expand it. In such rooms you can make a very good room for relaxation. You can make such a bay window for the house from any material. Foam blocks, timber, brick are suitable, it all depends on what requirements you have for the building, as well as on specific wishes.

Wall and bay windows

As for the wall, these are the most popular options. They protrude beyond the walls of buildings, while replacing windows. They expand the space, but not significantly. Inscribed in a corner can be attributed to the first type, only they have a slight difference. They are neatly built into the building, protrude a little beyond.

house plan with two-story bay window

This is an original architectural design. As a rule, bay windows have strict symmetry; they fit very well into the general appearance of the building. But you can meet and design atypical shape or size. In order to make such a bay window, you will need to develop an individual project, which is very expensive. As in the past case, such bay windows can be made from almost any material.

Bay window shape

This architectural element can be performed in several forms. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them. Bay windows are often performed in the shape of a square or rectangle. The fact is that they are much easier to execute than the rest. But despite the fact that they are very simple, rectangular and square elements look pretty pretty. With their help, you will make your home stylish and comfortable.

Ground floor plan of a house with a bay window

Round bay windows are a more refined solution. If you consider yourself an aristocrat, and even with money, then you should give preference to just such a form. Still such elements are called "European". They are installed at the corners, but sometimes you can find projects in which the bay window is on the front side of the house. But there are limitations. In that case, if you are building a house from a bar, then you can not make such a ledge. You can make a round bay window either from a foam block or from a brick. Of course, similar materials can be used. The article will provide several examples and photos of two-story houses with round bay windows.

The semicircular ledges give the building a special elegance. Buildings with this shape require accurate calculations and the care of the architect. It is advisable to hire only professionals, it is not worthwhile to independently draft a project. With the help of a semicircular bay window, you will give your home a spectacular appearance.

two-story bay window house

Bay windows in the form of a polyhedron look good. True, this form is very complex. As a rule, it is used if the construction of a house from a bar occurs. A bay window in a two-story house made of timber will look quite attractive.

House project with a balcony

Let's now look at some of the most popular projects that are put into practice. It is quite difficult to build a two-story house with a bay window and a balcony, but you will ensure true comfort for yourself. The balcony should be located on the second floor, it has a pretty decent area. In this case, the ledge will be more of an architectural solution that will give the exterior of the house an original decorative look. The bay window goes into the bedroom, this room is eventually made more refined. It is worth noting that if the house has a balcony, then it looks solid, presentable and beautiful.

House 6 x 6 m

It is worth noting that such a house has a fairly small area. But still, you can make a bay window in it. Such a project is ideal for a small family of two or three people. Quite often, such houses are built on plots with limited space. The total area of ​​the house in this case will be no more than 40 square meters.

house with bay window two-story project

Inside it there are all the necessary rooms: kitchen, studio, hallway. On the second floor is a bedroom. Instead of the second floor, you can make an attic. With this approach, you can save a decent amount. As for the usable area, it will decrease, but not by much. A building constructed by this type will be modern and original. In the attic you can make a nursery, a bedroom, a workshop, an office.

House project with garage

house with bay window and garage

It is quite practical and rational to build houses with bay windows and garages. In this case, the bay window will be a decorative element that will slightly expand the area of ​​the room. With the help of a garage you can significantly save space on the site. Such projects are very much in demand today, because when living outside the city a car is simply necessary. You can even build a two-story house with a bay window.

A bit about the interior

We will consider a few expert tips that relate to the design of the interior space of houses with a bay window. Such an element will give a very good opportunity to make the interior design in an original way. The bay window is an element from classical architecture, therefore it is most logical to choose the appropriate interior.

Refined furniture, noble shades, an appropriate amount of gilding, rather heavy curtains, chandeliers will make the entire interior space as comfortable and harmonious as possible. It should also be noted that the mirror surface will also be in good harmony with the bay windows, the room will become visually larger.

Designers do not recommend installing furniture near the bay window, blocking it with tables or cabinets. So you just kill all the attractiveness of the room. You can make a dining area in the bay window area.


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