Melisa - a herb that calms the heart and delights digestion

It has long been helping people to restore and maintain the health of the herb melissa. Its use as a sedative is practiced in almost all European countries. The leaves of this plant contain essential oil of remarkable quality. It is a tool that has such a pronounced effect aimed at alleviating pain in the heart, attacks of tachycardia, as well as normalizing heart rate and lowering blood pressure.

In addition to this, lemon balm is an herb rich in vitamin C and a range of organic acids. This combination is favorable for use in cooking. Nutritionists actively include it in dishes that contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes and the rapid absorption of food. In its dry form, lemon balm is a herb with a pleasant spicy aroma, which is why it is used as seasoning for meat and fish. Her fresh leaves are put in soups and cut into salads. Tea is brewed from it or added to other drinks. In France, it is recommended to use it three times a day so that there is no dizziness, and the brain worked actively.

Melissa grass

In the Balkans, Melissa is a herb that relieves spasms and painkillers. In Bulgaria, it is an effective remedy against diseases of the digestive tract. With its help get rid of excess gases, remove toxic waste. To do this, brew one tablespoon of dried raw materials in a glass of boiling water, stand for ten minutes and drink on an empty stomach three times a day for half a glass. In our country, it is used as a remedy for headaches and sleep disorders. A decoction of it is washed the skin with furunculosis and rinse the mouth with stomatitis. Compresses from alcohol tinctures alleviate the condition of diseased joints and muscles. In the old days, fresh green leaves were applied to poorly healing wounds, because melissa-grass always grew near people's houses. The photo attached to this article shows the appearance of this wonderful plant.

Melisa grass photo

Healer recipes recommend for hepatic colic drink 150 ml of decoction of lemon balm herb. To prepare it, you need to brew one tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and stand for one hour, then strain and drink three times a day before meals.

Melissa herb application

In order to get rid of tinnitus, you need to finely tear a few leaves of fresh grass, fill them with a tablespoon of vodka, close the vial tightly so that aromatic substances do not evaporate and leave the beneficial substances to leach for seven days in the refrigerator. Prepare the finished medicine at night in each ear for three drops.

Pharmacology offers lemon balm essential oil for the treatment of various diseases. For example, inhalations are effective for cough treatment. To do this, add a few drops of oil to hot water and breathe steam. This procedure must be performed for viral respiratory diseases and for influenza. To get rid of ulcers in the oral cavity, it is recommended to lubricate them twice a day with lemon balm oil. With the help of this oil they take care of problematic skin, make a massage, add a few drops to the bath to relieve nervous tension.


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