What nickname to come up with in the game - do not know? Help!

Everyone knows the expression "what you call a boat, so it will sail." For gamers, it has a special meaning, because the name of the game character is given with the same thrill with which they call a real newborn baby.

what nickname to come up with in the game

An essential issue for any gamer

The question of what kind of nickname to come up with in the game worries fans of different genres: from arcade to quest. In some cases, the name of the player is never mentioned in the gameplay, however, the responsibility for making such a decision is still a pleasant burden on the gamer. “What if I name the character Girey and he drowns?” - reflects the player. Someone may snort and claim that the character’s name does not affect his fate or progress during the game. But some, on the contrary, will assure him that the choice of a name determines almost the entire gameplay. Some will need two seconds to select a nickname for the character in the game, and someone will spend several days sorting through all the possible options. You can talk for a long time about which of them is right and which is simply exaggerating, but the question of the "baptism" of the character will still remain urgent. So, how to choose a suitable name, and what should be taken into account?

nickname for the character in the game

When vocabulary help is needed

Some gamers are convinced that nicknames for games in English sound much better than the usual domestic names. On the one hand, this makes some sense. English is international, so every player on the server will be able to read the character’s name, remember it or even admire the imagination of the owner of this hero. However, comrades who do not quite know a foreign language, who are not sure which nickname to come up with in the game, sometimes give their characters absolutely awkward names. For example, if you call a large warrior something like Fluffy, it is quite possible to stumble on non-traditional players . They will decide that a stern character with such a “soft and fluffy” name is clearly suffering from emotional imbalance, so he urgently needs to decide. In the same way, if you call the thin and fast elf Hard Fist or Powerman, you can make the comrades from the server break their brains in an attempt to argue why such a graceful character received such a courageous name.

how to change the nickname in the game

Too original - not always good

Sometimes, thinking about what kind of nickname to come up with in a game, a person begins to just look around and remember the names of popular companies or even medicines. You should be careful with this, especially if you play online. The fact is that it is unlikely that a character named Antiprostatitis or Blendamed will cause your comrades anything other than hysterical laughter. Of course, if your goal is to amuse the people, you can continue to look around and come up with options in the spirit of Activated Carbon, Morshinsky Gnome or Ikea. But here you need to be extremely careful if you later meet with your comrades from the server in real life. The fact is that such bright nicknames can become the subject of heated discussion, after which you will be solemnly christened as your character. It’s good if you have enough self-irony to have fun with everyone and stay Activated Carbon forever. If your honor is dear to you, it is better to think a little more.

nicknames for games

Computer games and gender policy

A separate issue is nicknames for games for girls. These names almost always cause disapproval among males, because ladies often choose for themselves either names that are too complicated and difficult to remember, or get stuck knee-deep in childhood and come up with infantile nicknames. Few people want an archer named Cornflower in his team. The character can be pumped to a high level, dress in the best armor from the most expensive store, but if his name is Cornflower, he is unlikely to quickly find companions. Sometimes the fact that the girl controls the character gives a small discount, but it is always temporary. Be that as it may, such nicknames seem to shout: “Look, the girl is on the server, now the game will become terrible!” - and such a story has two development paths. First: no one will pay any attention to you, let go of a couple of caustic comments and pretend that you do not exist. Second: everyone will begin to offer you help in training and buying armor only because they will see that you are clearly a girl, and in the end you can be “rolled up” in real life.

The charms and tricks of using the fruits of someone else’s imagination

If you’ve been thinking for several hours, but still don’t know what nickname to come up with in the game, your favorite literary works, films or songs can come to the rescue. This option is the simplest and least risky, but it also has its drawbacks. First, if you focus on a mainstream work or film, you can become, for example, one hundred and fifteenth Katniss Everdeen or eighteenth Ron Weasley. Most likely, if you choose a nickname according to the names of famous characters, you will be only one of many. Most often, the system does not allow the registration of several players with the same name at once, so you will have to add capital or small letters, numbers or incomprehensible characters to make your character's name unique. Such nicknames look terrible, and sometimes it turns out to read them at least the third time. The name should be catchy, memorable and easy to read, so do not abuse the imagination of more inventive people. If you are guided by some work, it is desirable that it is not too popular.

nicknames for games in English

Together and forever

On the other hand, if you name a character by the name of an actor or performer, you can find like-minded people on the server. Some people find companions for themselves, however, many call this method flawed. In this case, if you manipulate attention using the names of famous people, sooner or later you may be tired of looking for like-minded people. Because of this, you may want to change the name of your character, but not every game system will allow you to do this. Very often, registration is carried out on the model “once and for all”, so choosing a name will be an even more responsible task. If the player does not know how to change the nickname in the game, he can ask the administrator for help, but in many cases this event will not bring the desired result. Most likely, the player will have to create a new character with a different name, and this will put an end to all achievements and earned money during the last game progress. If you do not want to wake up one day and understand that your hero is out of date, try to choose a universal and neutral name for him that will not begin to annoy you in a couple of weeks.

nicknames for games for girls

Character as a mirror of the soul

Some resources select the character’s name in accordance with the psychological characteristics of the player himself. Before you come up with a name, the system offers the player to answer a few questions about his addictions and character traits in order to offer his character exactly that name that would reflect his ego. Here unforeseen problems may arise associated with a change in the morale of the player, according to which the name of his character ceases to be relevant. For example, if during a depression a person wants to call his character a Blade Runner, then after a month he may be confused by the fact that such a name exists. On the other hand, many players consider their characters in the virtual world a reflection of their own personality, so such resources are extremely popular, and the process of creating a character's appearance can take hours.

Own uniqueness and self-search

The name of the character always shows the level of fantasy of the player, the depth of his self-irony or self-hatred. Of course, sometimes players do not attach importance to either the appearance of their character or his name, because they do not identify themselves with their virtual ego and come to the painted world only in order to feel as detached from reality as possible. Such a person can name his character even Nyusha, because he does not care what his virtual comrades think of him. I must say that this approach can be safely called the most healthy, but it is suitable only for those who can prioritize and distinguish real problems from imagined ones. Unfortunately, players under 20 do not quite understand that the choice of a character’s name and a real child cannot be taken equally seriously, because the importance of the two events is incomparable. On the other hand, the original nickname can demonstrate the player’s creativity and help him make friends in real life. It is important to remember that everything depends entirely on your attitude.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9414/

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