How to choose a pump for a pumping station? Manufacturer's Reviews

Today it is quite difficult to imagine housing without a water supply system. However, it is extremely important that the house is located within the city or within the village. Many owners of suburban real estate and suburban areas prefer autonomous systems to provide their homes with water. However, before carrying out installation work, it is necessary to select a pump for the pumping station. Today, a wide range of models are on sale, but it is important to know how to choose the right option.

Key selection criteria

pump for pumping station

A pump station with a submersible pump for a well acts as the heart of the system. If you choose such equipment correctly, then the uninterrupted operation of the water supply system to the house will depend on this. In the selection process, it is important to pay attention to some criteria that are recommended by specialists. Thus, the pump for the pumping station must correspond to a certain water level and well depth, it is important to pay attention to the need for water, as well as the flow rate of the well. Experts advise taking into account the pressure, diameter of the well and the cost of equipment.

Device selection by water level and well depth

pump for pumping station Price

These parameters are considered the main when choosing a device. In the passport you can find the value of the optimal depth for which the pump is intended. If these values ​​remain unknown, then you can measure them yourself. To do this, it is important to use a dry rope, to the end of which a weight is tied. The whole structure is lowered into the well, and you can determine the height of the water column from the extruded part.

Water requirement

pump for pumping station with automation

If you want to buy a pump for a pumping station, it is important to determine what the need for water is. The choice of equipment is impossible without determining this value, which may vary depending on the model in the range from 20 to 200 liters per minute. You can take into account that one person spends 200 liters of water during the day, but for a family of four people will need a pump whose capacity is maximum 50 liters per minute. Experienced users are advised to choose devices with some power reserve, but you should be prepared for the fact that this parameter will seriously affect the cost. If, in addition to servicing the house, you plan to use a pump to irrigate the site, it is important to determine the capacity, as well as the size of the territory and weather conditions. Typically, approximately 2,000 liters of water per day are sufficient for irrigation. This indicates the need to use a pump whose power varies from 40 to 50 liters per minute or more.

Determination of the pump model and well flow rate

pump housing pump station

If you decide to purchase a pump for your pumping station, then an important parameter is called a well flow rate. It determines the mass of water that can be obtained in a certain period of time. It is almost impossible to measure this value exactly. The parameter is estimated only approximately. For this, it will be necessary to determine the time during which the well is completely filled with water after pumping. Next, one number should be divided into the second, and the result will be the desired approximate flow rate of the well. For the choice of equipment this will be enough.

Pressure pump selection

pumping station pumps equipment

If you need a pump for a pumping station, the price of which can be equal to 7000 rubles, then you need to take into account the pressure. Model selection without this parameter will be impossible. For the calculation, 30 should be added to the depth of the well, which should be expressed in meters. This will allow you to get the height of the water column. Most often, the resulting number increases by 10%. If you use the results, then you can choose the right device. For example, if the well depth is 45 meters, then the height of the column is equivalent to 75 meters. If you increase it by 10%, you get 83 meters. As the most suitable option will be a model with a pressure of 90 meters.

Well diameter

pump station pump device

When choosing a pump for a pumping station, the price must also be taken into account. However, one of the most important parameters is the diameter of the well. If you know it, then you can easily determine the power of the device. You can find it out by reading the information in the passport of the well. This is true for the case when the drilling was carried out by a specialized company. Alternatively, you can take measurements yourself. Keep in mind that one inch is equivalent to 2.54 centimeters. In most cases, the units are designed for wells with a diameter of 4 inches, while 3-inch ones are much smaller. In some cases, it becomes necessary to order the desired model from the catalog.

What type of pump is best to buy?

pumping station with submersible pump for a well

If you visit the store, you can buy a pump for a pumping station with automation. However, before this, you must also choose a manufacturer. Supplier companies recommend paying attention to the type of device. Among the most popular options are submersible and surface. The latter provide for the moment that the pump will be removed from the surface of the water. In this case, the body will be on land or with the help of a float held on the surface in the well. Submersible pumps can differ in various design features, which involve full or partial immersion in the pumped liquid. In the first case, the equipment is intended for impressive depth, where the use is more rational.

Selection of equipment by manufacturer. Reviews

The pump for a pumping station with automation can be centrifugal or vibration. The first type of device is manufactured by Grundfos, which, judging by the reviews, has managed to establish itself well among consumers in Russia. Similar designs are a shaft and paddle wheels, the last of which are equipped with blades. At that moment, when the shaft rotates, the blades create centrifugal force. Due to it, pumping of the liquid is carried out, which fills the space of the mechanism. At such devices reliability and universality, and also quality and cost are excellently correlated. If you want to buy such equipment, then you should prefer the Grundfos brand.

If you care about how reliable the pump casing of the pumping station will be, then reviews recommend paying attention to Aquarius products. This manufacturer produces excellent quality vibration devices. They are characterized by low cost and are not accompanied by difficulties during operation. The membrane acts as the basis, on the one hand there is a vibrator, while on the other - a liquid. A working vibrator forces the membrane to deform, creating a pressure difference. This provides the ability to pump. The mentioned manufacturer supplies its pump models with a protected motor, which is practically not afraid of overheating.

Once you know the pump station pumping device, you can proceed with the selection of equipment. Among the popular aggregates, consumers also single out the Whirlwind model, which is excellent for artesian wells. As a feature of this unit is the possibility of its use at a depth of 20 meters. In this case, it is best to prefer well pumps, surface pumps or submersible pumps for solving such problems.


If you need a pumping station, pumps, equipment of this system require the right approach to the choice. The main criteria have been described above, you can be guided by them when buying a device.


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