Classes in kindergarten in the senior group: program

There has always been an acute issue of such importance as the preparation of preschoolers for school. Many educators and parents simply prefer to “train” their children according to the program designed for teaching in the 1st grade. It seems that by teaching a child to read, count and write, school life can be greatly facilitated. But this is not at all true. This option is completely ineffective.

The harm from "dragging" the preschooler in the school curriculum

Yes, at first it will be very easy for a child to learn, because what he is going through his peers, he already knows. Therefore, his interest in classes will gradually disappear. And after the stock of knowledge gained in the preschool age runs out, he will simply lag behind classmates.

kindergarten classes in the senior group

This opposite effect is explained by the fact that elementary school does not need knowledge acquired in advance, but formed skills for learning activities. The question immediately arises as to whether only the last year of preschool childhood is enough to prepare for school.

In order to simply “train” the child, this time may be enough, but in order to qualitatively prepare for training, it is required to start classes in kindergarten in the older group. Moreover, the education of children should be in the form of a game, and not parody school lessons.

What is the purpose of studying with preschoolers?

Since the kindergarten took over the solution of the issue of high-quality preparation of preschool children for studying in grade 1, the senior group is now taking the same classes as the preparatory one, so that children have the necessary skills, perseverance, and the ability to think logically.

kindergarten classes senior group

In this case, the task of the teacher is to transfer to children not only the necessary knowledge, but also skills and abilities. This makes it possible to form a child’s curiosity, ability to work together, independence, and also enriches spiritual and physical culture.

All teachers of preschool institutions must prepare compendiums of classes in kindergarten without fail. The DOE, which starts working on the FOGS system, exposes the presence of various game elements in any of them as the main requirement for training. Through this form, children learn much better the necessary knowledge and skills.

What are the features and structure of classes in the senior group?

Classes in kindergarten are given the main place. Education for older preschoolers is carried out for the most part in the form of work in subgroups. This includes classes from the cognitive cycle: preparation for mastering literacy, mathematics, familiarization with the outside world, the development of musical and rhythmic abilities and artistic and productive activities.

Their features are both conducting the entire lesson in the form of a game, and the inclusion of various game elements in its structure. This facilitates not only the child gaining the necessary knowledge, but also their consolidation. Through the game it can also be easier to learn to put them into practice, since such an activity is basic for children of this age.

kindergarten senior group program

The structure of classes in kindergarten in the senior group is determined by its programmatic content. It usually consists of several parts (from one to five). The number depends on the age of the children and the nature of their tasks.

Each part of the lesson is its structural unit and includes various methods and techniques, as well as didactic tools that are aimed at implementing a specific task.

What mathematical knowledge do older preschoolers need?

The program of the senior group of kindergarten provides for a significant expansion and generalization of the most elementary mathematical representations, as well as counting. Children
of this age should learn to count to 10 and perceive various objects, and not only visually, but also by touch or by sound.

senior group doe classes

At the age of 5, you can begin to form the concept that any object is divided into several parts that are the same or different in size, and you can compare them. In addition, children are convinced that sets that contain the same number of elements included in it correspond to one natural number (an asterisk has 5 ends, 5 apples, 5 bunnies, etc.).

What knowledge is acquired by preschoolers in math classes?

A math lesson in the senior group of a kindergarten teaches children to correctly distinguish such geometric shapes that are close in shape, for example, a square and a rectangle, as well as analyze objects and describe their shape, evaluate dimensions by three indicators: length, width and height.

The ability to define in words how the objects are located relative to each other (right, left, in front), freely orientate in space (standing near a cabinet, in front of a table, behind a chair), change their direction of movement (right, left) and remember the names of the days of the week, as well as their sequence.

Organization of work of preschool children in the classroom

The work begins with a repetition of what has been done in the middle group, the level of mathematical representations is revealed. For this, approximately 5 classes are assigned, on which everything that the children learned earlier is fixed - ideas about the form, quantity and sizes, counting up to 10.

The duration of classes in the older group remains virtually unchanged, but the volume of transmitted knowledge and the pace of work increase. But the activity of children is facilitated by the fact that it is carried out in the form of a game, which is very attractive for a child.

kindergarten lessons

The program of preschool education provides that the senior group of preschool educational institutions always begins with a repetition, which makes it possible to introduce new ones into the system of previously acquired knowledge. It is carried out in the form of game exercises, which stimulates the interest of the child. With them, and fixing exercises begin.

Game exercises in the structure of the lesson. What is their meaning?

You can offer children an exercise such as "Find Dunno." It will not only create the right mood, but will also stimulate the manifestation of quick wit and ingenuity, will allow you to focus and activate thinking.

math lesson in the senior kindergarten group

Such exercises stimulate ingenuity and develop logical thinking. Combined exercises have also found wide application, which allow solving 2 or 3 problems simultaneously. Moreover, work at this time can go on material that is contained in different sections of the program.

The benefits that children bring rhythm

In addition to classes in preparing for literacy, reading and basic mathematical concepts, the program of preschool institutions provides for the development of musical and rhythmic abilities in children. For this, many DOWs included rhythmic classes in it.

As experience shows, such classes in kindergarten in the older group not only bring joy to the child and amuse him, but also have many other positive factors. Among them are the following:

  • They instill a love of dance and music and instill a musical taste.
  • Shy children, thanks to them, can be liberated, and active children get good physical discharge.
  • All the kids begin to share such concepts as the style of music, its rhythm and pace.
  • Significantly improves both the physical form of the child and the coordination of movements.
  • Children have the opportunity to learn how to respond to any situation adequately, to control their mental state and correctly express emotions.

All this led to the fact that they began to pay great attention to rhythmic classes in the preschool education system.

open lesson in rhythm in the senior group kindergarten

Since mothers and fathers always want to know what their child does in kindergarten and what they study there, especially if the institution’s program includes classes that are not part of the compulsory preschool program, the kindergarten most often seeks to conduct an open rhythmic lesson in the older group at the same time as parent meeting.

This is done in order to be able to demonstrate to parents the skills acquired by their children, as well as the style of the lessons.

Instructions for the tutor on conducting classes

In order for classes in the group of senior preschool children to be effective and interesting for children, the teacher should follow some rules.

  • Classes in kindergarten in the older group provide for the presentation of new, quite complex material in the form of a game. It develops visual memory and imaginative thinking well. In addition, the competitive element present in them encourages the children to better knowledge acquisition.
  • Sufficient time should be allotted to repetition. But it is not necessary to do this during the lesson, you can conduct several repetitive exercises at the beginning of the month.
  • In order not to lose the attention of children, you need to monitor the change in their activities. Different types of exercises, games, songs, puzzles and dances should be interspersed.

And remember that adults should communicate with kids only in a friendly way. In no case should you use an instructive tone in the classroom, let alone scolding the child.


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