Felt boots "Thomas": customer reviews. The price, a photo and a dimensional grid of the Foma Ural boots

The tradition of wearing felt boots remains relevant today. These warm and comfortable shoes are able to warm the baby's legs even in extreme cold. The factory "MOF" for many years taking care of children and creates high-quality and practical boots for both infants and older children.

About the manufacturer

Falen boots are produced by the Magnitogorsk shoe factory MOF. This factory has existed for 74 years. During this time, she repeatedly changed equipment and mastered new technologies. At the moment, the factory is engaged in the production of children's clothing and shoes. For sewing products, she uses the latest domestic and imported equipment.

The main principle of the manufacturer - everything is only the best. That is why the factory during its existence has learned to produce high-quality products for children of different ages: from nursery to teenage groups.

felt boots foma reviews

Competitive advantages of Foma products

Nowadays, it is very difficult for domestic enterprises to stay on the market filled with goods of Chinese and Korean production. Factory "MOF" successfully competes due to a unique approach to the manufacture of shoes for children. So, this manufacturer produces shoes that meet all quality standards and are affordable.

To create shoes for children, the factory uses only environmentally friendly materials. In addition, the manufacturer carefully monitors changes in fashion and is constantly expanding the collection range with new models. Thus, parents can easily choose beautiful and stylish shoes for children for different occasions: for school, walking, holidays.

The factory succeeds in creating high-quality models thanks to the laboratory, which constantly monitors the manufactured products. The laboratory staff conducts various tests and tests not only with shoes, but also with components that come from other enterprises.

felt boots

Shoes "Thomas"

Factory "MOF" produces children's shoes for every taste. Parents appreciated not only the unique design and bright colors, but also the practicality, convenience and comfort of the goods of this manufacturer. The factory also expanded its product range with models with different types of fasteners.

The factory "MOF" produces sandals, shoes, demi-season and winter boots and boots, low shoes. Foma boots are especially popular among parents.

“MOF” annually produces whole collections of fashionable shoes for children, which suits any outfit. A wide range with different colors - this is how the factory introduced Foma felt boots to customers. A photo of the MOF products is given below.

felt boots photo

But whatever the developments of world designers, factory designers always put comfort, reliability and practicality in the first place. After all, shoes for children should be not only stylish, but also high-quality.

Characteristic of boots

Falenka boots “Foma” are high-quality shoes made of natural felt. To create a lining, the manufacturer uses Orenburg wool with a dense undercoat. An important advantage of winter shoes factory "MOF" is a high-quality sole. This is the second reason parents buy Thomas shoes. Customer reviews often relate specifically to the soles of winter children's shoes. The factory "MOF" uses the sole TEP, which does not freeze, does not slip at all and is easy to clean. In addition, Foma boots correspond to all orthopedic standards.

The shoes of the factory undergo periodic monitoring and verification of compliance with GOST standards. Therefore, buyers of goods from this manufacturer can be calm about the health of the child’s feet. The developers create comfortable models of boots with a rigid and high base, in which the child can actively move without fear of tucking his leg.

felt boots baby Thomas

The main advantages of felt boots "Thomas"

The boots produced by the factory "MOF" have a number of undeniable advantages:

1. Compliance with the anatomical features of the children's feet.

2. Practicality and convenience, which is very important for everyday wear. Therefore, among a large assortment of winter shoes of different manufacturers, parents choose Foma boots. User reviews confirm the reliability and comfort of this shoe, which is able to withstand not only excessive child activity, but also various atmospheric phenomena. This is very important in the harsh Russian winter.

baby felt boots reviews

Dimensional grid "Thomas"

Valenoks, like any other children's shoes, should be selected very carefully. The fact is that winter shoes always have insulation: a bike and fur. Therefore, the length of the insole of the boots is not the only guideline for choosing a suitable size. Parents should consider the thickness of the fur, otherwise the shoes will be too tight. And for warm socks there will be no place at all. The manufacturer recommends that parents buy boots one size larger.

The factory "MOF" recommends that you measure the baby's foot correctly, given the thickness of the winter sock and a small margin of "growth". Indeed, during the winter, the foot of the child will necessarily grow up a bit.

For the right choice of boots you need to be guided by a dimensional grid. Each manufacturer of children's shoes has its own dimensional grid. "Thomas" (felt boots) are selected according to the table created by the factory "MOF".

Below is a dimensional grid of children's shoes "Thomas".

Foot length, cmShoe size

What kind of weather are FALA children's boots for?

First of all, it should be noted that felt boots are a very ancient warm footwear that was invented for socks in severe frosts. In the old days they were worn not only on the street, but also at home, since they are always able to maintain the same temperature inside. Even when wet, the felt continues to retain heat, providing the feet with dryness.

Modern felt boots are a bit modernized and complemented with a rubber sole. But, despite this, they have not lost their important properties and are in active demand. But at home, the child is not recommended to wear modern boots, as the legs will definitely sweat.

Felt boots for children "Thomas" are designed for severe frosts. But thanks to the high sole and additional protection of the heel and toe, they can be worn even during wet snow and slush. Under such conditions, felt shoes will not get wet. But in heavy rain, the ability to wet your feet is very high. Therefore, the manufacturer does not recommend parents to wear boots in rainy weather.

Thus, boots should be worn in dry, frosty winter weather.

felt boots photo

How to care for boots

Winter felt boots do not require special care. However, there are important recommendations, compliance with which can extend their life.

The most important rule is that you cannot wet the Foma boots. Customer reviews confirm that moisture spoils felt boots. Therefore, even with slight contact with water, boots should be thoroughly dried at room temperature. Do not dry felt shoes with batteries or other heating systems; otherwise, they may harden or sit down. To prevent getting wet, it is recommended to wear felt boots only in dry weather. And in the event of snow or water droplets falling onto their surface, they should be immediately shaken off.

After a walk, boots should be placed so that they dry out properly. Dry boots should be cleaned from dirt and dust with a stiff brush. If during such cleaning the fibers begin to bristle, they should be treated with fine sandpaper.

If the dirt is strong and brushing does not help to cope with it, then you need to use special means to care for the felt. So, on sale there are various foam solutions that quickly and efficiently remove various spots.

In order for the boots to be perfectly preserved until the next winter, some procedures should be carried out:

1. Thoroughly dry and clean the shoes from dust and dirt.

2. Fill the bootleg with a crumpled newspaper or any other paper so that the boot does not wrinkle and does not lose shape.

3. Put inside each boot a moth remedy.

4. Pack the felt boots in a plastic bag and tie tightly.

It is recommended to periodically ventilate the boots. It’s especially good to dry felt felt shoes on hot summer days.

The cost of felt boots "Thomas"

Factory "MOF" produces shoes available to every customer. On average, parents will have to pay about 1,200 rubles for Foma boots. The price for different models may vary. So, bright boots decorated with different stripes and pompons are 50% more expensive than plain plain boots. Also, the price depends on the size of the shoes. The older the child, the more expensive the couple. So, felt boots "Thomas" for a school-age child cost from 2000 to 3000 rubles, depending on the model.

dimensional mesh Thomas boots

Customer reviews

Among parents, Foma children's boots are highly respected. Customer reviews are mostly positive. First of all, parents note the high quality and reliability of boots of this brand. Valets "Thomas" are worn and can withstand any physical activity of children. Parents especially appreciated the quality of the sole. Firstly, it is high enough to provide dry legs even in slush. And secondly, the sole is made of non-slip rubber. This increases the safety of the baby's walks in ice.

Affordable cost is the second advantage due to which parents choose Foma boots. Customer reviews very often relate to product prices. Winter boots "Thomas" are much cheaper than felt shoes from other manufacturers. Even warm shoes of well-known foreign brands are inferior in quality to felt boots of the MOF factory.

felt boots foma Price

At the highest level, parents evaluated the design of boots "Thomas". A wide variety of models attract buyers. Many parents buy two pairs per shift at once.

As for the ability to keep warm - felt boots “Foma” have no equal. According to parents, even in severe frosts, the baby's legs remain warm.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9328/

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