Proper care for peonies in the fall

Peony is a perennial that is very popular among gardeners. And this is not surprising, because the plant has unusually beautiful large flowers, and besides, it is very unpretentious. For normal growth, peony care in the fall is very important. It is during this period that it is necessary to prune and transplant the plant.

peony care in autumn
The peony is grassy. Care

Since the flower develops a fairly large vegetative mass, it must be constantly watered. The soil around the shrub should be loosened from time to time. It is very useful to mulch peonies with humus at the beginning of growth. In the growing season for feeding, it is best to use nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Care for peonies in autumn and summer involves the removal of faded buds. During the formation of inflorescences, it is recommended to use phosphorus fertilizers. If you do not plan to get grain from the bush for planting, then wilting flowers should be cut in a timely manner to prevent the formation of seed bolls. After flowering, the bushes must be fertilized with phosphorus and potassium.


Care for peonies in the fall consists in pruning the shoots to soil level. This procedure is best done in late October. If the soil is dry, it should be watered abundantly. Cut stems must be removed. The plant itself is recommended to be covered for the wintering period.

peonies flowers care

Dig flowers should be in early autumn. Old overgrown bushes need to be divided and updated. For this, the rhizome of the peony, along with the kidneys and accessory shoots, should be washed with water. After this, you can start dividing, leaving only young roots. They should be processed in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then placed in the prepared soil. To plant the plant, you need to dig a fairly deep hole (60 cm). Then it should be filled with a mixture of rotted organics, soil, wood ash and superphosphate. The flower should be planted so that the upper bud is slightly covered with a small layer of turf. Care for peonies in the fall implies their shelter for the winter.

Young flowers

In spring, first-year plants, which already have a sufficiently developed root system, cannot yet form a sufficiently large bush. The main thing is that the shoots come to the surface and grow as much as possible over the summer. At first they can not be fertilized. However, regular watering and loosening are required. The first buds that appear are recommended to be cut off as soon as possible. Thanks to this, the root system will become stronger and grow better. In the second year, peony flowers, the care of which is quite simple, you can begin to feed a small amount of fertilizer. During the formation of buds, it is recommended to leave only one inflorescence on the bush, cutting off all the others. This will ensure the further development of the root system and young kidneys. Next, you need to water the bush, loosen the soil and remove weeds.

peony grassy care

Disease prevention

In spring, a peony must be sprayed with Bordeaux fluid every ten days until the buds appear. It is also recommended to treat the shrub with special solutions against bugs and ants.


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