"The Tale of Mountain-Anger": a summary. "The Tale of Mountain-Anger": analysis, characterization of the protagonist

"The Tale of the Mountain-Harmony" is an old Russian work, the author of which remained unknown. It is about this literary memo that will be discussed in the article. We will consider its brief content, give an analysis and analyze the image of the protagonist.

About the work

summary of the tale of woefulness

The story of finding the story is very unusual. Until 1856, no one had even heard of her. “The Story of Mountain-Malignancy”, the contents of which we will consider below, was accidentally found by academician A.N. Pypin when he studied the manuscripts of M.N. Pogodin, who collected folk traditions and not only.

The work was dated to the 17th century. It turned out to be many new and unusual traits for ancient Russian literature: a hero without a name, a folk verse and language, a special attitude to moral values ​​and the spiritual choice of a person.

"The Tale of Mountain-Anger": a summary

The works begin with a biblical plot, namely, with the fall of Adam and Eve. Thus, the author inscribes his story worldwide in religious terms. Then he compares the Lord, who, angry with people, nevertheless showed them the way to salvation, with parents who, raising their children, punish them.

Here appears the main character of the "Tale" - well done. Parents from childhood teach him the mind. They instruct their son not to go to feasts, not to drink a lot, to beware of fools, to bypass seductresses, not to take other people's things, not to deceive, choosing friends, look at their reliability and devotion, and not at praise.

All the instructions and blessings of parents come down to following the traditional way of life. To live well, you must follow the precepts of your ancestors and not break off ties with family and traditions.

tale of grief malignancy summary

How does the fellow live?

Well done from the "Tale of the Mountain-Malignancy" it was hard for him to follow the advice of his parents. He wants to live with his mind. The author explains this desire of the hero by the fact that he was still stupid and young, did not see and did not recognize life. It is the lack of everyday experience that makes him contradict his parents.

Guided only by his will, well done makes new friends. He became so close to one of them that he began to call his brother. It was this “brother” who invited the young man to the nearest tavern. The hero, listening to the sweet speeches of a faithful friend, drinks a lot and quickly gets drunk. The booze ended with the young man falling asleep right in the tavern.

What turns credulity?

It was not easy for the young man from The Tale of the Mountain-Malignancy the next morning. While the hero was sleeping, he was robbed. “Faithful friends” left him only worn-out bast shoes (“paw pads-heaters”) and rags (“kabatskaya gunkka”). Deceived, he wants to go to "friends", but he is not allowed. Nobody wants to help the young man. The hero becomes ashamed, conscience cannot allow him to return home to his parents, to his "clan and tribe."

hero of the tale of misfortune

In the end, he decides to go to distant lands. In his wanderings, he accidentally ends up in some town. There he wanders into a courtyard in which a feast takes place. When meeting new people, now the young man follows the “written teaching”, that is, following the science of his parents. The hosts really liked this behavior. Therefore, the hero is invited to the table and begin to treat.

However, the fellow at the feast was not fun. And after some time, he still admits a new acquaintance that he disobeyed his parents, and now he is ashamed to return to them. He also asks for advice on how to live now and what to do on the wrong side. Kind people recommend that he live according to traditional laws, that is, follow the covenants of his father and mother. Wisdom in the centuries-old experience of ancestors.

Life on the advice of seniors

Now everything on the shoulder is becoming a well-done person from The Tale of the Mountain-Anger. Happiness came to him through an awareness of the wisdom of the ancestors and obedience to his father and mother. Now he lives skillfully, so he quickly makes a fortune and finds a good bride for himself. The case is heading for the wedding. However, the fellow here spoils everything - he begins to brag to the guests all that he has achieved. The author condemns this act of his hero - the laudable words are always “rotten”.

The hero’s praises are heard by Grief-Anger and immediately decides to take the hero’s lime. From this moment on, it follows relentlessly everywhere well done. He incites him to drink all his acquired property in taverns, since only "naked, barefoot are not driven out of paradise". Well done, he begins to listen to Grief-Malignancy and goes to the tavern, where he drops all his money.

the tale of sorrow

Only finally broke, the hero catches himself and begins to think about how to get rid of his obsessive companion. The first idea that comes to his mind is the idea of ​​suicide. But the young man can’t drown himself in the river. The hero gets ashore, where he is waiting for the Woe-Harmony. With sweet speeches, it forces the young man to finally submit to his will.


The summary is coming to an end. “The Tale of the Mountain of Anger” is, in essence, an instructive story about how the life itself punishes those who neglect the covenants of their elders. That is why the fellow was in such a difficult situation.

However, fate again gives the hero the opportunity to save. And this time, good people help him. Carriers across the river listened to the young man’s story, took pity on him, warmed him and fed him. These same people ferry him to the other side and give goodbye advice - go to their parents and ask for their blessings.

However, as soon as the hero is left alone, Woe-Wickedness reappears and begins its pursuit. To get rid of the unwanted companion, the young man turns into a falcon. But Grief does not recede and becomes a gyrfalcon. The hero turns into a dove, and the ego companion becomes a hawk; well done - in a wolf, Grief turns into a pack of beagle dogs; the hero becomes a feather grass; Woe-Malignity turns into a scythe; the fellow will turn into a fish, Grief relentlessly follows him with a net.

well done from the tale of misfortune

Finally, in despair, the fellow returns to his human form. But here, Grief-Wickedness is next to him. Now it inspires the hero with thoughts of robbery and murder, so that he will be condemned and drowned or hanged.

The fellow resisted for a long time, and then decided to go get a haircut as a monk. As soon as the hero crosses the doors of the monastery, Grief lags behind him. There is no way for him outside the gates of the holy temple.

“The Tale of Mountain-Anger”: analysis and genre identity

In the 17th century, small instructive narratives were widespread. They still did not have clear genre features, uniting only on moral topics. The authors of such works turned in search of a plot to folk tales, ritual and lyric songs, and jokes. It is to this variety of Old Russian literature that the Tale of the Mountain-Malignancy belongs (a brief summary serves as proof of this).

For the first time, these everyday tales departed from medieval conventions in the depiction of people and events. They began to pay special attention to an individual person, signs of psychologism appeared in the image of heroes. The authors first introduced several conflicts, including everyday ones, used ethnographic material, and paid attention to the social actions of the characters.

At the same time, folklore trends intensified. For example, in the "Tale ...", in addition to the folk language, there are fabulous elements: the young man turns into animals, trying to escape from the grief.

Folk elements

tale of grief malignancy content

The “Tale of Mountain-Malignancy” (a brief summary illustrates this well) is permeated with folklore images and symbolism. The author himself constantly resorts to the methods of the folk song language, uses folklore epithets and repetitions: "damp earth", "daredevil", etc.

However, The Tale ... also has innovative elements for 17th century literature. For example, the author shows sympathy for his hero. However, the work does not have a clear description of life, there is no concrete indication of the place of action and geographical names, and time is not indicated. Even the hero remains nameless.

Household paintings

"The Tale of Mountain-Malignancy" is replete with a depiction of people's lives, which draws a full-fledged everyday background, on which the action unfolds. So, the values ​​of the world of the “Tale ...” become clear from the teachings of the young man’s parents, practical savvy of the mercantile people, moral instructions of “good people” and their everyday advice. Despite the fact that all this creates a picture of the moral values ​​of the Russian people and their way of life, there is no hint in the text of the historical specificity of the events described. The reader is not given a single hint to understand what time the plot unfolds.

The paintings of everyday life are supplemented by some ethnographic details, although not very numerous: the “tavern”, the description of the “honest feast”. Items of clothing are also called: “chira” (shoes), “kabatskaya gunkka”, “paws”, “expensive ports”.

The world around, however, is depicted using exclusively folklore elements: “a foreign country” without geographical names, “city”, “hut”, “high tower”, etc.


well done from the tale of misfortune was

First of all, the instructive story "The Tale of Mountain-Harmony". The grief appeared in the work by the very force that punishes a person for unrighteous acts, inciting him to even worse acts. This very image embodied the popular understanding of grief. In folklore, the fate of man often appears in this image. That is, in essence, it contains an educational function.

In addition, in folk songs Goryu is credited with even heroic traits (for example, voice), which indicates the fulfillment of a protective function by him. We can say that Grief appears as the protector of the human soul. So, Woe-Harmfulness forces the young man to leave for the monastery, abandoning worldly life. However, in order to get rid of suffering, it is necessary to pass a certain test - not to succumb to the persuasion of Grief and not begin to do even worse deeds.

The image of the protagonist

The protagonist of "The Tale of the Mountain-Anger" is a well-done man who does not have a name, which speaks of the typical character. He is not unique in his kind - there are many people like him. From the narrative it becomes clear that this is a bifurcated character, inclined either to good deeds, or to bad ones. However, the author himself is inclined to sympathize with his character, despite his sins.

The hero of "The Tale of the Mountain-Malignancy" is endowed with a rich inner world, he is at a crossroads. The reader sees his inner world and mental anguish. The despair of the young man is depicted highly artificially when Grief brought him to hunger and poverty. However, the minor misconduct of the hero, for which he is so severely punished, compels the reader to sympathize with him.

Thus, the genre of everyday tales, to which this work belongs, had a great influence on the development of all Russian literature, thanks to the rejection of canonical traditions and the inclusion of new elements in the narrative.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9427/

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