We study the signs: cuckoo cuckoo - what does it mean?

People pass from mouth to mouth a lot of knowledge, which is commonly called folk, because the author is unknown. These include the findings of the wise observation of countless generations of events, namely signs. The cuckoo is cuckooing, the black cat has crossed the road, the salt has crumbled - everything has its meaning. And what’s interesting is fulfilling!

signs cuckoo cuckoo

Ancient Cuckoo Ideas

People whose brain was not cluttered with scientific ideas about the world, perceived the environment in a completely unusual way. Everywhere they dreamed magic. From here, by the way, omens appeared. Cuckoo cuckoo is a sign, believed in ancient times. After all, her voice is unusual, voluminous, far flying, overlapping the homon of other birds. So they decided that this wanderer flew from the world into which the dead go. Therefore, the fate of all living knows. After all, from that country and the souls of babies come to earth. Therefore, she does not just sing, but gives signs. It is only necessary to learn to recognize them, to decipher. Our ancestors didn’t fool their heads. Questions were asked: “How old am I to live?” Other. True, the birds did not indulge in a variety of “quotes”. Therefore, not all signs have taken root. Cuckoo cuckoo - predicts a life span. This belief is widespread. But people have already mostly forgotten about others. Let's remember.

signs cuckoo cuckoo in may

Sign: cuckoo cuckoo near the house

In the city, you rarely hear a bird's hubbub near a high-rise building. Therefore, telegrams from the wizarding world transmitted by the cuckoo - the postman - do not reach everyone. But many of them will delight, others, however, upset. Who are these signs? A cuckoo is cuckolding at a poor man’s house - to wealth. Surely he has a wealthy, lonely relative in old age. He will leave his savings to the poor, who has a keen ear and attention to detail. But for a wealthy person - this is a very unfavorable sign. Hear the characteristic sounds of a feathered postman, let him prepare for losses. It is said that ruin awaits such a person. But not only the further destiny concerned feathered signs. Cuckoo cuckoo in the yard - be careful with fire. This is a sign of a likely fire. It is considered a bad omen to hear her voice behind her. Prankster forest in this way predicts a quick demise. But he doesn’t look into his eyes, for he is shy. Judge for yourself, who is pleased to spread the funeral news?

omen cuckoo cuckoo near the house

Signs: cuckoo cuckoo in may

But the feathered fortune teller is asked about the term of his own life only in a certain period. In the old days they said that in the spring you need to meet her. At other times of the year, he will lie, he will take inexpensively. Hence the belief was born, important questions to ask the cuckoo in May. Like, she had already eaten up on the greenery, she had thrown her eggs over the nests of strangers, and was in a good mood. Not fussing, not in a hurry, so she has time to connect with her native magical world and find out the exact data. There are jokers who torture a mess with wings about other people's years. So, this thing is empty. She doesn’t distribute such valuable information to anyone, only to the owners of life. Therefore, do not try to climb into other people's secrets, ask about yourself. More about the weather is possible and all kinds of rural affairs. For example, if they heard her voice, take a closer look where she sits. If on a green tree, summer will please you, and the harvest will stand out noble. If in the evening she called you from a bare bush or tree, then do not expect anything good. Bad weather will ruin the labors of the peasants, winter will be hungry and cold. Our ancestors believed in such wonderful abilities of the feathered witch and bequeathed to us!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9416/

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