Chubushnik: propagation by cuttings - the best option

Chubushnik is a shrub up to 4 meters high, with white flowers collected in inflorescences. There are a huge number of varieties and species of this plant, it is simply impossible to list them all. Many often confuse shrub with jasmine for the similarity of aroma and appearance of flowers. But here it should be remembered that in our climate, jasmine does not grow, it can be bred and grown only in special greenhouses. Yes, and it blooms somewhat differently. Jasmine flowers have oval narrow petals, and only two stamens.

mockup breeding
Chubushnik is a winter-hardy shrub, it does not need to be additionally covered for the winter. It can tolerate frosts down to -30 degrees. True, it all depends on the variety: some foreign varieties can withstand a maximum temperature of -15 degrees, so when purchasing a rare variety, you must definitely clarify its characteristics, otherwise it may simply not take root in our climatic conditions.

Chubushnik breeding by cuttings
Shrub mock-up: breeding

Propagated by cuttings or seeds, however, the second method is not very popular. Mostly experienced gardeners are inclined to a vegetative method of breeding a plant such as mockingberry. Propagation by seeds is impractical, since hybrid or varietal species will not preserve the properties of the mother plant. Therefore, this option is used extremely rarely and for breeding only the most common species. In addition, to preserve the germination of seeds, it is necessary to fulfill a number of certain conditions, and the most important of them is storing the seeds in a tightly closed plastic bag in the refrigerator.

So, the best way to breed such a handsome man as a mock-up is reproduction by cuttings. In this case, it takes root quite easily. The mentioned event should be held in the summer (using green shoots) or in the fall (cutting off already ripe ones).

Reproduction of a mock mushroom by cuttings. Highlights:

• No need to use very thick shoots as cuttings.
• It is desirable that on each shoot there should be a pair of leaflets and always at least three internodes.
• Twigs are best to choose those that have not yet bloomed.

Prepared cuttings are planted in moist soil and sprinkled with moistened sand. For faster rooting, it is recommended to close the seedlings with plastic bottles. During the adaptation period, the cuttings must be watered and sprayed, as well as aired. After rooting, shelter is removed from the seedlings. Chubushnik, the propagation of which is performed by cuttings, grows quite quickly.

Choose a mocker. Varieties for Moscow region

The variety of species of this shrub is so great that you can get confused when choosing a plant for your garden. Of course, I want to buy the most beautiful, fragrant bush, which, among other things, would not require much effort when growing. From this point of view, Piramidal has established itself well, which has taken root very well and withstands harsh winters.

variety mock up for Moscow region
Pruning Shrubs: Useful Tips

Such plants look great in hedges. An abundance of inflorescences and a pleasant aroma attract attention. However, some tall varieties of mock orange, reaching a certain height, do not look very aesthetically pleasing. Do not be afraid to prune shrubs - they love pruning. In addition, it promotes the formation of new young shoots and, accordingly, more abundant flowering.

And so that the plant does not lose strength, it is advisable to cut off the seeds that are forming after a flowering period: then the bush will not waste its strength in ripening them. Of course, given the large number of colors, it is quite difficult to do this, but it will be enough to remove even a certain part during cropping.


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