Middle Class Application Class: Best Ideas

Educational games and lessons in kindergarten are very important. A separate role in education and development is played by the application class in the middle group. Today we will talk about what you can offer kids to make from different materials so that they have fun and interesting.


The main thing that you need to remember when drawing up any activity is that they should be interesting for children. So you need to do everything to interest the kids.

application class in the middle group

It's no secret that all children love cartoons. This is a great chance to hold a lesson on applications in the middle group on the theme of "cartoon characters." The option of sculpting a picture from plasticine on cardboard is perfect. In order for the process to be interesting, prepare a large piece of cardboard (you can have a thick Whatman paper) and draw on it a pencil drawing of some cartoon character. For example, one of the Smeshariki.

Next, invite the children to roll small colored balls from plasticine and “collect” the picture. How to colorize. Such an application class in the middle group will interest every child. As a result, the kids will have a collective beautiful and colorful picture with their favorite characters.

If you do not want to mess with plasticine, the same thing can be done with colored paper. Just tear it into pieces (you need a two-sided one), and then invite the kids to stick the colors in their places.


Another interesting idea is autumn applications. This is a pretty favorite topic for everyone. The fact is that during this period you can use a lot of ideas and materials for crafts. For example, leaves, acorns, colored pencils, paper ... But what ideas work great?

In order to make autumn applications interesting, you can give your kids the task of "drawing" a forest in autumn. In extreme cases - a picturesque courtyard of a kindergarten. This is a rather entertaining idea, as the guys have a great opportunity to use a lot of bright colors.

autumn applications

In addition, the application "Winter" would be a good idea. The average group of children already has a good idea of ​​what a winter forest or a snow-covered house looks like. Therefore, you can offer something like that.

In order to conduct a successful lesson on applications in the middle group on winter subjects, you will need one interesting material - cotton wool. It can be torn, glued, stained and so on. For children 4-5 years old, he will serve as a faithful assistant in the image.

Now let's talk about what exactly can be offered to kids for the image. An image of a large snowflake is perfect as an application of cotton wool. Show the children some ready-made pictures with snowflakes, after which let everyone choose the one that he likes and reproduce it with glue and cotton on a piece of paper. After that, let each child take brushes and paints and paint the picture the way he wants. Gouache is suitable for cotton wool. Of course, everyone will have a wonderful application. The middle group depicts autumn, winter and other seasons with great pleasure.

Favorite food

You can come up with an unusual lesson on applications in the middle group. For him, prepare pencils, colored paper, brushes, paints, plasticine, glue and cotton wool. Simply put, everything that can only be used in work. Invite the kids to portray what they like to eat the most.

Surely most of the guys will want to recreate some kind of cake or cake. As a rule, children's imagination at this moment works with great force. Each kid will be interested to show their capabilities in the image of the best goodies.

applique middle group autumn

It is most preferable to carry out such an application class in the middle group on the topic of favorite treats using glue and colored paper in the process. The fact is that cotton wool is better suited to simulate snow, and plasticine balls are suitable for large and colorful paintings.


Another interesting idea that will allow to develop logical thinking, hand motility and quick wits, as well as enhance the knowledge of children about the world around them, is applications on the theme “Birds”. There are several options for holding. We’ll talk about them now.

The first option is an examination of different pictures with images of birds and, as a result, further reproduction of the feathered friends represented on them. Honestly, for the middle group it will be quite difficult, more suitable for advanced kids. After all, at 4-5 years old, the guys are still not very good at reproducing various complex forms such as wings or beaks. Therefore, you must turn to another option.

applique winter middle group

The second method, the most successful for conducting classes on applications in the middle group, is to image the birds using the details already prepared by the teacher. For carrying out you will need: paper, pictures with birds, glue, scissors, colored paper or cardboard. Cut parts from cardboard or colored paper, and then mix them. Show the children original pictures with different birds and tell us a little about them, introduce them to feathered friends a little closer. Now just ask the guys to stick the cut out details into their places and get an image of this or that bird. Help them in the process.


But interesting ideas do not end there. Another successful idea is the application "Pets". The middle group probably will not refuse to boast of all their pet: a hamster, a cat or a dog - no matter who it is. The main thing is how well the kids treat them.

applique pets middle group

If the child suddenly does not have a domestic animal, invite him to depict the one whom he would like to have. Such activities help to develop logic, thinking and develop in children a love for animals and four-legged friends. It is best to complete the application with colored paper and glue.


So, today for your attention were presented themes for applications: autumn, winter, birds, pets, goodies and cartoon characters. These are the most exciting topics for the guys. Now the baby is already difficult to captivate with the same nesting doll or Cheburashka. Time goes by, and views change. Nevertheless, if you approach the issue wisely, you can interest the child in absolutely any subject. Have fun!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9369/

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