White lilies

In Europe, this flower, which became the symbol of the Archangel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary (specifically Madonna), was one of the first types of lilies that began to be cultivated both as a medicinal plant and as an ornamental one. Petals served as raw materials for the preparation of aromatic oils and ointments.

White lilies were depicted by the Assyrians and Greeks in antiquity (frescoes, sculptures, bas-reliefs). According to Roman myth, they grew from drops of Juno's milk.

Lily - a flower elegant and noble, with a delicate, delicate aroma. That is why the Belgians, having first seen a lily in 1576, called it Sussan Zambach (fragrant lily). There the white lily was brought from Venice. For a long time, such beauty could be seen only in the gardens of the most luxurious mansions.

And in France, white lilies were so fond of that they became a symbol of the power of the monarchs: the emblem of the king was invariably decorated with this flower, starting with the reign of Clovis.

In Russia, this beauty appeared during the reign of Peter the Great. Here she was called only "Madonna's lily." With special care, it was grown for important church services (Baptism and Christmas). It is not surprising that white lilies conquered Russia as well - in the near future they settled in rich noble estates, becoming an object of adoration and admiration for the poets of that time.

Lily is root-owning; it forms a basal rosette of leaves; it does not have stem roots. It grows well in limy, slightly alkaline soils. Good drainage is required. Especially large bulbs reach 15 cm in diameter and have a light yellow (or white) color.

When buying (and when planting in the future), you should be especially careful about sub-armored roots: damaged roots may not survive wintering. Therefore, choose only healthy and intact onions. In addition, before planting, it is better to keep them in the basement, planting them in pots.

Large scales after planting will go into leaflets, which then form a basal rosette. The stem, reaching two meters, depending on the species, can be both pale green and purple-black. White lilies do not have stem roots. Inflorescences are racemose (up to thirty flowers of conical shape). Each of the funnel-white flowers can reach 12 centimeters in length and 10 centimeters in width (i.e. they are quite large). And the shape of the petals depends on the type: some can be widely rounded, others can be very pointed. By the way, the latter have darker stems. Flowering is short (end of June, sometimes - beginning of July). Immediately after flowering, white lilies turn into the so-called dormant state (the aerial part of the plant dies), and in September new basal rosettes are formed, leaving green under the snow. The transplant is carried out precisely in this period (before the formation of outlets).

Heavy and clay soils are not suitable for planting. If you have just such a land, be sure to mix it with sand and compost. In addition, water the planting site three times a season with either a solution of manganese (dilute to a bright pink color) or with an ash solution. Charcoal is recommended as drainage . Ignoring these simple requirements leads to the defeat of the bulbs by the fungus, and white lilies die.

Planting is carried out at a shallow depth, so that a layer of earth covers the bulb three centimeters (no more). In-depth planting will not allow the plant to bloom. Watering needs moderate.

If the areas chosen for planting are damp, arrange white lilies in higher places. These flowers do not like shade, but partial shade in the canopy of fruit trees is quite suitable for them. Although preferable are still places open to the sun - elevated flower beds, rockeries.

Planting made in the last days of August will allow the lilies to take root well and give a much-needed green outlet even before the first frost sets in. By the way, frequent transplants on flowers are reflected negatively - they need to be carried out no more than once every five years.

Where winters are harsh, white lilies should be covered with lutrasil, spunbod or, for lack of such materials, with a 10 cm layer of leaves.

Almost all forms of snow-white lilies produce seeds in cross-pollination. After sowing freshly harvested seeds, flowering will begin in the third year. Vegetative propagation is more preferable, since white lilies annually form many daughter bulbs, allowing you to see the splendor of dazzling white flowers much earlier.

Healthy, strong bulbs are expelled in a few weeks (usually 5-6). But here it is important to know: forcing should take place in the apartment, with the exception of additional lighting, at t +14 ° C (± 2 ° C), at the end of February. About drainage and watering mentioned above.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9360/

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