Permission to travel a child abroad. Paperwork for children traveling abroad

It is often required for underage children to travel to other countries without parents or only with mom or dad. Under such conditions, permission is required for the child to travel abroad. Sometimes parents get a special ticket for the baby so that he, together with his grandmother or a separate group of children, visit a state. It is important to correctly collect all the documents for the child so that he is not stopped at the border and allowed to go to another country.

The nuances of children leaving Russia

Many people try to give their kids a good childhood, allowing them to visit different countries. Some people may have parents or close relatives living in a completely different state, so you must regularly cross the border.

If financial resources are available, parents can send minors to overseas children's camps. Especially often, such trips are required if the children are involved in any kind of sport professionally, so taking a child abroad is not uncommon.

In all the above situations, certain rules must be observed:

  • when leaving the country undergoes a minor check by the border Russian services;
  • additionally, passport control by a foreign state is required;
  • the laws of the two countries must be respected, which should be taken into account by parents, so they must carefully approach the preparation of documentation for the baby.

If you are planning a vacation with the children of both parents, the process will be simpler, since you do not need permission from official guardians.

child with one parent abroad

Legislative regulation

There are several federal regulations whose main purpose is to regulate the process of minors leaving the country. Therefore, when preparing documents for a child abroad, the provisions of the laws are taken into account:

  • Federal Law No. 114;
  • PP No. 273;
  • regulations used by border guards.

All of them contain the rules for crossing the border by kids who are not yet 18 years old. If the requirements of these legislative acts are violated, then this is the basis for the ban on leaving the country.

Ways to travel abroad child

There are several situations in which you want to leave the baby country. These include:

  • an independent trip with or without official representatives, for example, visiting an excursion as part of a certain tourist group, attending competitions without parents or sending to a foreign children's camp;
  • travel of a child with one parent abroad for rest, treatment, competition or other activities;
  • crossing the border with two parents if you plan a joint vacation or business trip where both parents should be present, and at the same time there is no possibility to leave the baby with other relatives;
  • a trip with relatives, which include grandmothers, aunts or friends of parents who have drawn up the necessary documents.

Regardless of the method chosen, parents are required to competently approach paperwork for their baby. This certainly includes a passport, but in certain situations a parent's passport can be used if it contains information about children.

taking a child abroad

Is a passport required?

Even for a minor child, a passport is required. It is provided by the FMS employees on the basis of a correctly prepared application. You can purchase both an old-style document and a new one.

When choosing an old model, a document is issued that is valid for 5 years. It is inexpensive and quick to process. You can get it at the MFC or directly at the FMS office.

It is allowed for the child to enter the parents of the old model in the passport, so he himself does not need this document, but this is possible if trips abroad with children are bought, so the whole family leaves the country.

It is advisable to initially draw up a minorā€™s own passport, otherwise he will not be able to cross the border without parents. It is optimal to use a document of a new sample, which is valid for 10 years. It is called a biometric passport and costs more than the old version.

It is not possible to enter children in the parents' biometric passport, therefore if the parents have a new document, then in any case the children will have to do it as well.

Vacation with children

What documents are needed when traveling with two parents?

If a joint trip is planned, then standard and understandable documentation is prepared. For example, often people fly to the sea abroad with a child. Under such conditions, documents are needed:

  • the childā€™s internal passport, if he is already 14 years old, to confirm the relationship between him and his parents;
  • if the baby is not yet 14 years old, then his birth certificate is required;
  • a foreign passport for a minor, and if mom has an old-style document, she can enter the baby there.

This situation is considered the simplest, therefore, different permissions or other specific documents are not required.

Documentation when crossing the border of a child with one parent

Often a trip is planned only with mom or dad. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, permission for a child to travel abroad from another parent is not required, but countries for which a Schengen visa is issued require this document. Other important points are taken into account:

  • often the surname of the mother differs from the surname of the children, therefore it is advisable for the woman to take the birth certificate of the babies, which indicates the mother with the current surname, as this will avoid various problems with border guards;
  • Before visiting another state, you should ask what requirements are imposed on the travel of a child with one parent;
  • if a woman got married, so she took her husbandā€™s surname, and at the same time did not change her property, then it is required to take a paper confirming that she really changed her name;
  • if you need to visit any visa-free state, then usually you do not need permission written by the second parent;
  • if a Schengen visa is issued, then in advance it will be necessary to prepare such a permit, and it must be certified by a notary.

It is necessary to apply for a childā€™s permission to travel abroad from the second parent in duplicate, as one is handed over to the consulate during the visa process, and the second must be held by the mother or father when crossing the border.

power of attorney for children to travel abroad

Is it possible to apply for a visa without consent?

There are certain situations where it is simply not possible to obtain permission from the second parent to have children cross the border. There can be many different reasons for this. In each case, certain rules must be observed so that there are no difficulties with rest with children. The most common situations include the following:

  • often only a mother is engaged in raising a son or daughter, and a dash appears in the documents of minors in the column where the father should be registered; in this case, it is enough just to have the original St. birth certificate in hand to prove that the father is simply absent;
  • if in the registry office the father was recorded according to the mother, then she provided fictitious information; in this case, you must contact the registry office in order to get a special certificate from its employees indicating this fact;
  • if the father has died, then you must have with him the original of the death certificate;
  • if one of the parents is in prison, then you must visit this institution to get the appropriate certificate;
  • if the father has lost his rights to the baby, then it is necessary to take with him when crossing the border an official court decision;
  • often the mother simply canā€™t contact the babyā€™s father or he can live in another city or country, so you need to take a certificate in court about the lack of information about the location of the citizen, and you can also contact the police and take a certificate indicating that the person is wanted ;
  • if the child is brought up by a guardian or trustee, then a document establishing guardianship will be required of him.

If a minor leaves the country with his official guardian, then you do not need to get permission from the parents. In all the above situations, the parentā€™s consent to travel abroad with another parent is not required. But at the same time, care must be taken in advance to prepare other documents.

documents for a child abroad

Documentation for leaving the country of a child without parents

Often trips are made to other countries by children as part of different children's groups or with relatives. Under such conditions, parental permission to travel abroad is required. It can be composed by mom or dad.

To obtain consent, you need to contact a notary, as the document must be certified by this specialist. It certainly records information:

  • information about the parent who is authorizing;
  • information about the minor;
  • it is indicated who exactly acts as an accompanying person, therefore data on his full name, place of registration, number and series of the passport are entered;
  • at the end it is written which country the baby is going to;
  • the deadline is set during which the consent is valid, and specific dates should be indicated.

If at all the child crosses the border unaccompanied by adults, a permit is drawn up from both parents.

The nuances of the formation of the document

Usually the notaries themselves are well aware of what this document should look like, so it is advisable to compile it directly in the office of the selected specialist. Before signing, you should make sure that all the data is entered correctly, since if the border guards detect an error, this can lead to the fact that the child will not be allowed into the selected country.

In addition, it is recommended to contact the consular and visa service of the country where the baby is planned to travel without parents. Employees of this institution will be able to tell what rules should be respected under such conditions.

Is consent necessary if the child visits another state with his grandmother?

Parental consent for this process is required regardless of whether the baby is traveling with relatives or bystanders.

In some countries, permission is required for a child to travel abroad with her grandparents, drawn up by both parents.

parental permission to travel abroad

Can a child go alone?

There are certain circumstances in which a minor is required to leave the country alone. In this case, parents or other adult representatives do not go with him. For example, if the parents live in different countries. Under such conditions, the nuances are taken into account:

  • many airlines give parents the opportunity to purchase a child escort service, therefore an agreement is signed with the company, on the basis of which the organizationā€™s representative takes the child at the airport where the departure takes place, is near him during the flight, and also finds the meeting at the arrival airport and passes the baby to them;
  • unaccompanied children are permitted only if they are more than five years old;
  • if a minor goes to a foreign children's camp, travel agencies can ask their parents to apply for permission, since the group leader is appointed only before departure, but under such conditions, parents should take into account that none of the employees of the travel agency will be responsible for the baby.

Situations when children cross the border on their own are difficult, because if the baby has any problems, he will not be able to cope with them on his own. Therefore, care must be taken to accompany the minor.

permission to travel a child abroad

Validity period

In a document drawn up in the presence of a notary, it is required to immediately indicate how long this permission will be valid. It is not allowed to use a vague wording, so accurate data must be provided.

It is allowed to draw up a power of attorney for children to travel abroad for several years if the child needs to leave for another country annually. But first you need to make sure that there is no ban on the use of such a document by the laws of another country. For example, if a child enters a country for which you need to get a Schengen visa, then for each trip you need to separately draw up a document.


Thus, if parents plan to send their child on a trip abroad, then they must understand what documents should be prepared. They depend on who exactly is accompanying the baby.

In some situations, it is not possible to obtain permission from the second parent, in which case a document is required indicating the reason for the lack of consent. Not only Russian rules should be taken into account, but also the requirements for children traveling by a foreign state.


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