How to choose a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes: manufacturers review, specifications, reviews

Polypropylene pipes have many advantages. They are often used in the repair of plumbing communications. It will not be difficult to do this work yourself. A special soldering iron is used to connect pipes and fittings. This tool must be correctly selected and used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. How to choose a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes will be discussed later.

Principle of operation

Before you figure out which soldering iron to choose for polypropylene pipes, you need to understand the principle of operation of this equipment. This tool is also called ironing. It is heated to a high temperature of 260-300º. There are nozzles on both sides of the metal base. They are also called matrices. They also heat up during the work of the soldering iron.

The principle of the soldering iron

One nozzle melts the outer edge of the pipe. The second part warms up the inner surface. Both elements of the future plumbing system are held onto the tool. Then they are combined, leaving to cool. After this, a very strong joint is obtained. It has almost the same characteristics as a single piece of pipe.

The tool during operation is fixed to the stand. In some cases, it is not possible to install a soldering iron on the desktop. In this case, he is held by the handle.

Considering which soldering iron is best to choose for polypropylene pipes, you need to consider that they differ in different characteristics. So, nozzles are included in the package of delivery. They differ in diameter, which determines the scope of the device. Nozzles are made of different materials. It is best, especially for beginners, to purchase Teflon-coated matrices. Also considered easy to use nozzles with metallized Teflon. Such varieties of coatings provide uniform heating. They are strong, durable and easy to use.


What soldering iron for polypropylene pipes is used by professionals and home craftsmen? One of the important characteristics of the presented equipment is power. Depends on this indicator, the diameter of the pipe can be soldered with a power tool. The heating time and the speed of work also depend on power.

soldering iron for polypropylene pipes for the home

To choose the right tool for your goals, you need to decide for which pipes the equipment will be used. So, high power does not mean that the device will be multifunctional. Some buyers believe that by purchasing a 1.5-2 kW soldering iron, they will be able to work with pipes of both small and large diameters. But this is not so. The presented equipment is used for soldering pipes with a diameter of more than 10 cm.

There is a simple calculation that professionals use when buying such equipment. If you do not know which soldering iron for polypropylene pipes is better to choose, you need to do the following. The minimum power of the tool is determined, divided by 100. This gives the diameter of the pipe for which it is intended. If the minimum power is 500 watts, then it allows you to solder communications with a cross section of 5 cm.

Based on this, it can be said that for home use, an instrument with a power of up to 1.2 kW is usually purchased. Devices with a power of 1.8-2.2 kW are used by professional plumbers.

It is worth noting that in appliances with a power of up to 1 kW, 1 TEN is usually installed. This significantly reduces the functionality of the device. In soldering irons with higher power, two heating elements are most often installed.

Rating of manufacturing countries

Considering reviews of how to choose a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes, it is worth noting that buyers and professionals agree that it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer of the device. Companies with a good reputation, known in the world and domestic market of sanitary equipment for soldering, produce durable, functional equipment. Such devices will allow you to mount the pipeline quickly and efficiently.

soldering irons for polypropylene pipes rating

According to experts, it is very important that the soldering iron maintains a stable temperature. This allows you to complete the installation of communications quality. There is a generally accepted rating of manufacturers of soldering irons for soldering polypropylene pipes. The places in it were as follows:

  1. Czech.
  2. Turkey.
  3. Russia.
  4. China.

Soldering irons produced in these countries are most often bought by domestic masters. This is a functional technique that optimally combines cost and quality. Going to the store to buy a soldering iron for pipes, it is these manufacturers that need to pay attention to products first of all.

Reviews of manufacturing countries

Having considered the rating of the best soldering irons for polypropylene pipes that are produced by well-known brands, you need to find out what customers think about the products of these manufacturers. This will help to make the right decision on the choice of a tool.

Best soldering iron

Manufacturers from the Czech Republic take first place in the ranking. They produce high quality soldering tools. They are multifunctional, have a large number of nozzles.

The second place in the ranking belongs to manufacturers from Turkey. This is a good alternative to expensive Czech soldering irons. They have decent quality and functionality. But at the same time, among the products of Turkish manufacturers, marriage is sometimes found. The most popular in this group are soldering irons for polypropylene pipes “Kandan”, “Valtek”, “Kalde”. These are the highest quality products worthy of praise. Reasonable cost and high reliability and functionality make the products of Turkish manufacturers in demand.

In third place in the ranking are Russian manufacturers. These are high-quality soldering irons that are cheaper than foreign analogues.

Chinese power tools are inexpensive. But in terms of functionality and reliability, they are inferior to the manufacturers presented above.

Rating of manufacturers. Third three

Another rating of soldering irons for polypropylene pipes should be considered. Based on the comments of customers, a list of the best manufacturers of the studied equipment was compiled.

Rating of manufacturers of soldering irons

When considering which soldering iron is best for polypropylene pipes, you should pay attention to the rating of popular brands. Places in reverse order were distributed as follows:

  1. 10th place - "Electromash". Users note a favorable pricing policy and acceptable quality of domestic products.
  2. 9th place - Rotorica. It is a good equipment for home use. Many models are equipped with a digital temperature controller. Nozzles have a teflon coating. These are universal soldering irons that allow you to solve many problems during the assembly of pipes.
  3. 8th place - Bosch. For beginners, this is the best option. They are easy to use, reliable and functional. The kit includes nozzles of different diameters. They allow you to solder pipes of different sizes.

Rating of manufacturers. Second three

soldering iron for polypropylene pipes which is better to choose

The list of the best manufacturers of soldering equipment for polypropylene pipes includes the most bought, well-known brands. The middle of the rating looks like this:

  1. 7th place - “Aqua Prom”. This company produces devices with extensive equipment at an affordable price. With their help, you can easily lay a pipeline of polypropylene.
  2. 6th place - Sturm. The manufacturer produces universal welding equipment. Models have nozzles in the form of a cylinder, xiphoid shape.
  3. 5th place - Prorab. These are lightweight, inexpensive devices that come with gloves, a screwdriver, a hexagon and a tape measure.

Rating of manufacturers. The best

soldering iron for polypropylene pipes Valtec

When choosing a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes for the home, you should pay attention to the manufacturers who occupy the top positions in the rating. These, according to customers, are the best brands. The places of the top positions of the rating are as follows:

  1. 4th place - Gerat Weld. This is a product that optimally combines price and quality. The company produces powerful, but compact devices. They are used by both home craftsmen and professional plumbers. The heating element contains two types of nozzles, which allows the use of equipment for different purposes. A wide selection of models, reasonable cost make the equipment of the brand presented in demand.
  2. 3rd place - REMS. According to customer reviews, soldering iron models of this manufacturer have a lot of positive characteristics. It is a well-known manufacturer in the electrical equipment market. High quality is characterized by a heating element. It is made of corrosion resistant alloy. Soldering iron models of this manufacturer are distinguished by an accurate temperature regulator of a mechanical type. There are practically no errors when setting the heating level.
  3. 2nd place - Valtek. These are soldering irons for polypropylene pipes of Russian-Italian production. They are known for their high quality, durability, and versatility. Such equipment is used in their work by both professionals and novice plumbers.
  4. 1st place - Candan. This is a Turkish manufacturer that produces high quality welding equipment. This is the best brand on the market today.

Reviews on the model Gerat Weld 75-110

Choosing the best soldering iron for polypropylene pipes, it is worth considering some of the most bought models. One of them is Gerat Weld 75-110. It has two heating elements. One of them is backup. The power of the presented soldering iron is 1,600 watts. The soldering iron comes in a metal case, it comes with several nozzles.

Reviews on the model Gerat Weld 75-110

Heating is controlled by a thermostat. It is pretty accurate. The approximate cost of the presented model is 4.7 thousand rubles.

Among the advantages of Gerat Weld 75-110, customers note reliability and high power. This model also has excellent functionality. In operation, the soldering iron is convenient, it allows you to solder pipes of different diameters. It is purchased both for home use and for professional activities.

Of the shortcomings, buyers note that this soldering iron is relatively expensive.

Prorab 6405-k model reviews

When deciding how to choose a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes, many buyers prefer inexpensive domestic products. One of the most popular models of this type is the Prorab 6405-k. This equipment can be used in professional activities, as well as purchased for home use.

The power of the device is impressive, is 2 kW. At the same time, its cost remains acceptable to all buyers. It can be purchased at a price of about 2 thousand rubles. The heating temperature is adjustable, which allows soldering pipes of different diameters. For this, a mechanical temperature regulator is provided in the design of the model.

The advantage of the presented model, buyers call decent packaging. In addition to 6 nozzles, a stand, scissors for cutting pipes and a tape measure are supplied upon purchase. The kit is stored in a metal case. He is quite sturdy.

The device heats up quickly, which allows to increase the speed of work. Another positive quality of the model, buyers call the ability to work under wind conditions. The main advantages of the Prorab 6405-k are low cost, decent functionality. The disadvantage of the presented model is only one. Buyers claim that this soldering iron is hard to find on the market.

Candan cm-03 model reviews

When considering which soldering iron to choose for polypropylene pipes, you should pay attention to the Candan cm-03 model. This manufacturer invariably occupies the top positions in ratings. The presented soldering iron is called by users unpretentious equipment. In their opinion, the equipment is easy to use. At the same time, the cost is quite affordable. You can buy Candan cm-03 at the price of only 3 thousand rubles.

The presented model allows high-quality welding of pipes with a diameter of 20 to 63 mm. This is one of the best options for home use. Nozzles have a xiphoid shape. With its help it is possible to heat two welding nozzles at once. The maximum power of this unit is 1.5 kW. The heating cable is able to withstand temperatures up to 400º.

The set comes with a fixed stand. There is also a special clamp. This greatly facilitates the task for the wizard, allowing you to perform work in different conditions. A positive quality is the presence of a thermostat. This ensures uniform heating of pipes and fittings.

There is a special indicator on the switches. It shows if the appliance is working. Buyers also attribute the full complement to the benefits of this model. It includes various nozzles, scissors for cutting pipes. The manufacturer also supplements the kit with a tape measure. This is a compact soldering iron that is easy to use and does not take up much space.

Among the shortcomings, there is a large consumption of electricity. However, this does not reduce the demand for this soldering iron.


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