Retirement benefit for pensioners in 2018

Pensioners are one of the most vulnerable categories of society. For many of them, material support from the state is the only source of income for their livelihoods. Therefore, it is so important for them to know when and how the next increase in pension is carried out.

General Provisions

These or other types of pension payments increase in different ways. Since the beginning of the year, labor pensions have been increased for pensioners who have stopped working. At the same time, indexation is carried out, the size of which this year amounted to 3.7%.

In February, social benefits are indexed, which are accrued by the Pension Fund as self-sustaining payments or an increase in pension. These are NSU and EDV. And in April social pensions are indexed, which are paid in the absence of seniority for one reason or another. These include pensions for children with disabilities. This payment is charged in a fixed amount and increases when the size of the living wage changes. This year indexation of this type of pension is carried out in the amount of 4.1%.

Payments of working pensioners, as well as last year, will remain without indexation. However, an increase in pension will still take place in the form of recalculation, which is made in early August. In addition, all the missing indexations will be returned to them upon dismissal from work.

In 2017, pensioners received significant compensation in the amount of five thousand rubles. But despite the fact that it was initially announced about the one-time nature of this payment, many hoped to receive a similar amount in 2018 as well. However, this did not happen.

various pension supplements in 2018

When is indexing done?

According to the law on labor pensions No. 400-, payments are subject to indexation on February 1 to the percentage level that was available in the previous year. If the PFR has additional opportunities, then on April 1, a retirement pension will be added to the pensioners. In 2018, an increase was already planned in early January. This decision was made because the increase in pensions immediately laid the percentage above a fixed level of inflation. That is why it did not make sense to wait for February so that the statisticians calculated the next percentage of inflation for the previous year.

After the indexation of pensions to working pensioners in January, the fixed part became equal to 4,982.9 rubles. The cost of a retirement point is 81.49 rubles. As a result, the average payment to non-working pensioners has become equal to 14 329 rubles. Since February, EDV payments transferred to beneficiaries at the federal level have also been indexed.

Social benefits are raised in the standard manner. Therefore, this increase in pension in 2018 is carried out on February 1 on the basis of information about inflation, and social pensions for disabled people on April 1 on the basis of the cost of living.

If indexing is not applicable

Indexing to working retirees was frozen back in 2016. The government attributed this to the difficult economic situation and hoped in this way to save money. Since then, proposals have been repeatedly submitted to the State Duma to resume indexation. Moreover, among the arguments sounded not only the fact that her absence violates the rights of working pensioners. It was suggested that the event did not lead to economic benefits. If by 2016 there were more than 15 million working pensioners, then after freezing indexation, the number decreased by more than 5 million people. Therefore, revenues in the state treasury also decreased. But despite this, until 2020, it was decided not to return to the topic of indexing pensions for working pensioners.

recalculation of pensions to working pensioners

Indexing freezes like this:

  • Citizens who retire before 2016 but continue to work will not be paid an increase in their pension;
  • Citizens who retire after February 2016 will be paid the amount, taking into account all the increases available at the time of the right to retire.

In the future, while maintaining a job, indexation will no longer be carried out. At the same time, working pensioners are re-calculated every year in August. This takes into account the number of pension points that were earned in the previous year. However, this increase in pension for working retirees cannot be higher than the amount equivalent to 3 points. If a pensioner earned more points, then they move on to the next year. This year, the cost of one such point is 81.49 rubles. Thus, the maximum increase in pensions for working pensioners is possible only by 245 rubles.

Insurance pension

You must understand that any insurance pension consists of the following parts:

  • The fixed part, which is a constant value, which is guaranteed by the state.
  • Directly the insurance payment, or an individual estimated amount, depending on the earned pension points.

Thus, the first part increases by 3.7%, and will have a constant value equal to 4,982.90 rubles. Only for certain categories of citizens can it be reduced or, conversely, increased. The value of the insurance part is different and depends on the number of points, each of which is 81.49 rubles.

increase in insurance pension


In February, an increase is made in all social payments, which are presented in the form of monthly cash payments (EDV) and a set of social services (NSOs). NSOs include drugs, travel by public transport, as well as treatment in a sanatorium and resort. Set of social. services are provided at choice in kind or in cash.

The cost of these services is determined by law and increases in proportion to the increase in EDV (by a similar percentage). Since this year the increase is less than 3%, pensioners will hardly feel any increase in pension in 2018.

Social pension

A social pension is a special type of payment transferred in the absence of a senior citizen's seniority. This payment is assigned in a fixed amount. Basically, the value of social pensions is much lower than the estimated labor payments.

In recent years, the growth of social pensions has declined somewhat. So, last year, the indexation of payments amounted to 1.5%. But in 2018, the growth is 4.1%. This type of pension is tied to the cost of living. Therefore, its indexation differs from the indexation of insurance payments, although both types are associated with an increase in prices for basic products.

In 2018, both in the country as a whole and in the regions, there was a significant increase in the cost of living. In this regard, non-working pensioners received the opportunity to receive additional money (an increase in pension was carried out if the established payment amount turned out to be lower than the PM).

According to the law, the pension must not be less than the PM established in the pensioner's region of residence. Since 2010, a section on social supplement has appeared in the application for the appointment of a pension. Thus, if a citizen retired earlier than 2010 and did not apply for a supplement, despite the fact that his pension is lower than the PM established in the region, he should personally contact the department of the pension fund at the place of residence and submit the corresponding application.

increase in social pension

Increased payouts for former military personnel

Military retirees in the country, there are about 2.5 million people. Indexation will affect them, including former internal affairs officers. Soldiers, warrant officers and officers are indexed from January 1, and retirees from February 1. As in the current year, an increase in pension for pensioners will be carried out both in 2019 and 2020 in the amount of 4%.

For the operation, the former soldier does not need to additionally apply to the Pension Fund and submit an application. Pensioners receive payments in an increased amount from the beginning of the year. As before, the calculation takes into account the reduction factor. You can get a preliminary calculation of the amount using the online calculator located on the official virtual resource of the Ministry of Defense.

Retirees are entitled to a second pension. To do this, they must meet the established requirements, which include reaching 60 years for men and 55 years for women, insurance experience of 9 years, and a minimum number of pension points of 13.8.

Separate groups of military personnel, namely: conscripts who became disabled during military service, are entitled to receive state pensions. The value depends on the social payment, as well as the circumstances in which the disability and its specific group were received.

Increased pensions for people with disabilities

disabled pension increase

In order to receive a disability pension, a citizen must annually confirm his status by passing a medical commission. The exception is persons who have received disabilities in childhood.

According to statistics, only 20% of people with disabilities are currently able to independently provide for themselves financially. The rest is entirely dependent on social support from the state. The situation is especially acute for children with disabilities. Their pension does not exceed 10 thousand rubles.

A lot of money is required to pay for treatment, the purchase of medicines, and also for the services of rehabilitation centers. Allocated amounts are often not enough to ensure a satisfactory standard of living. Therefore, legal representatives or persons with disabilities themselves carefully monitor whether they will be accrued or not accrued.

People who are assigned the first disability group received 9,900 rubles. The increase in pension for disabled people of this group in 2018 is 2.6%, and the average amount of payment will be about 11 thousand rubles. In addition, these individuals have a range of tax breaks. If a child with a disability gets a job, then to the wage he is paid an allowance from the state in the amount of thirty percent of the working salary. People with disabilities from other groups will also receive social benefits in an increased amount. Thus, for disabled people of the 3rd group, the increase in pension in 2018 will amount to 5.6 percent (but their benefit amount is an order of magnitude lower and amounts to only 4,848 rubles). This is because these individuals can continue to work and provide for themselves. In addition, they are subject to various benefits, for example, for the purchase of medicines.

Increase in survivor benefit

When the breadwinner of a family leaves life, this is not only a great moral loss, but also brings with it material losses to relatives. Monetary support in this case is provided by the state. The amount of payment depends on the type of human activity during life. The legislation provides for the following pensions:

  • Insurance, to which pensioners and dependents are entitled, who were supported by the deceased (if the latter has a minimum length of service). The fact that a person has committed unlawful acts, in connection with which the breadwinner has died, must be confirmed by the police and presented to the court with relevant evidence.
  • Social, provided to families if the deceased did not have insurance experience. It is charged in the event that the wrongful actions of other persons resulted in the death of a person, and there is a corpus delicti in the death (which also requires confirmation by the investigating authorities and the court).
  • State, allocated to disabled family members of military personnel, astronauts, participants in hostilities who suffered as a result of a man-made or radiation disaster, who received disability as a result of the accident.

The insurance pension is paid for old age and disability. In the first case, it is charged to citizens upon reaching retirement age, and in the second - after examinations carried out in the relevant medical institutions. The survivor's pension in relation to children is transferred from the calculation of insurance premiums of the deceased and accumulated pension points. If both parents were lost, then the compensation is doubled. Children are sent to the orphanage or under guardianship of relatives, keeping them with the appropriate allowance.

survivor's pension increase

The following persons can receive insurance compensation payments:

  • Children (including adopted), brothers and sisters, grandchildren of the deceased who have not reached the age of majority.
  • Adult children with disabilities acquired in childhood or during full-time education.
  • Mother and father upon reaching retirement age or having a disability, other legal representatives.

The following are entitled to state and social pensions:

  • Small and adult children, as well as in the case of accrual of insurance benefits.
  • Widows of military personnel who died in the line of duty (before they reach retirement age and remarry);
  • Grandparents, brothers, sisters caring for a child under 14 years old.
  • Mother and father who are retired.

What kind of pension increase will be carried out once again is decided separately at the federal and regional levels. In the first case, it is appointed for the amount of providing less than the established subsistence minimum, and in the second - with a slight increase in this indicator in the subject of Russia in comparison with other indicators in the country.

Compensation as of 2018, after the last pension increase was made, has the following dimensions:

  • The insurance benefit is 2,498.66 rubles.
  • Social payment since April 1 is equal to 7 586.35 rubles, and in case of loss of parents - 10 472.24 rubles.
  • Starting from April 1, the state benefit is paid in case of loss of the breadwinner of a military serviceman or an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the amount of 10,440.53 rubles. (if the death of the breadwinner occurred due to injuries), 7 833.78 rubles. (with death due to illness).


last pension increase in 2018

Thus, various categories of pensioners in one way or another carry out the last increase in their pension in 2018. Most often it is expressed in indexing. But even if this tool is not available, then an additional payment will still take place. Thus, an increase in pension for non-working pensioners is implemented in the form of a recalculation of points accumulated for the previous year.


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