Polymer clay berries: a master class

Introducing a master class on creating berries from polymer clay. Consider the basics of manufacturing on the example of raspberries and create raspberry earrings, which will be a great accessory. And then try to make strawberries and blueberries for a beautiful bracelet or pendant. There is nothing complicated. The main thing is to follow the instructions and recommendations.

Tools and materials

We will work with material that requires baking at high temperature. To create polymer clay berries, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • translucent polymer clay of ruby ​​red color;
  • green color;
  • the colors of burnt umber;
  • clear liquid polymer clay;
  • paper knife;
  • silicone mold;
  • pliers;
  • a needle;
  • earrings for earrings;
  • wet wipes;
  • a sponge.

Before starting work, be sure to wash your hands and wipe the work surface using wet wipes.

How to make raspberries

Consider the process of making berries from polymer clay (photo below).

  1. Mash a piece of red polymer clay.
  2. Roll a 2 mm thick sausage from it and cut it into pieces.
  3. Form balls from them, and then droplets, which will soon become our raspberries.
  4. Fasten the droplets together, arranged in a spiral. Try not to press too hard so as not to flatten them. Form a berry.
  5. Using a needle, make a small hole at the top (so that you can fasten the stitches).
  6. Place the berries on a sponge and bake for 15 minutes at 130 degrees. After baking, the clay will darken and acquire a more saturated shade.
  7. Remove the berries from the oven and let cool completely.
  8. Now let's make leaves. To do this, mix the clay of green and brown to get a pleasant herbal shade, as close as possible to natural.
polymer clay berries master

How to make leaves for berries

To form the foliage, you need a special silicone mold. For each, use a small piece of green mass. Keep in mind that for one berry from polymer clay you will need to make 3-5 leaves.

Apply liquid polymer clay to the base of each raspberry and attach the leaves. After this, the berries need to be baked for another 20 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees.

When they have cooled, insert the ear hooks into the pre-prepared holes in each product. For convenience, use pliers. Your earrings are ready!

In a similar way, you can make grapes, cloudberries or blackberries. Berries made of polymer clay look beautiful not only on earrings, but also on other types of jewelry: bracelets, pendants, wreaths. Many combine them, creating berry-fruit compositions.

polymer clay berry bracelet

Let's try to create an accessory with several types of polymer clay berries. To do this, we will learn how to make strawberries and blueberries. The process of making strawberries is a bit more complicated, so let's start with it.

And for starters, we will prepare all the necessary tools and clean the work surface.

How to choose clay for strawberries

The color of clay for the main part of the berry can be different, some craftsmen even use yellow. But more often, of course, pink or red is used. If red raspberry clay remains after making raspberries, you can use it.

You will also need a mass of white to lighten the upper part of the strawberry and make it more natural. Leaflets can be made from the same mixture that was left from raspberries. Or choose a different shade of green.

For work, you need a needle, a toothpick or some kind of tool with a sharp tip. Even a mechanical pencil will do. The size of the berry does not have to match the real one. You can make very tiny strawberries and combine them in the decoration. It all depends on your taste and wishes.

polymer clay strawberries

Polymer clay berries: a strawberry making workshop

First you need to stretch the clay in your hands and make a small ball. Everyone chooses the size independently.

Strawberries are teardrop shaped. Therefore, from the ball we form an oval with a cone on one side.

To make polymer clay berries look more natural, we also use a lot of white color in our work. It will take quite a bit - to change the color at the edges, at the base and at the tip. The joints are gently smooth with a finger. No gaps should remain. Colors fade into one another.

Change the appearance of the berry blank

Next, you will need to depict the seeds on the strawberries. You will need a sharp-pointed tool. It is desirable that it be triangular in shape. With careful movements so as not to damage the workpiece, we make small cuts across the entire surface.

For the leaves we use a silicone mold. You can take the same as for raspberries, but the petals themselves will need to be made a little longer so that they cover the berries. Alternatively, you can sculpt the leaves manually, but in this case they can be of different sizes and not too symmetrical. If this suits you, you can do without a silicone mold.

We attach the finished leaves to the upper part of the berry, and then we make thin sausages from clay of green color and form ponytails from them. Make the necessary holes. Berries are ready.

Now they are left to bake and can be used to make accessories.

polymer clay berries

How to make polymer clay blueberries

Creating blueberries from polymer clay is very simple. The most difficult step is to get the right black and blue hue. This can be done by combining clay of blue, purple and black. You can make several berries unripe: a greenish and pink-purple hue.

Gently knead and mix the mass. Divide into parts and roll up small peas with a slightly cut top. It is better if they are of different sizes, as in life.

You need a toothpick to work. With its help, a hole in the shape of an asterisk should be formed on the cut. Actually, this is the end of the work. Now you know how to make polymer clay berries. It remains only to make holes and bake blueberries at a temperature of 130 degrees for 20 minutes.

polymer clay berries bracelet

When the products have cooled, insert a hook into each of them and connect them to a bracelet or attach to another accessory.

Such jewelry is especially popular among young fashionistas. Bright colors blend perfectly with summer outfits.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9443/

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