How to plant a pear in the spring: tips and tricks

Pear is a garden tree, the fruits of which are famous not only for their taste, but also for their beneficial properties. In order to get a good crop of this crop, you need to carefully study how to plant a pear in the spring. That is what we are going to do now.

how to plant a pear in the spring

Seat selection

First of all, you need to determine the place of tree planting. It is important to consider that the pear, in spite of such a powerful root system, tolerates transplants very poorly. It is recommended to land an even, dry, well-lit area under the sun. Regarding the characteristics of the soil, it is worth noting that it is preferable that the soil is fertile, loose and not wet. If the groundwater goes too high to the surface, then the likelihood of rotting of the roots is high, as a result of which on the tree instead of fruits there will be only thick green foliage.

When deciding on how to plant a pear correctly in spring, it is worth considering the degree of proximity of buildings to a tree. So, the minimum distance between the pear and the buildings is 3 meters. It is also useful to ensure that not one, but several trees of different varieties are planted on the site. This is of great importance for pollination. Pear planting is carried out in the spring, when significant temperature drops are no longer observed.

how to plant a pear in spring

Pit preparation

We continue to study how to plant a pear in the spring. So, for the seedling, you need to dig a hole, the depth of which should be 1 meter, and a diameter of about 80 cm. It is important to consider that the root system of the tree, in order for it to fully grow, needs free space. In the excavated recess should be placed manure or vegetable humus in an amount of from 3 to 5 buckets. It is also necessary to prepare a mixture made of mineral fertilizers. To do this, mix river coarse sand (2 buckets), potassium sulfate (4 tbsp.), Superphosphate (1 tbsp.) And the drug "Agricole for berry crops" (2 tbsp. L.). The mixture should be combined with the excavated earth, and then fill it with a hole.

It is necessary to dilute lime with fluff or lime dolomite flour in 10 liters of water in an amount of 3 cups and pour the dug recess in the ground with the resulting solution. Then, another 2 buckets of water should also be poured into the pit. The pit is ready. Now you need to leave her for a week. This is necessary so that the mineral substances can completely dissolve and the root system of the tree does not get burned when it comes in direct contact with manure and fertilizers.

On the eve of landing, the hole must be poured with a special Kornerost solution. To do this, dissolve 3 capsules or 3 tablets of the drug in 10 liters of water.

Planting material

So, you want a wonderful pear tree to appear on the plot of land? Varieties, description and their characteristics should be studied thoroughly. In modern times, there are about 60 varieties of this fruit crop, differing in their taste and ripening time.

how to plant a pear
When deciding how to plant a pear, one cannot but touch upon the question of the most important component of this process - planting material. It is recommended to purchase a seedling in the garden market or in a nursery. However, you can go the other way and grow it yourself. What is required for this? Get the fruit of the pear tree, extract the seeds from it, carefully rinse them and dry them. Then transfer the planting material in a glass container, in which to store until the stratification stage. Developed 2 ways of planting pears from seeds:

  1. Sow seeds for the winter in the soil. In this case, the first shoots will be noticeable by spring.
  2. Sow seeds in wet sand and place in the cellar, let them stand there for 4 months, and then, in the spring, plant in the ground.

Self-planting seeds has two undeniable disadvantages. Firstly, finished seedlings can be seen only after 2 years, and secondly, there are no guarantees that the planted variety will not be an ordinary wild game.

Seedlings preparation

Before planting pear seedlings, it is necessary to carefully examine them and remove all damaged branches, while leaving the root system intact. Immediately before planting, it is recommended to treat the pit with a solution of growth stimulant, the use of which contributes to the early adaptation of seedlings in new conditions and provides the tree with the components necessary for normal growth.

Landing Features

So, about how to plant a pear in the spring. It is necessary to drive a stake into the center of the prepared pit, and make it so that it rises half a meter above the surface of the soil. Add soil to the pit, forming a small mound, the top of which should be located in the center of the recess. Put a pear seedling on this mound, evenly distributing its roots, and cover it with simple soil. It is important that the root neck is 5 cm above the soil.

When planting, it is recommended to shake the seedling several times. This will help fill all the voids between the roots and the soil. Next, the tree should be stamped with caution. At the end, water the seedling and pour a small layer of dry humus, which will provide a delay in the evaporation of moisture.


To get a good harvest, you should know not only how to plant a pear in the spring, but also how to care for a young tree. Care primarily comes down to the decorative formation of the crown and regular watering. It is necessary that weeds do not grow on the stem circles, for which the soil should be loosened periodically.

how to plant pear seedlings
In the first 2-3 years of life, the pear does not need to be fed, it needs the fertilizers that were introduced during planting. The tree, especially in hot weather, must be watered to prevent the soil from drying out. In this case, after each watering, the soil must be loosened. With the onset of cold weather, tree branches should be tied with spruce branches, so that rodents could not damage the integrity of the bark.
Pear: varieties, description
Knowing how to plant a pear in the spring, and providing the plant with proper care, you can be sure that soon the tree will delight you with delicious and juicy fruits.


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