Stanitsa Romanovskaya (Rostov Region): history and modernity

Traveling to unfamiliar places is always pleasant emotions. Especially if before the trip the traveler had the opportunity to take an interest in local attractions and the history of the region. The village of Romanovskaya (Rostov Region) is a very interesting place where history is closely intertwined with today.

A bit of history

The village of Romanovskaya (Rostov Region) was founded in 1613. The village was named in honor of M.F. Romanov, who had ascended the throne at that time. This fact is even evidenced by the entry in the local newspaper of October 1, 1912.

Village Romanovskaya Rostov Region

The village began its education with the small Cossack town of Romanovsky. Initially, the town was founded on the right bank of the Don. But people were forced to move over the course of two centuries from one bank to another and vice versa, the reason for this was a constant change in the river bed.

Since 1840, the inhabitants of the village finally settled on the left bank of the river. By the beginning of the 20th century, there were 676 courtyards in the village, a church was opened, as well as a parish school and a parish school.

Church of St. Michael the Archangel

The village of Romanovskaya (Rostov Region) is known for its church of St. Archangel Michael. Its history has about four centuries. After the next resettlement of the village, connected with the change of the riverbed, in 1846 the Stuchilin brothers built a wooden church, for it the iconostasis was specially ordered and brought from St. Petersburg.

In the life of the parishioners, it was of great importance. It should only be noted that in the territory of the Temple of St. Archangel Michael had a parish school, and then a library was opened for the local population.

Local promenade

Among the many tourists who are interested in the Don Cossacks, the Romanovskaya village (Rostov Region) is well known. Rest in these parts is considered original, with a bias on ancient Cossack traditions.

Romanovskaya stanitsa Rostov region rest

Recently, the construction of a new local promenade was completed in the village. Small boats come here and bring travelers with them. From the water side, approaching the pier, guests of Romanovskaya can see the โ€œSphere of Loveโ€ rotunda and the Cossack gun.

Going ashore, tourists find themselves in an ethnic village - a craftsman's farm. Here you can see how potters, blacksmiths and bakers worked several centuries ago. The overall picture is complemented by modern attractions, entertainment venues, cafes.

With the opening of the new embankment in Romanovskaya, the flow of tourists has become noticeably greater. But today the village of Romanovskaya (Rostov Region) receives guests, not only arriving on motor ships, tourist buses also come here. And the grateful stanitsi are happy to share their historical traditions of the Don Cossacks, which they carefully pass from generation to generation.


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