Rottweiler: how to raise a puppy?

Rottweilers are very intelligent, loyal and rather sensitive dogs. However, with all this, they were first of all displayed as ferocious watchdogs. In addition, they are large in size. That is, the animal is quite dangerous - Rottweiler. How to raise such a dog correctly, the dog breeder must, of course, be sure to.

First days

Puppies just bought usually behave very restlessly - they whine, yearn for, do not respond to new owners, etc. This condition of a small dog is understandable. After all, the puppy was in a completely unusual environment for him. To help your new pet recover quickly, its owners should take a number of simple steps and show maximum patience.

rottweiler how to educate

First of all, you should limit the movement of the puppy within the same room. So it will be easier for him to get comfortable in a new space. It is advisable that the selected room has access to a balcony. There the puppy will be able to relieve the need.

To calm the dog, you can stroke it, say a few kind words and offer some kind of toy. This can be, for example, artificial bone, all kinds of rubber bagels with squeakers, etc. Having played enough, the kitten will tire and at least will not whine at night.

You can also offer the little rottweiler something tasty. Dogs of this breed, like any other, love sweets, gingerbread cookies and cookies. You can also give a new pet a slice of boiled chicken or beef.

Of course, do not get angry and scream at the dog, and even more so beat it. A puppy that is too hot (if it's not quite small) can be scolded a little with an angry voice before giving it a treat or a toy.

First teams

Of course, it is not worth the dog to allow anything extra to do in the apartment. Even if it is a newly acquired small rottweiler. How to raise such a puppy is a relatively simple question. But the owners will have to show maximum patience.

to properly raise a rottweiler puppy

No matter how worried or worried the new puppy is, it is impossible to allow him too much, including in the first days of his stay in the apartment. For example, in no case should you take a whining animal in your arms or put it in a chair or on a bed. It will be very difficult to wean the Rottweiler from the habit of sleeping on the couch. In order to properly educate a Rottweiler puppy, and to be with it should only be on the floor. If a worn-out kitten tries to climb into new hands or on a sofa, he should be scolded a little and then taken to a bed prepared specially for him. In this case, you should definitely say the command “ Mesto”. Rottweilers are smart dogs, and the puppy will very soon understand what is required of him.

Also, with a little kitten, you can gradually begin to teach the team "To me." To do this, each time you pour food into a bowl, you need to tap it a couple of times on the floor so that the puppy hears this sound. Gradually, the dog will understand that such a noise means an invitation to dinner. As soon as this happens, the knock on the floor with a bowl should be accompanied by the verbal command “ To me”.

"It is impossible"

This team must be trained every Rottweiler. How to raise such a large dog correctly, its owners may be best told in the cynological club. Owners of a rottweiler should certainly be in touch with a similar organization.

raising a rottweiler puppy

Specialists advise necessarily to train a dog of this breed to the team "No". It should be pronounced, for example, at the moment when the dog during the game tries to bite the owner or family members by the legs or hands. Also, the command “ Don’t” must be pronounced if the puppy starts jumping on people.

Refusal from any actions dangerous for the environment is a skill, the development of which necessarily requires the proper education of a Rottweiler puppy . 2 months is the most suitable time to start a systematic training for the Nabosh team. If the dog does not develop such a skill in time, in the next one, a grown up licky dog ​​can cause its owners a lot of problems. Already at the age of six months, rottweilers are very large. A runaway dog ​​can, for example, dump even an adult man who does not expect such a manifestation of affection, not to mention a woman or a child.

How to walk a dog

Raising a Rottweiler puppy involves the development of street behavior skills. Walking about a puppy that has rife in the house needs to be taught right away . At first, you can take your pet out onto the street , of course, without a leash and a muzzle. For a grown-up dog, these accessories are, of course, necessary. First, the puppy is taught to walk on a leash, and by the age of four to five months a muzzle is put on him.

raising a rottweiler at home

While on the street with an older Rottweiler, remember that this breed of dog in some countries equates to danger even with a loaded weapon. Therefore, always be on the alert. Remember that the Rottweiler is not a person, and, like any other dog, in an unforeseen situation it can behave completely unexpectedly, forgetting about all the vaccinated skills.

What you need to know

Raising a rottweiler at home during his walk implies compliance with some mandatory rules. Being with a dog on the street:

  1. Do not let the dog approach other people on its own, even if it is wearing a muzzle. Be especially careful when children are playing nearby.

  2. Avoid Rottweiler fights with other dogs. It is advisable not to let the dog meet his stray relatives at all. Otherwise, in the future, the puppy will have to remove fleas, and possibly treat it for some serious diseases.

  3. Hold the dog tightly on a leash. Less distracted by talking on the phone or with friends. If the dog jerked, for example, at the sight of a cat, and you feel that you can’t hold it, it’s better to let go of the leash. Otherwise, you will have to treat bruises and scratches later. A six-month-old Rottweiler puppy, as already mentioned, does not cost anything to dump an adult. In particular, this advice will be useful for girls.

Food attitude

Mind and accuracy is what certainly makes any rottweiler different . The care and upbringing of this dog involves, among other things, the development of its correct attitude to food. Feeding rottweilers is allowed as crackers and jellies from the store, as well as natural homemade food. But in any case, you can’t allow the dog to leave food in the bowl . Everything that is poured into it must be eaten. If the dog begins to leave food in a bowl, you should skip one feeding or reduce a one-time serving. You can’t allow a dog to poke around in the proposed feed. The puppy should always perceive food with interest and desire.

rottweiler care and education

Rottweiler: how to raise an obedient dog

Checking how correctly you train your pet is easy. Well- bred dog :

  • When pronouncing his nickname, he always turns his head towards the owner. However, he may not approach the owner, remaining seated.

  • The command "To me" perceives almost instantly. Upon hearing it, the dog immediately approaches the owner, no matter what he did before.

  • When the command "Do not" immediately stops any unwanted actions.

  • When the “Place” command is sent immediately to its litter.

This is what the rottweiler should become as a result of regular training . How to raise such a dog is not a very difficult question, since the representatives of this breed are very smart. The main thing is to be more persistent and to strike the right balance between praise and punishment.

What other teams can you learn

In addition to the simplest, quite complex teams, such as Aport, Nearby, Sit, you can also try to independently learn with such a quick-witted dog as a Rottweiler. How to educate a dog correctly and develop precisely such skills with him - the answer to this question is extremely simple. In the case of the Aport team, training should begin with an already played puppy. It is necessary to throw the dog’s favorite toy not too far away and, as soon as he grabs it, call him to himself and say: “Give me.” After a while, the puppy will understand what is required of him.

Rottweiler is all about breed and breeding

To teach the dog the " Sit" command , you need to use some refreshments. The dog is placed next to it, they are pressed on the back of the back with his hand and at the same time a treat is raised above his head. At the same time, the team itself is pronounced.

It is not too difficult to teach the puppy to execute the “Next” command. For this, the dog is planted at the left foot. After a short pause, they begin to move forward, pronounce the command and pull the dog by the leash. When walking, they ensure that the rottweiler does not rush forward and does not lag behind. To correct his movement, use the same leash. At the same time, they insistently pronounce the command “Near”.

Professional training

A puppy who has grown up (at the age of about 8 months) can be sent to a cynological club for further training. In such a place, for a not too large fee, specialists will train a very obedient and useful in terms of protection, for example, the courtyard of a country house, rottweiler. Professionals will also tell owners about the breed and upbringing of such dogs without fail.

rottweiler how to raise an obedient dog

In this article, we examined only the basics of training such smart, but at the same time very dangerous dogs, like rottweilers. Specialists of the cynological club can instill in the dog such complex and useful skills as, for example, not taking food from strangers, traveling in public transport correctly , speaking at an exhibition, etc.


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