World of Warcraft: WoW black market. Lot prices and market location in Pandaria and Draenor

Black market. Agree that this phrase sounds very ominous. This concept is most often associated with most people with something illegal, criminal and punishable. However, this is far from the case, especially considering that this article is devoted to black markets in the world-famous game World of Warcraft.

What is a black market?

The black market WoW appeared in the addition of "Pandaria." This innovation has allowed many moneybags to part with their hard-earned gold coins for a reason, but by creating bids at an informal auction, the minimum values ​​of which start at 10,000 and end with a beautiful and very significant number of several hundred thousand. You must admit that not always amateurs to tickle their nerves at a regular auction in one of the capitals can be satisfied with this state of affairs. In addition, the WoW black market can always offer some very rare gizmos: from a raid mount, which can be obtained only with special favor from the roll gods, to a set of epic items of equipment or just funny pets or toys. Not bad, agree!

black market wow

Perhaps, beginning players will have a question: "Why do we need a black market if players can sell their own items through a regular auction?" The fact is that all items when they are received in raids become personal, that is, the recipient cannot sell them. And this means that those players who were not lucky to immediately get a combat pet or mount can spend several years on their prey. In addition, many mounts, armor and pets no longer fall from bosses. For such "unlucky" gamers, developers have come up with a black market.

What can you buy on the black market?

Let's go a little deeper into a topic such as the WoW black market, namely, what players can bet their gold on. Firstly, these are riding animals, the drop rate of which is less than 1%, for example, Kel-Tas White Wingstalker of the Sunstrider or Invincible - a horse that very rarely falls from the Lich King, and even Al'ar's ashes. These three mounts, as well as the spectral tiger and several different dragons, are the rarest prey in WoW raids. The black market 3.3.5, an application in which, in fact, you can get these and other vehicles, did not even exist. Nevertheless, this did not become an obstacle to their sale.

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In second place in popularity among buyers are fighting pets with a high supply of health and unique abilities, which together allows them to be used to achieve many victories in battles or simply as a very beautiful and funny companion.

How much are lots on the black market WoW?

It is important for any player who decides to purchase a rare item through the black market to remember that such products are not cheap. For example, a transmog set of equipment will cost at least 20,000 gold, and the cost of mounts starts at 60,000 gold coins. Fighting pets are somewhat cheaper, the price of which is on average from 10 to 15 thousand. It is worth noting that a player can pay an amount much more than what was originally indicated, because the value of any lot on the black market rises by at least 10,000 coins with each new bet.

Where is the WoW black market located?

Now let's move on to the most important point in the story of the black market World of Warcraft - the location of this auction. Since such an interesting innovation appeared in the Mists of Pandaria application, you need to start looking for it not far from the tavern "In the Fogs", or rather, a little to the west of it. The WoW black market in addition to Warlords of Draenor is located in Nagrand, not far from the Circle of Blood, or rather, right on its territory. After gaining level 100, each player must have been there with a quest for the title β€œBlood Champion”. In the immediate vicinity of the site where the battle takes place, there is a small room in which the black market is located.

where is the black market wow

By visiting these auctions, wealthy players will be able to become happy owners of any epic items for which they have enough money.


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