Grapes "Platovsky": description and reviews

The complex-resistant technical grapevine “Platovsky” is the result of the crossing of the varieties “gift of maharach” and “zaladende”. The resulting variety is quite resistant to fungal diseases, frost-resistant, so it can be grown in the middle lane without shelter for the winter period. The Platovsky grape variety has a very early ripening period, which is usually 110-115 days. From this article you will learn all the features of the appearance, cultivation and use of this plant.

grapes platovsky

Grapes "Platovsky": variety description

The bush is medium-tall, the flower is bisexual. Attractive clusters have a cylindrical-conical shape and average size, with careful care and cultivation, the weight reaches up to 200 g. The structure is moderately dense. The berries are small, rounded, their color is white, and on the sunny side as a ripening a characteristic pink hue is formed. The mass of berries on bunches of medium size is 2-4 g. The flesh is juicy, with a pleasant and rather harmonious taste. In berries, the skin is thin, but quite strong. Sugar content reaches 20.2-21%, acidity is 8.9 g / l.

grapes platovsky description of the variety

Grapes "Platovsky": reviews

According to reviews, the variety impresses with its pleasant taste characteristics. And this despite the external unpresentable appearance: small clusters, weighing 200 g, small berries (2 g). The grapes are characterized by good resistance to diseases such as mildew, oidium, gray rot, phylloxera, due to which during the dry and hot summer grapes "Platovsky" can be grown almost without spraying. In rainy summer, 2-3 sprays will be enough for the season.

"Platovsky" grapes have many advantages and advantages:

  • the variety is unpretentious, resistant to many diseases, well rooted;
  • able to withstand frosts up to 30 degrees;
  • grape care is quite simple;
  • fruiting, even with short pruning and in adverse weather conditions, is good;
  • ripened berries are able to remain on the bushes for a sufficiently long period and accumulate sugar, without crumbling;
  • berries are suitable for making high-quality wines, juices and for drying;
  • grapes are able to multiply easily, the roots take root well in almost any soil and even under adverse conditions;
  • bushes of this variety in the early years grow very quickly.

grape variety platovsky

Grade Features

The ripening of the shoots is satisfactory (80%), and the fruiting capacity is approximately 85%, the number of clusters per shoot is 1.3. The recommended eye load is 65-80 per bush. Pruning fruit vines is carried out briefly, 3-4 eyes. "Platovsky" variety must be stepson with the complete removal of useless and not prolific stepsons. For a good accumulation of sugar, it is recommended to remove all those leaves that are shaded by clusters. After ripening, the crop is able to be well preserved on the bush for a month or more. At the same time, even by the end of September, clusters usually retain the same appearance as in August, at the beginning of ripening. The berries remain palatable and very sweet.

“Platovsky” grapes do not require special care, such as, for example, large-fruited table varieties. It is especially suitable for those who do not want to grow table-top covering grape varieties, but prefer varieties like “Lydia” or “Isabella” in their area. "Platovsky" has high frost resistance - can withstand up to minus 28-30 ° C, which allows this grape variety to be used for landscaping arches and arbors in household plots and summer cottages.


Grapes "Platovsky" when grown at home is used for fresh consumption. In addition, he goes to make juice and homemade wine. In industry, the berry is used to make high-quality table and dessert wines.

grapes platovsky reviews

What is the difference between the considered grapes and table varieties?

“Platovsky” grapes (description of the variety provided above), despite the fact that the sizes of its clusters and berries are not very large, can be laid out on the festive table without shame. Its taste is absolutely no worse than table grape varieties. "Platovsky" does not require special care.

The only drawback: if the grapes are designed to make a very large amount of wine, then you will have to plant more bushes than in the case of table varieties. And all because of the small size of berries and clusters.

Thanks to its rather elastic skin and dense pulp, grapes are easily transported.


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