Museums for children in Moscow. List of free museums in Moscow. Moscow interactive museums for children

Do you live in Russia or are you just going to visit this multifaceted country? Then the first thing you should go to the capital. The most interesting pastime for parents and their restless kids will be museums for children in Moscow. Let's find out what will be interesting for little toddlers, as well as how much this pleasure costs. After all, visiting the cultural places of the city is not at all as boring as it may seem to some.

Starry sky at a glance

What can cause indescribable delight and impression in kids? Just everything that is connected with uncharted expanses of space, the contemplation of distant stars and mysterious planets. And this is not some kind of science fiction film, but real reality. Therefore, place number 1 - of course, the Planetarium! Kids will be interested in learning more about distant constellations and meteorites, and the boys will be happy to look at telescopes and other instruments. Now access to the 4D cinema has also become available.

museums for children in Moscow

In unity with nature

What could be better than getting the kids closer to plants and animals? In the museum dedicated to biology, you learn a lot about animals and plants, fungi and bacteria, the structure of the human body and the development of life on the planet, get to know the underwater world and plunge into the mysterious world of genetics. The Look Into exhibition is very interesting for children - there they can learn about the eyesight of animals and people, encounter reality with optical illusions and visit the Very Dark Room, where you need to complete tasks based only on touch and smell. That's why it's worth visiting this Biological Museum. Here you can also familiarize yourself with other wonders of wildlife, take part in an interactive excursion, and even let the kids work with a microscope and trust to create the potion themselves. Who knows, maybe the best museums in Moscow for children like the Biological will help the younger generation choose an interesting profession in the future.

The most interesting for boys

What do our future defenders love? Of course, cars and everything connected with them! Therefore, the boys will be interested in the Museum of carriages and cars "Auto Review". This and other Moscow museums for children open their doors for free on weekends.

A unique exposition is presented to your attention, in which there is an opportunity to study and consider cars produced long ago or completely new. Available not only domestic but also foreign cars. You will be presented with GAZ, Moskvich, ZIS, Fiat and others. Cars are all on the go and in excellent condition, this allows them to take part in rallies, competitions, parades and exhibitions.

Just to touch everything!

Interactive museums of Moscow for children deserved the greatest love, that is, those where it is not forbidden to touch the exhibits, where you can feel the most interesting by touching. These include:

  1. "Lunarium", which is located just at the Planetarium. As many as 2 floors of interesting exhibits, of which there are 80. Let the baby feel omnipotent! He will be able to independently launch a rocket, create a hurricane and clouds, climb a space station and see the Black Hole closer.
  2. Innopark is also an interesting center where you can learn more about scientific discoveries. Designed for the smallest.
  3. "Experimentium". This museum has long been one of the most popular among Muscovites and residents of the city. It is also allowed to touch on the presented expositions, but at the same time it is still possible to understand how the laws of physics actually act and represent unimaginable natural phenomena.
  4. The physics hall at the Moscow Museum of Education is noteworthy and interesting in its own way. In 30 minutes of an exciting excursion you can watch the smoke screen and air gun, touch the exhibits in the hall dedicated to the science of ethnography.
    free museums in moscow for children
  5. Darwin Museum. A very modern cultural institution - just point your smartphone at a special code and you will hear a tour. So now you can not expect a guide and get acquainted with the natural sciences on their own. By the way, this cultural site and others are free museums in Moscow for children.
  6. A museum equipped with slot machines that have nothing to do with gambling. It is enough to throw the right coin - and the entertainment is provided for both the kids and their parents. 15 machines that have been familiar to you since the Soviet era will charge the whole family with a good mood.
    list of free museums in moscow
  7. Museum of Education. What can be more interesting and unusual than studying the primer by touching, especially since funny letters are made by skilled craftsmen from a wide variety of materials, and some also have a smell! Such museums for children in Moscow are only gaining momentum, and soon there will be many more.
  8. Moscow Museum of Animation. Does your child just can't imagine his life without cartoon characters? But what if you create these characters yourself and at the same time feel the charm of the multiplier profession?
  9. The Pushkin Museum in Moscow will allow children to learn a lot from the life of the great writer, and they will also study fairy tales in game mode. This is what you need for school and preschool kids! They will plunge into the atmosphere of magic and miracles, it is enough to take part in a team game, the theme of which is the fairy tales of the Cat scientist.
    Pushkin Museum in Moscow
  10. What could be more exciting than making fire yourself and feeling like real earners? Go, without hesitation, to the "Lights of Moscow". There you can get involved in the art of candlesticks, see old-style street lamps and still learn a lot of interesting things.
  11. Museum of Tsaritsyno. In this cultural institution, the atmosphere is simply saturated with theatrical spirit and antiquity. Thanks to fascinating excursions, you will live in the eighteenth century without a time machine, take part in general studies and be able to try on the image of a sedate court lady.
  12. Pinocchio and Pinocchio Museum, as well as the House of Fairy Tales. For little lovers of performances, a lot of unusual and fascinating is collected here. Kids are happy to plunge into the fairy-tale world thanks to special excursions, will be able to "smash" their heads over ingenious riddles, feel like a hero of a fairy tale story and try on his costume.

Interactive museums are a new kind of cultural institution, which is filled with a spirit of joy and a thirst for knowledge. It will be interesting to visitors of any age. These are really very interesting museums in Moscow for children, and your kid certainly will not start acting up because he is bored.

What is interesting at VDNH?

Moscow historical museum

VDNH is a place that many people hear. In addition to various cafes, there are a great many entertainment and cultural institutions! Interesting festivals are often held here and many attractions are concentrated, which will appeal to even the most demanding tourists! No wonder this place was called the "Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy." It fully justifies itself. There are a lot of different thematic exhibitions. It is especially worth highlighting the museum, where giant insects (scorpions, flies, tarantulas, mantises) are located and an interactive museum that tells about dinosaurs of the Jurassic period. What is especially surprising is that 19 dinosaurs make sounds and move around.

By the way, next to VDNH there are world-famous cultural objects that cause pride in their country. Two museums are dedicated to the first manned flight into space - there is something to tell curious kids. Another notable object - "Worker and Collective Farm Girl". The third museum, which is also nearby, is Zurab Tsereteli, and the State Museum of Oriental Art will tell a lot of interesting things about the original craftsmanship of the peoples of neighboring countries.

Where without history?

The Moscow History Museum is a collection of a great many exhibits that display the whole history of Russia and its culture from the most ancient centuries to the present day. In appearance, it somewhat resembles the Kremlin - the same red facing brick and turrets. There are also collection exhibitions that clearly express a certain theme and compositions on church subjects. Here are collected more than 5 million interesting cultural objects and 14 million various kinds of documentation. It was often renamed, and received its final name only at the beginning of the twentieth century. You will see the ceremonial Parade Canoes, as well as portraits of famous rulers - emperors and princes.

List of free history museums in Moscow

In the capital there are various cultural sites where you can go completely free. But this does not mean that it is uninteresting or boring. Children who are inclined toward a particular subject in school will like places dedicated to, for example, literature, art. Here are the objects that will captivate lovers of historical events:

  1. Museum dedicated to the history of the T-34.
  2. At the Museum Association "Museums of Moscow": Lefortovo, the Chambers of the Old English Courtyard, the "Providence Shops" architecture complex, the Museum of Archeology, the Estate of Princes Golitsyns, the Museum of Russian Harmonica.
  3. Museum of Defense of Moscow.
  4. Museum of S.P. Korolev (dedicated to astronautics).
  5. Museum of Local Lore.
  6. Dedicated to the Navy.
  7. Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Moscow museums for children for free

Young art lovers

For those children who understand and love beauty in any form, the free museums of Moscow for children are represented by the following institutions:

  1. Modern Art Museum.
  2. Museum of V. Siddur.
  3. Museum dedicated to naive art.
  4. Burganov House.
  5. Workshop of D. Nalbandyan.
  6. Art galleries of I. Glazunov, A. Shilov.

Nature and history have merged

You can contemplate the architectural beauty for free if you visit museums for children in Moscow, which are located in nature, these are manor houses and protected complexes that keep many secrets:

interesting museums in Moscow for children

  1. Izmailovo.
  2. Manor "Kuskovo" (where the kids get acquainted with the work of ceramic masters).
  3. "Lublin".
  4. "Kolomenskoye".

Favorite writers and musicians

For children who are fond of literature and creativity, as well as music, it will be informative to visit such cultural institutions as:

  1. Museum of Vladimir Vysotsky.
  2. Museum of Vladimir Mayakovsky.
  3. House of Marina Tsvetaeva.
  4. Museum of Sergey Yesenin.
  5. Turgenev Museum.
  6. Scientific library of N. Gogol.
  7. Museum A. Scriabin.
  8. Memorial apartment of A. Pushkin.
  9. Literary Center Paustovsky.
  10. Exhibition Hall (Pushkin Museum).

In Moscow, as you can see, there are an infinite number of attractions, world-famous cultural heritage and other prominent places. It remains only to paint a program of excursions.

For lovers of science

The State Biological Museum and Darwin - these museums for children in Moscow are absolutely free. Informative excursions and interactive exhibitions will be remembered by your children for a long time, and if you take your kid’s friends with you there, this fun company will have a lot to talk about!


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