Rest in Tenerife: reviews of tourists from Russia

The Canary Islands are one of the few places on our planet where you can relax all the time without adjusting to the time of year. Here you will not be overtaken by the season of tropical downpours, monsoons or severe cold. Of the seven islands of the Spanish archipelago, Russian travelers more often stay in Tenerife. The island attracts guests not only with its mild climate, but also with its rich history, excellent infrastructure, and a large selection of entertainment.


The legacy of the Guanches, the first people who inhabited the island from the beginning of time, has survived to this day. For two thousand years this nation lived autonomously, occasionally receiving guests from the Mediterranean.

Already in the middle of the XIV century, the Portuguese and Spaniards got used to make trips to Tenerife to capture slaves. Catholic kings issued official permission to conquer the island in 1493 to the Spanish conquistador Alonso de Lugo. From 1494 to 1496, the invading troops waged war with the natives, as a result of which the latter were forced to stop resistance. The next century, the Spanish empire actively colonized the island, reducing the population of Guanches who became slaves or died from imported diseases.

Guanche tribe

Today, the population of Tenerife is approaching a million people.

Experienced travelers know that the key to a good rest is the correct information about the country of visit. Therefore, the resources on which tourists exchange experiences are becoming increasingly popular. What places do Tenerife reviews offer to pay more attention to?

Loro park

The Puerto de la Cruz Zoo has a unique collection of parrots. He owes this feathery his name (“loro” from Spanish - parrot). Also here you can see fish, birds, monkeys and reptiles. Forty million people have visited the park since its founding in 1972.

Guests of Tenerife, according to reviews, are impressed by grandiose shows of killer whales, dolphins and sea lions. Eagle park, a penguin pavilion and a jellyfish factory are also noted.

The porcelain museum presents a collection of porcelain parrots with unique specimens of the 18th century.

An unexpected discovery for tourists was the animal embassy located in the park. This place was created to preserve the biological species of animals that are on the verge of extinction. Through huge windows, guests observe the life of animals, the work of scientists in clinics and laboratories equipped with the highest standards: they perform operations here, they grow chicks in an incubator.

It is recommended to come early to the opening in order to have time to see the maximum of interesting things.

Loro Park Tenerife

Siam park

This is a water park located in Adeje. On eighteen hectares of the area are attractions, facilities and restaurants decorated in Thai style. For four consecutive years, Siam Park has become the best water park in Europe according to the famous American travel site.

Reviews guarantee a fun pastime for the whole family: slides for every taste and color, play areas for children, a lake with an artificial wave, a sandy beach, surfing. Responsive and friendly staff continuously ensures safety.

Tip from seasoned: Free parking is two hundred meters in the direction of Siam Mall. If you buy tickets in conjunction with a visit to Loro Park, you will save.

Siam Tenerife Park


The famous volcano with the mountain of the same name, without which it is impossible to imagine Tenerife. This is the highest point in Spain (3718 m). The last time erupted in 1909. According to the Guanches myths, a demon named Guyota lives inside the volcano, who guards the gate to another world in the form of a black dog.

Teide is very popular with tourists. The cable car allows you to reach a height of 3555 m, from where breathtaking views of the Canary Islands open, and a national park is located on the slopes of the mountain.

In reviews of Tenerife, tourists note the diversity of nature: desert Martian landscapes contrast with tropical plants and coniferous forests with magical phoenix pines. Fantastic shots are obtained in dazzling white clouds. For romantics - night excursions with the observation of stars through a telescope.

Visitors to the volcano recommend: warm clothes and comfortable shoes are vital, sunglasses and cream are desirable. A cable car ticket is better to buy in advance on the official website. To ascend to the crater, special permission is required, it must be drawn up at least a month before the visit.

Volcano Teide

Wind cave

Underground landscapes are no less impressive than those at the top. To make sure of this, an excursion to the cave Cueva del Viento near the town of Icod de los Vinos will help. This is the longest lava tunnel in Europe, judging by the length of all the arms.

What attracts visitors to this place: to walk two hundred meters to feel the power of nature, which formed thousands of years ago, amazingly shaped lava passages. An opportunity to hear absolute silence in complete darkness.

Before the descent, they suggest taking warm clothes and shoes with a durable sole, and be sure to reserve a place in the group of tourists in advance.

Arona Pyramid

Who said ballet is boring? The colorful and temperamental dance show created by the female choreographer Carmen Mota will convince you of the opposite. You can see the performance in the concert hall "Pyramid of Arona" in the resort of Las Americas. The Congress Center looks like an ancient Greek temple and has the shape of a truncated pyramid, looks especially impressive in the evening illumination.

Holidays in Tenerife, according to reviews, will be incomplete if you do not attend the show, where the director’s talent was manifested in the ability to combine elements of folk dance, classical, flamenco. The skill of the actors, beautiful costumes, the production of light - all this is fascinating at first sight, two hours fly by quickly.

Tip: visibility is excellent from all points of the hall, it makes no sense to overpay for choosing a place.

Carmen Mota Show

Gorge Mask

Fans of walks in picturesque places will appreciate the route along the gorge with a depth of 1300 meters, which starts from the village of Mask. The settlement is located in the west of the island, about a hundred people constantly live here at an altitude of 600 meters. Access to the Mask was open in the sixties of the XX century, until this time it was possible to reach only mountain trails.

In reviews of Tenerife, the route along the Maska Gorge is on the list of places to visit. They overcome nine kilometers in three to four hours of walking. Mountain goats and lizards will not let you get bored on the road, nature will delight you with waterfalls, tropical thickets and at the end will reward you with an amazing view of the ocean. The return trip can be overcome both on foot and by boat from the bay (the end point of the route) to Los Gigantos. The last water transport leaves at 17.00, tickets for it must be purchased in the village.

In the recommendations - comfortable clothes, shoes and gloves, a supply of drinking water, a light snack.

Gorge Mask

Royal Basilica of Candelaria

This is a Catholic church, consecrated in honor of the Virgin Mary - Our Lady of Candelaria. According to legend, the story of the Black Madonna begins in 1930, when two Guanches in search of domestic goats at the mouth of a ravine saw the image of a saint on a rock. She became the main patroness of the Canary Islands, worshiped by the Guanches. The Catalan conquerors who came after announced the face they found depicting the Virgin Mary.

Tourists in reviews of Tenerife recommend visiting this attraction and going to the basilica with the image of the Black Madonna, as it is commonly called, wandering around the Plaza de la Patrona de Canarias and the black sand promenade, guarded by huge bronze statues of the island’s leaders . Nearby there is a center of ceramics with interesting details.

Candelaria Tenerife

Also in the list of places worth seeing when you are in Tenerife: the audience of Tenerife in Santa Cruz, recognized as a landmark building of modern architecture (pictured), the mysterious pyramids of Guimar, the infernal inferno gorge, the botanical garden with exotic plants from the Mediterranean countries, Africa, Latin America. Diving and kayaking - for outdoor enthusiasts.

Auditorio Tenerife

Weather in Tenerife

What time to choose to visit the island? Weather on Tenerife, according to reviews and reports of meteorologists, pleases all year round. “Island of Eternal Spring” is the most often-heard definition. Despite being close to Africa, it is moderately hot in summer and not cold in winter.

The complex relief divides the island into climatic zones. From the north, winds are constantly blowing, forming waves and rain clouds that cannot overcome the mountain range, so two-thirds of the precipitation falls to the northern part.

In the south protected by mountains it is warm and sunny, calm ocean, less rain.

The temperature in Tenerife in February, according to tourists, is the lowest and the air warms up to 21-23 degrees. Given the proximity to the equator, on a sunny day, you can safely add five to six degrees to this indicator to get a real feeling.

Spring in Tenerife attracts with the absence of a large influx of tourists and low prices for hotels. To take advantage of these benefits, travelers who visited Tenerife in March are advised to consider the Easter holiday and plan a visit before or after. March is the best time for walking in the mountains and meadows. The sun warms, but does not bake, alpine herbs and wildflowers saturate the air with aroma. Air temperature during the day +24 degrees. Swimming in the ocean, which is warmed up to about 18 degrees, is still too early, so it is better to rent a house with a pool.

April already provides the opportunity to swim in the bays on the south coast, as the water temperature reaches 20 degrees. The air temperature does not drop below 13 degrees at night, and during the day is 25 degrees. According to reviews, Tenerife in April is very picturesque, this is a period of flowering trees, almonds and poppies. Comfortable weather with a little rain allows you to enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

Spring in Tenerife

May is considered the opening of the high season, the flow of tourists is increasing, the island wakes up and activates.

From June to September, the weather pleases stability, the peak temperature usually reaches in August - 32-34 degrees. Summer brings Kalima - sandstorms from the Sahara. For several days, the air becomes a mixture of dust and sand, calm and hot.

Autumn is traditionally famous for its velvet season, the ocean is still warmed up to 23-25 ​​degrees, but in the morning and evening it becomes cool.

Winter is a time of holidays, carnivals and street performances are held non-stop, and the weather is favorable. The south coast gives warmth with little rainfall, it is cooler in the north, seasonal winds blow.


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