What pressure should the child have? The norm of blood pressure by age

Many parents are concerned about the pressure the child should have, and if it is lower or higher than the adult norm, mom and dad panic. In fact, intracranial pressure in children depends strictly on age. The smaller the child’s age, the lower his pressure, since both the distance between the walls of the vessels and their capillary network is greater, which means that the blood pressure in them is lower.

Violation of blood pressure can lead to serious consequences, which we will analyze a little later, first you need to know what pressure in children of different ages is considered normal.

what pressure should the child have

Pressure norms in infants

The lowest rates are observed in infants. Normal blood pressure and heart rate in children under 2 weeks of age ranges from 60 to 96 - systolic (i.e., upper), 40-50 - diastolic (lower). Values ​​above these will cause the baby anxiety, poor sleep, moods, crying, everything that, as a rule, mothers throw off for a child too young. In fact, the baby is signaling his ill health. High blood pressure is often found in children who have undergone complex pregnancy and childbirth, entwined with an umbilical cord.

From two weeks to two months, 80-112 (systolic) and 40-74 (diastolic) blood pressure in children is the norm (Komarovsky table). Further, up to a year, it stays within 90-112 upper, 50-74 lower.

children's pressure rate table

How to diagnose high blood pressure in infants?

Unlike older children, it’s easier for babies to diagnose pressure problems due to the fontanel. Unclosed skull expands under pressure, which leads to a visible increase in the head (hydrocephalus). Moreover:

  • the head becomes disproportionate, with a large forehead;
  • visible venous network on the head;
  • too fast head growth;
  • swollen fontanel (usually a little sunken).

The child with intracranial pressure will be lethargic, drowsy, capricious, will slowly gain weight and slowly develop (hold his head, sit, crawl).

As a rule, a pediatrician should diagnose these symptoms based on these symptoms, but if you are worried about your baby’s mood, it’s best to ask a neurologist for a deeper examination.

normal blood pressure and pulse in children

Blood pressure in a child 2-3 years old

At 2-3 years old, 100-112 (upper) and 60-74 (lower) blood pressure in children is the norm (Komarovsky table). During this period, the pressure is the same for boys and girls. Only from 9-10 years old in boys, as a rule, systolic pressure becomes slightly higher. Children whose indicators are higher than these may be drowsy, irritable, too tired, will complain of headaches, nausea, double vision and flashes in the eyes, pain in the orbits. With these symptoms, be sure to show the child to a pediatrician and cardiologist.

HELL in a child 3-9 years old

What pressure should a child have 3 years old, and what should be 9? In general, during this period, the indicators are kept within the limits of 100 to 60 and 122 to 78, and only by the puberty (puberty) the pressure in the child will begin to approach adult indicators.

To calculate the pressure of a specific age (for example, what pressure in children is 7 years old), you need to take the child's age (n years), multiply by 2 and add 90. So you get the upper pressure. And the lower one is 60 + n years.

what is the pressure in children 7 years old

Blood pressure in children 10-15 years old

The pressure in a child of 10 years makes a jump in both the upper and lower boundaries, and becomes at least 110 to 70. The pressure in a child of 12 years has a maximum of 126 to 82 during puberty.

As the child grows, his pressure increases and gradually approaches the adult. What is the pressure in children 14 years old? On average, 120/80 - 130/86.

Causes of low blood pressure in a child

Low blood pressure (hypotension) can often occur in children after a long illness. Frequent weakness, the complexity of morning awakenings, headache, dizziness, and darkness in the eyes after a sharp rise are symptoms of low blood pressure in a child.

If such symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor for an examination. But do not panic. It is often possible to increase blood pressure without medication. It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, to temper, more often to be in the fresh air.

what is the pressure in children 14 years old

Causes of high blood pressure in a child

If low pressure, as a rule, is a consequence of the disease, then high (hypertension) is often the result of overwork of the body, increased physical and emotional activity. Therefore, if you find blood pressure above normal, do not rush to the doctor, better give the child time to rest, and only then re-measure the pressure.

Of course, if there is a regular long-term increase, it is better to consult a specialist.

The cause of high pressure may be:

  • heart diseases;
  • overweight;
  • heredity;
  • endocrine system diseases;
  • kidney disease.

As well as excessive workloads at school can cause stable childhood hypertension.

pressure in a child 12 years old

How to measure pressure

What pressure should be in the child, and what reasons can affect his increase and decrease, we have examined. However, it is extremely important to correctly measure blood pressure in order not to get erroneous values.

You can track the dynamics using a tonometer, which should be present in any children's medicine cabinet. We measure pressure only if the child is calm and not excited, otherwise the indicators will be overestimated. The position can be any - standing, lying, sitting, most importantly, do not change it when measuring.

Since the pressure is determined in the child, it is important to choose the correct width of the cuff - no more than 2/3 of the forearm.

Treatment of hypertension and hypotension

Treatment of deviations from the norm can only be prescribed by a cardiologist or pediatrician, self-medication of hypertension and hypotension should in no case be done. The only thing you can do before contacting a specialist is to know what pressure the child should have and what dynamics has been in a couple of days, of course, provided that the child was rested, slept, not cold.

pressure in a child of 10 years

If the doctor reveals any serious illness, he will prescribe medication. However, parents, for their part, can also stimulate the quickest recovery of the child. How to do it?

  • Create a calm, favorable atmosphere at home and at school, without nerves, stress and excessive stress (warn teachers).
  • Observe the regimen, especially with regard to night rest, take enough time to sleep.
  • Eliminate annoyances such as a TV or computer, or at least limit them to a minimum.
  • Organize a healthy diet 3-4 times a day - especially fruits and vegetables. Exclude salt, spicy, fried, chocolate, coffee, sparkling water. With low blood pressure, it is recommended to drink sweet strong tea with lemon.
  • Physical activity should be in moderation and it is impossible to exclude them in any case, especially if it is swimming or occupations in the fresh air.
  • Low blood pressure can be raised with a daily contrast shower.
  • In adolescents, smoking and alcohol should be completely eliminated, if any.

Instead of a conclusion

So, to summarize all of the above. What you need to do when detecting high or low blood pressure in a child. First, do not panic. Deviation from the norm is not necessarily the result of a serious illness. Measure the pressure several times, with an interval of an hour or two, and even better 12 hours. Perhaps the child was just tired, did not get enough sleep, or was nervous. Secondly, try to organize the correct regimen and nutrition, eliminate overloads in the daily routine, observe what the pressure will be after 2-3 days of rest.

If the pressure does not normalize after 3-4 days, or the child initially complains of poor health (severe headaches, nausea, darkness in the eyes), you should urgently consult a treating pediatrician. Depending on the reasons, he will give more detailed recommendations and, possibly, prescribe medication. No independent treatment measures - medications or folk remedies should never be used!

Deviations in pressure in the infant should be detected by the doctor during a monthly examination, in particular, a convex fontanel, disproportionate head growth and other signs. If you yourself have discovered an increase or decrease, or the child is naughty, does not sleep and cries for no reason, you should also contact a pediatrician.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9475/

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