How to make lilies of the valley from plastic bottles for a playground?

Many craft lovers know how to make lilies of the valley from plastic bottles. This is not unusual. They are becoming more popular, more and more often they decorate playgrounds and personal plots. They have a long service life and can be easily made from improvised materials in a very short period of time. In this material, two examples describe how to make lilies of the valley from plastic bottles.

How to make lilies of the valley from plastic bottles?

Plastic only

Among the raw materials and components you will need:

  • plastic milk containers (or other dairy products, but they
    Lilies of the valley from plastic bottles photo.
    should only be white);
  • wire with a small cross-section (up to 1 mm 2 );
  • paper or cardboard;
  • green plastic containers;
  • pliers;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • a pencil is simple;
  • green paint;
  • a needle or an awl;
  • side cutters;
  • stationery knife.

If this is all already collected, then we will figure out how to make lilies of the valley from plastic bottles. Let's start with the flowers. We make a template - a pattern of paper or cardboard. Simply apply the desired pattern with a simple pencil to the surface and cut it with scissors. Then you need to cut the white container so that it is convenient to draw a template on its surface. At the next stage, we draw a pencil around the template on the blanks. They need to be made as many flowers as necessary. Then manually turn these blanks, fix them with glue and give it the opportunity to dry. Now you can start making stems. To do this, cut into side cutters:

  • a long section of wire for the stem;
  • small areas - for fixing flowers;
  • medium for leaves.

We make leaves from green containers. Using the middle pieces and pliers we attach them to the stem. We perform a similar operation for small parts. All this is covered with green paint. With an awl or a needle, we make holes in the base of the flowers and in them we install small fragments with

Lilies of the valley from plastic bottles.
opposite from the stem side. For reliability of fastening we drip glue in them and allow to dry. At the final stage, we connect 3-4 stems and get lilies of the valley from plastic bottles.

Styrofoam and plastic

This option is very similar to the previous one. But the difference is that the flowers in it are made of polystyrene. It is enough to make white circles and carefully put them on the stem. Also, with this design, small pieces of wire are not needed. Otherwise, the sequence of actions is similar. This way of making lilies of the valley from plastic bottles is a lot easier. It is easier to make flowers out of polystyrene foam, which is why it is more often chosen.


Not so very rare - lilies of the valley from plastic bottles. Photos of them can also be found quite often. Sometimes even competitions are held for who is better to do such a craft. As you can see, there are no problems of increased complexity in the process of their manufacture. Any master, including a beginner, can easily cope with them. What matters is patience and desire. And with the rest, usually there are no problems.


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