Polovtsev's mansion in St. Petersburg: description, history, interesting facts and reviews

St. Petersburg is a wonderful city with a lot of interesting sights. One of them is the mansion of Polovtsev.

In the XVIII century it was built, before that there were no buildings. It is not known exactly who first owned the house on the street. Big Sea.

Change of ownership

The second person in charge of the Polovtsy mansion was Egan Winter, a merchant from France. He acquired the building in December 1762. The seller was an artillery lieutenant M. Vasiliev.

Polovtsev mansion
In 1777, ownership passed to I. Golovkin, the privy councilor whose grandfather was the chancellor. In 1779, N.Pohodyashin became the owner, in 1785 - V. Levashov, who at that time held the position of major general. By the end of the 18th century, this building towered one floor above all other buildings. Polovtsev's mansion in St. Petersburg was supposed to play the role of a manor. Several buildings located on Bolshaya Morskaya Street, as well as Moika, were very wide and occupied the entire site. To get into the house, it was necessary to bypass the garden area. The owner was often not at home, so the empress monitored the improvement of the house.

Interesting facts about guests

For three months in 1787, Venezuelan F. Miranda, a member of the revolutionary movement in Latin America, lived here. He led the struggle in which the people living on Spanish colonial land tried to win back their right to freedom. To escape from the authorities of his country, he ends up in Russia, namely, in the mansion of Polovtsev, where he has been staying for some time.

In 1793, there was a fugitive French count d'Artois, who was the blood brother of Louis XVI, who was later called Charles X. Also in the spring of 1794, E.R. Dashkova.

Levashov passed away in 1804, although for two more years according to all documents the house belonged to him. Then they sold the land. Since the general had six children born out of wedlock, the money received from the auction was divided precisely between them.

Since 1809, the Polovtsev mansion was the property of the wife of the Jägermeister at the court of the Emperor E.A. Pashkova, whose brother was the Governor-General of St. Petersburg N. Tolstoy. Since 1816, ownership was attributed to P.A. Shuvalov, the Adjutant General whose grandfather was Field Marshal P.I. Shuvalov. In 1820, a man sold the building to M. Donaurova, whose husband was a state adviser. Since 1829, the owner was N.S. Tolstaya. Her brother lived on the same street in house number 32.

Polovtsy mansion


In 1835, Polovtsev acquired the mansion by S.S. Gagarin, who hired the architect Pelem to build the outbuilding on the front side, facing on the street. Big Sea. This building has survived to the present day.

The son of this prince in 1864 put the house up for auction, as a result of which the new owner was Nadezhda Mikhailovna, wife of A.A. Polovtsova. The adoptive parents of the woman helped with the purchase money. Her father was Stieglitz, a successful banker. There were speculations that this lady was born from extramarital affairs of Prince Mikhail Pavlovich.

It was at this moment that the Polovtsev mansion was significantly transformed due to the fact that chic ceremonial interiors appeared in its walls. Most of them have survived to this day. The design was done by Bosse, Brullo and Messmacher, talented creators of that time.

mansion of the Polovtsov architect's house

Interior decoration

The most admired attention deserves their creations called White, Oak and Bronze Halls. Previously, tapestries hung here, presented to Alexander I by Napoleon himself.

Also interesting places are the local dining room, a magnificent living room, a rich library, as well as a boudoir, in which there is a bay window. These rooms have retained their former appearance, so many want to look at this miracle when they get to St. Petersburg. Polovtsev's mansion is still magnificent.

Social significance

After the Polovtsevs passed away, in 1910 A.A. Obolenskaya, the heiress of the spouses, began to own this building. However, five years later, a decision was made to sell, as a result of which L. Moshkevich became the new owner, having paid 500 thousand rubles for this purchase. A year later, a new owner appears - K. Yaroshinsky, who was part of a society supporting artists of Russia.

In October 1916, the solemn evening was celebrated, at which S. Yesenin came, as well as N. Klyuyev in order to read his poems. Since 1930, a school functioned here, whose tasks were related to the trade union movement. Subsequently, the Higher School of Professional Culture began to work here.

In 1934, there was a branch belonging to the Association of State Architects. Since then, Polovtsev’s mansion, the House of the Architect, got its second name. Often here you can get to a creative competition, an interesting concert or exhibition.

Petersburg mansion Polovtseva

Visitors reviews

People who come here get amazing impressions, inspired by the chic interior and the grandeur of the decor. There is a wonderful restaurant that attracts lovers of fine cuisine to the Polovtsev mansion. The reviews are the most positive, because people really like to feel like aristocrats, eating food on the walls of such an estate. The design is called a masterpiece, decorated with a royal taste. The same goes for table decoration.

There are beautiful tablecloths and sophisticated candle holders. The food is extremely high quality and delicious, prices do not bite. So for moderate money you can eat like a nobleman. The staff is very efficient and attentive. Here you can bring your soulmate, dine with colleagues or friends, in a word to amuse yourself with luxury. Comfort and beauty are everywhere. You can choose from two beautiful rooms with wonderful decorations, thematic table-setting for the style of the walls. There are elements of leather in different colors, as well as wood, delightful chandeliers. The list of dishes is small, the quality is excellent.

Polovtsev mansion in St. Petersburg

Local kitchen

You can try venison and fish. It’s as if you are going to dinner with the king. Also not very numerous varieties of wines, although each species deserves separate praise.

Local ear and fragrant zander can surprise even the most demanding lover of culinary delights. There are also desserts. Local drinks are notable for the fact that they cannot be found in ordinary supermarkets in the city. The waiters are true professionals who know the menu from and to. Each client can be given advice if he needs it and cannot decide.

It is advisable to make a reservation in advance. Sometimes corporate events are held here, so the restaurant may be closed at the most inconvenient time for you. Excessive forethought will not hurt. It will also be useful to know that buying a coupon on Biglion, you can save half the cost.

Comprehensive pleasure

This place is a pleasant surprise for guests of the city. They take part in excursions with pleasure and curiosity, the cost of which is an average of 300 rubles. Wonderful halls and chambers open to the eye. Once, Catherine II visited balls at these walls. After a fascinating walk, many descend to the restaurant complex, which is rated as very cozy, because there are only eight tables.

Polovtsov mansion reviews
People who get here note that they manage to get enough aesthetically, physically, and intellectually. Here is a special flavor. It is a great pleasure to touch this wonderful atmosphere. The administration does not impose strict requirements on the appearance, which helps many to relax and just enjoy interesting leisure time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9325/

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