Kansashi: a master class. Kansashi's petals and flowers: master class

Women are always looking for unique ways to make their appearance more attractive and brighter. Here will be considered options for making hair jewelry Kansashi. The master class will help to master them in practice.

kanzashi master class

The story of Kansashi

About three centuries ago, Japanese women began to use many hairpins and combs for their hairstyles, elegantly and variably decorated with flowers from silk fabrics. Gradually, Kansash came to other countries. They are very fond of Russian charming women. And the craftswomen began to create real masterpieces using the kanzashi style. A master class in making such flowers is not very complicated, and anyone can master this technique.

Kansashi petals master class

Elegant modesty - flowers with round petals

Today, even brides often make kanzashi hairstyles. Exquisitely look hair ornaments in which the flowers have round petals. Kanzashi, a master class for the creation of which is presented here to readers, is complemented by beads, pearls and beads. But it already depends on the imagination of the needlewoman. It is important to understand how to make flowers from the fabric, and then the kanzashi technique will not seem so complicated to the craftswoman. A master class in creating flowers with round petals begins with the preparation of materials and tools.

Materials for making flowers in the kanzashi style

Of course, the most important thing is the selection of fabric from which a masterpiece of needlework art will be created. Traditionally, in Japan, kanzashis were decorated with silk flowers. Russian craftswomen most often use satin ribbons. Although luxurious products are obtained from organza, crepe chiffon, nylon and, of course, silk. In addition, beads, beads, sparkles, guipure, lace and even feathers should not be neglected. It’s also very important to have glue on hand. Russian needlewomen first wanted to completely copy the Japanese technique of making kanzashi. And since rice glue is traditionally used in the homeland of these luxurious hair ornaments, they also tried to cook it according to well-known recipes. However, soon I had to abandon this: the composition rather weakly fastened the parts and very long time. Therefore, they quickly found a replacement: “Super-moment” or “Moment-crystal” give a much better effect. Just do not use tubes directly for applying glue. It would be better if the craftswoman squeezed a drop on the cardboard, and use a toothpick to lubricate the edges of the petals.

Tools for work

To make flowers from satin, you will need a ruler for marking the fabric and a pencil (you can take a crayon), for cutting material - scissors. The kanzashi technique, a master class on the development of which is published here, involves the execution of flowers by adding squares or rectangles with subsequent singeing of the layers to be bonded and the base of the part. Therefore, the craftswoman will definitely need a lighter and a candle. True, some needlewomen adapted to work with a soldering iron or a burner. But for this you need to have a certain skill. And the soldering iron itself is not available in all houses today. You will definitely need flat tweezers, a needle with a thread, glue or a glue gun.

Kansashi round petals master class

Master class for making round petals

  1. Mark the fabric thoroughly with a pencil and ruler. For round petals, you need squares with a side of five centimeters. The whole flower will need five of these squares.
  2. Squares are cut with scissors or a burner (or with a soldering iron).
  3. If during the cutting the craftswoman used scissors, it is recommended that the edges of the parts be scorched in a flame so that they do not “crumble”.
  4. The square is folded diagonally and ironed.
  5. Then the sharp corners of the resulting triangle add up towards a rectangular vertex. Thus, a square is obtained. Do not iron the part at this stage!
  6. Corners that are located on both sides of the connection line of the addition should be brought back, connecting their edges. In the master class, a photo is given front and rear.
  7. Now the part is folded in half so that the fold passes along the front side of the petal.
  8. The bottom corner is slightly trimmed and scorched.
  9. Expand the petal. From below, all five petals are seized with a thread, connecting them into a cup.
  10. Stick pebbles, bugles in the middle of the pebbles or create beaded stamens using a fishing line. You can use beads, plant them on a wire, making the flower more voluminous. And you can make hanging beads.
  11. From below, a circle of felt is glued to a flower cup.
  12. To the hairpin or comb (you can use any base that can be attached to the hair), felt is also glued from below.
  13. The flower sticks to the base. Other kanzashi parts are performed and also fixed.
    Kansashi flowers master class

Hair ornament "Rose"

A master class will help to make such a kanzashi. A rose is made from square pieces of satin with a side equal to five centimeters.

  1. First, the square should be folded diagonally.
  2. Then the sharp corners of the resulting figure are bent to the top of the right angle so that it turns out not a square, but a pentagon.
  3. The junction (the apex of the right angle and the bent sharp ends of the former triangle) is slightly cut and gathered with your fingers in a “heap”, so that the bottom petal is narrow.
  4. With tweezers, this tip is scorched by the flame of a candle. It is important to carry out this procedure as carefully as possible so as not to deform the petal, which only fastens in this way. Such items will be needed for a product of 30 pieces or more.
  5. The first petal is smeared with glue at the singeing site and is folded into a tube. Then, at each subsequent part, the bottom is also covered with glue (cut edge). The four petals forming the middle bud are attached tightly, so that they "go" one on top of the other.
  6. The following petals are beautifully staggered, trying to do this so that the flower has a rounded shape with a flat base, and the middle does not resemble a cone sticking forward.
  7. Leaves are cut from the green atlas. Each part is folded in half to form a midrib and, while holding along the bend of the part, is tweezed slightly by heating with fire. The edges of the leaves are also scorched by a flame. Greens are glued to the bottom of the flower so that they are visible.
  8. It is allowed between the full row of petals to skip the layer made of lace.
  9. Instead of leaves or together with leaves, the craftswomen sometimes stick feathers, eyelets from beads or beads to the bottom of the jewelry.
  10. The bottom of the finished flower is glued with a felt circle.
  11. Now it remains only to strengthen the rose on the base to get a full decoration. To do this, a felt circle is also glued to the hoop, rim or affine from below, to the side facing the hair. Then, the flower made with the base smeared with glue is superimposed on its intended place. Both felt circles are connected in this way.

Kanzashi Rosa Solid Ribbon Decoration

Looks luxurious rosette, made with virtually no scissors. The flower is obtained by twisting the satin ribbon, so you do not need to glue the petals or scorch the connection. Only in the course of laying the layers of the tape should we lubricate the side that imitates a cup of rose. A master class in making kanzashi with step-by-step photos perfectly explains how such a flower is made. Only at the very end will it be necessary to scorch the lower part of the rose and smear it with glue.

kanzashi master class rose

Kanzashi "Maki"

The master class on creating this luxurious hair jewelry begins with what you need prepare the necessary materials. You should also make a pattern. It is necessary to take two pieces of satin ribbon 9-10 cm wide as red and green colors as materials. Two more mugs of felt with a diameter of 3.5 cm are also useful, as well as a hair band, black beads, Moment glue, a needle, green threads, a line for working with beads, a candle, a plate of water, tweezers for making kanzashi. A master class on the creation of this amazingly beautiful product will facilitate the solution of the task.

Cutting poppy petals and leaves

  1. Drawn patterns by hand in the form of an hourglass with a wide isthmus and wavy bases. One pattern has a width of 6 cm, and a length of about a decimeter. Another pattern will have a length of 7 cm and a width of 5 cm. It is best to use cardboard or thick paper for patterns.
  2. To work, you need to impose patterns on a satin red ribbon, circle with a pencil or pen and cut out the kanzash's petals. The master class suggests making in this way a couple of parts for small petals and a couple for large ones.
  3. Still need to cut a couple of leaves from the green satin.

Burning petals and leaves for poppies

The first step is to burn the edges of the fabric on a candle flame.

  1. But before this procedure, the petals must first be wetted in water.
  2. After burning a small area (about a centimeter long), it is necessary to slightly stretch the already burned edge, producing as if tearing movements. So you can make the edges of the petals look uneven, wavy, resembling a real vibrant poppies color.
  3. Leaves do not need to be wet before firing. But it is important to first process the fold of each of them. For this, the sheet is folded in half. Then the part is captured with tweezers and bent over the flame of the candle.
  4. Then the edges of the leaves are treated with fire, slightly stretching them, but to a much lesser extent than was done with the petals.

Poppy flower assembly

It's pretty easy to pick up kansashi poppy flowers. Master Class begins with the manufacture of their core.

  1. To do this, a circle is cut out of the green satin, in the center of which a piece of cotton wool or synthetic winterizer is placed. The edge of the fabric is collected on the thread with a seam “forward needle” and tightened. Thus, a bag is obtained, inside of which there is a filler.
  2. The same needle with a green thread inserted into the eye (without cutting it) pierces the part from the bottom up, bringing the thread out into the middle of the bag. Then she reaches down. The needle should again pierce the part from the bottom up to the same point and pull it a little. It turns out a dent-radius. Such radii must be made from six to eight.
  3. Having fixed the thread from below, you can cut it.
  4. The resulting core is greased from below with glue and fixed to a small petal at the site of the isthmus.
  5. Using glue, the finished part is connected to the second small petal, laid perpendicular to the first.
  6. Further, according to the same principle, large poppy petals are fixed.
  7. The leaves are laid on top of each other at an angle of 45 degrees and glued together.
  8. Fix the leaves on the edge of the flower from below.

Making stamens decoration "Poppies"

Kanzashi, a master class on the creation of which is proposed, has several options for making stamens. Here we will consider the method of using beads. For this work, the master will need beads and fishing line inserted in the eye of the needle. The flower should be pierced from below - from the inside. You need to bring the line out next to the green round core. Having planted a dozen beads on the working thread, the needle is inserted into the second bead from the edge and dragged through everything. As a result, the needle appears at the base of the stamen. They pierce the whole flower. The fishing line is again below the poppy. The wizard repeats the algorithm, performing the second stamen, then the next. After about 25 stamens are made, you can fix the fishing line from below and cut the thread.

kanzashi maki master class

Strengthening the poppy on the rim

To do this, a felt circle is glued from below to kanzashi flowers. The master class for decorating is coming to the final stage. The second circle of felt is glued to the inside of the rim. The craftsman in this place must withstand some time until the glue “seizes”. Then both felt mugs are glued together. Everything, the product is ready for use. The girl who adorned her charming head with it will look just amazing!

Kansashi butterfly master class

Butterfly hair ornament

In the kanzashi technique, it is possible to produce not only flowers, but also birds. Silk dragonflies and butterflies also look amazing. Some craftswomen prefer to make butterfly wings in the same way as the round kanzash petals. A master class of this technique was described above. It will take four round petals - two large on top and two small on the bottom. Further, everything is performed according to the described algorithm. Creative decoration is obtained if each half of the wing is made not from one, but from two petals nested into each other. Therefore, for those who have mastered the technique of making round petals, it will not be difficult to make a Kanzashi's Butterfly decoration. A master class for making parts for a butterfly is no different.

As you can see from the article, learning how to do kanzashi is not difficult at all. But these amazing jewelry will change the appearance of the charming lady, make him individual and creative.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9383/

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