How parrots sleep: care features, whether it is necessary to cover the cage at night and the advice of breeders

How do parrots sleep? This question is often of interest to bird owners. After all, the quality of the pet’s sleep can say a lot about the well-being and health of the bird. This species of birds leads a rather active lifestyle, therefore, parrots need a long and full rest. What should be a healthy sleep? How much time does your pet need to relax? We will consider these issues in the article.

Daytime sleep

Why do parrots sleep during the day? Many bird owners are alarmed by the drowsiness of the pet in the afternoon. However, this phenomenon should not cause concern. After all, parrots come from Australia. On this continent, noon is the hottest time of the day. In nature, birds have to hide in the shade and sleep during these hours so as not to overheat the body.

Pets living in the apartment retain the habits of their wild ancestors. Therefore, at about 12 noon, the birds experience severe drowsiness. This is how their genetic memory works.

Open eyes sleep

Sometimes you may notice that your pet keeps his eyes open, but does not respond to sounds and light. He is in a state of sleep, but does not lower his eyelids. Is this normal?

To answer this question, you need to understand how parrots sleep. As we found out, their body requires both day and night rest. Pets react strongly to light stimuli. Therefore, during the day, birds sleep with their eyes closed so that daylight does not interfere with them. And in the dark, the parrot can sleep without dropping an eyelid.

Therefore, if a sleeping parrot keeps his eyes open, then this does not indicate his illness. If at the same time the bird does not experience any deterioration in well-being, then such a dream can be considered the norm.

Sleep duration

How many parrots sleep? The need for rest depends on the daily activity of the bird. Pets with a calm character, rarely leaving the cell, are less in need of a long sleep than mobile individuals. On average, they sleep at least 10-14 hours a day. If the bird is very energetic, then it may require a longer rest.

Sleeping parrot

Sleeping pose

How do budgerigars sleep if they are healthy? Birds, like humans, can take different positions during sleep. Sometimes pets fall asleep in rather strange poses. Parrots can stand on one or two legs, hide their head under the wing or keep it thrown back. All of this is the norm. Each bird has its own favorite sleeping position.

How do parrots sleep during an illness? A rather troubling sign is the sniffling of a bird. This can be a manifestation of extreme fear, stress, or poor health. In this case, you need to take a closer look at the appearance and behavior of the pet. The following symptoms may indicate a problem.

  1. The bird smacks of feathers and spreads feathers during sleep. This most often means that your pet is very cold. Usually parrots sleep in this position at a very low body temperature. Therefore, you need to warm the bird with a lamp. It is important to remember that parrots are thermophilic creatures and very easily catch a cold.
  2. The pet is sitting up laughing, but at the same time he has no other signs of ill health. Most likely, this is a reaction to stress. Usually very frightened birds behave this way. It is necessary to create peace for the pet and not disturb it with sharp sounds.
  3. The parrot sleeps at the bottom of the cage and smacks of air. Such a posture may be a sign of poor health. This means that the bird does not have the strength to rise, because most often parrots like to sleep in the upper part of the cage. If at the same time the pet has diarrhea, vomiting, trembling, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian. These symptoms indicate a cold or poisoning.

Causes of Insomnia

There are times when a bird does not sleep well at night. The owner should pay attention to the pet's sleep mode. If the parrot rested a lot during the day, then insomnia at night is quite natural. In such cases, the bird must be allowed to move as much as possible during the day. It is necessary to open the cage daily for the parrot to fly. A sedentary lifestyle for birds is very harmful.

If at night the pet behaves uneasily, flies around the cage and screams, then this is a rather alarming sign. Very often injured birds behave this way. In this case, you need to inspect the parrot, and find out if it has damage to the legs, wings, as well as scratches on the body. Small wounds need to be wiped with hydrogen peroxide. If the bird has a broken wing or foot, then splint and show the pet to the veterinarian.

Bird Wing Inspection

If no damage was found, but the parrot continues to be troubled, then this is most likely due to stress. It is important to remember that birds are rather shy. Any harsh sound, shadows on the wall or the presence of other pets in the room can cause them to feel fear.

Budgie and cat

Sometimes nighttime anxiety may indicate the presence of feather or intestinal parasites in the parrot. In this case, you need to urgently contact a specialist. Parasitic diseases are very dangerous for birds. In addition, some species of bird mites can cause severe allergies in humans.

If the parrot sleeps a lot

If the bird sleeps a lot at night and experiences lethargy and drowsiness during the day, then this is a warning sign. Most often, such apathy is observed in parrots during molting. You need to pay attention: does your pet lose feathers. Apathetic behavior during molting can be associated with vitamin deficiency. Therefore, in such cases, special additives with vitamins and minerals must be included in the diet of the bird.

If molting is absent, and daytime drowsiness is noted over a long period of time, then the bird should be shown to the veterinarian. Drowsiness can be associated with a deterioration in the well-being of the pet.

Signs of a Parrot Disease

How to keep your pet calm

How do parrots sleep? And does the light interfere with them? Many owners believe that during sleep, it is necessary to close the cell with a dense dark cloth. They believe that for a good rest, it is necessary to isolate pets from light rays.

Experienced bird breeders believe that dimming is not always beneficial. It is only necessary to cover the cage if the owner is not yet sleeping, and the light is on in the room. If all light sources are turned off, then there is no need for additional dimming. The dense fabric thrown over a cage will only block access to air. A dream in the stuffiness is completely unprofitable.

For birds, silence during night rest is much more important. The room where the parrots sleep should be quiet. You need to try to avoid loud conversations and not create harsh sounds. This will provide your pet with a full and healthy sleep.


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