DIY paper frog - quick and easy

Making paper shapes helps children develop creative skills. They love to create something from paper and, of course, love to make different animals out of it. This article will show you how to make a paper frog. Do-it-yourself crafts will certainly improve your mood and bring joy to your children. It is known that there are several variations of paper frogs.

do-it-yourself paper frog
Let’s take a look at a few popular methods step by step.

DIY paper frog: step by step instructions

1. Take a square-shaped sheet of paper and fold it in half.

2. The resulting rectangle must be folded in half again, and then bent back.

3. On a sheet of paper you need to mark the line and diagonals. Next, you need to collapse the upper corners, left and right, bending them to opposite lines.

4. From the upper square, fold the geometric shape - the “double triangle”.

5. The bottom square must be folded in half, until its wrapped edge comes into contact with the bottom of the triangle.

6. At the bottom of the rectangle, bend the side edges towards the center, not reaching a little to its middle.

do it yourself paper frog

7. Bend the bottom of the origami again in half.

8. At the bottom rectangle, you must collapse the upper corners towards the center.

9. Lower the ends and bend them out.

10. On the front of the triangle, lift the ends up.

11. Fold the craft in half in the center and flip it over.

You should get a jumping frog out of paper. Do-it-yourself crafts will bring joy to you and your children. In order for her to jump, you just need to press the back of the quack and release. It is this property of her “jumping ability” that will be interesting to apply for different games. For example, whose frog jumps farthest than all - that player won. The secret of her “jumping” lies in the fact that the smaller the frog is the size, the further it will jump.

Rectangle frog

To make this quack, take a squared sheet of paper. Fold your sheet vertically in half. Then, on both diagonals, bend at the top. Then fold along the fold lines and bend inward. You should get a triangle. To create the front legs of your frog, you must bend the corners diagonally.

do-it-yourself paper frog step by step instructions

Now the lower workpiece must be bent in half horizontally. Then bend to the middle from two sides. And again, fold the bottom of the workpiece in half. Then you need to pull the corners down. To create the hind legs, wrap the corners obliquely. Now bend the frog in half and bend the legs back. It remains only to turn your work.

Talking or singing croak

Take a sheet of paper and fold it twice in two diagonals. After adding on the last diagonal, you need to connect the left and right corners with the center line. At the bottom, the remaining rectangle must be raised up and bent. Bend the corners on the sides in the opposite direction. Turn the workpiece over and wrap the bottom rectangle up. Then bend the side corners.

Now expand and fold into a square. Next, bend the bottom corner up. Turn over and repeat the previous step. In the center, flip and open the sides. You will get a square again. Fold the workpiece in half along the center line. It remains to insert your fingers into two holes - and your frog is ready.

Easy to create and decorate origami

Interestingly, the manufacturing process itself takes very little time. The paper frog you created, made by yourself, will surprise you with its simplicity of execution.

how to make a paper frog with your own hands
All you need is a simple sheet of paper: copybook, landscape or color. You can also put into business and special sheets for crafts.

For decoration, you will need watercolor paints, colored pencils or felt-tip pens. You can paint your frog according to your taste and desire. For example, draw eyes or membranes on your paws on your frog, and you can also make pimples on your back “hoppers”.

Now you know how to make a frog out of paper with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions will help you make this simple and entertaining craft. It is interesting that the frog is useful for games with children, and you can calmly arrange “frog races” with your whole family, having fun in your free time.


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