Perm gallery: history and reviews

The Perm Art Gallery is considered one of the main cultural institutions of the city. Its walls housed about fifty thousand unique exhibits that introduce visitors to Russian and European art of the 15th-20th centuries, as well as exhibits from Egypt and Japan. This museum, thanks to such a huge exposition, is one of the largest galleries both in the Urals and in other regions of Russia. You can find out many interesting facts about this place later in the article.

Foundation and formation

The emergence of this cultural institution is preceded by a series of events that influenced the creation of the museum and its entire collection. At the end of the nineteenth century, a scientific and industrial museum complex was founded in Perm, in which an art department was opened. In it you could see the works of the famous professor of the Art Academy and the talented painter V. Vereshchagin, as well as his brother Peter, which they presented to their native Perm Territory.

perm gallery

Then, interesting works of many other outstanding artists began to come to this department, and thanks to this, the Perm Art Gallery was formed. Its grand opening took place in the autumn of 1922.

The founders of the museum were Alexander Syropyatov and Nikolai Serebrennikov. They were researchers of the cultural and historical life of this region, so the most important part of the exposition was formed by these scientists. In the twenties of the last century, they organized a series of expeditions to remote places of the Perm Territory, thanks to which they were able to replenish the museum's collections with wooden sculptures, ornamental embroidery, as well as a variety of religious objects and icons. Thus, by 1925, the Perm Gallery in its walls already numbered about four thousand exhibits. Then the collection was replenished mainly thanks to the State Museum Fund.

The fate of the institution

In 1932, the building of the former Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior was given over to the museum. Four years after this event, this cultural institution received a new status and became known as the state. During the war, propaganda posters were made on the museum premises , many of which were then included in its collection.

Since the sixties of the twentieth century, the workers of this cultural institution took part in various expedition trips, thanks to which they were able to collect many exhibits representing the creativity and art of the peoples living in the Perm Territory. Then the museum began close cooperation with foreign painters, who replenished his collection with their works.

perm art gallery

Gallery Description

To date, the Perm State Gallery is located in the building of the former cathedral, which is a real architectural monument, built in the nineteenth century. A few years ago it was decided that the church should be transferred again to the ownership of the Perm diocese. In 2017, the Perm State Art Gallery should be moved to a new building, the construction of which has already begun.

Currently, its exhibition area is about 1700 square meters. The museum has a total of 110 employees, of which 38 people are engaged in scientific activities. On average, approximately 115,000 visitors visit this cultural institution to see its amazing exhibits.

perm picture gallery

Collections located here

The Perm Gallery invites locals and visitors to the region to get acquainted with various works of art of different styles and trends of the XV-XX centuries. In this museum you can see graphics, sculpture, painting, folk and arts and crafts of Russia and many European countries.

On the first two floors of this cultural institution there is a collection of paintings by various Russian and European classics of portraiture, as well as paintings painted in the genre of sea landscape. But the pride of this gallery is a unique collection of Russian church sculptures made of wood, numbering about four hundred exhibits. This collection is widely known outside of Russia, as it is unique in itself and has no analogues throughout the world.

In addition, the Perm Gallery can also be proud of its rare collection of icons. Photos from this exhibition show that here are the monuments of painting of Ancient Russia, created in icon-painting Moscow and Ural workshops.

Perm State Gallery

Impressions of visitors

Everyone who was in this museum believes that his expositions are very interesting and informative. People are impressed by paintings by famous Russian artists such as Aivazovsky, Repin, Shishkin, Kuindzhi and others. Visitors also like the icon-painting hall, but the collection of wooden sculptures, which is very unusual and original, causes the greatest delight.

In addition, this cultural institution has very responsive and friendly staff who can interestingly conduct a tour and tell a lot of unique facts about the painting of this region. All visitors recommend this place to visit for those people who are at least a little fond of art. Three floors filled with beautiful exhibits will not leave anyone indifferent.

Perm State Art Gallery

This is useful to know

The Perm Gallery is open every day except Mondays. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, the museum opens at 10:00 a.m. and closes at 19:00 p.m. On Thursdays, this cultural institution is open from 12:00 to 21:00, and on Sundays - from 11:00 to 19:00.

The cost of an adult ticket is 100 rubles, students can visit the museum for 30 rubles, pensioners for 50 rubles, and foreigners for 210 rubles.

Where is?

The Perm Gallery is located almost in the city center on Komsomolsky Prospect, Building 4. Therefore, if you walk along the central part of Perm, it will be quite easy to find. You can also go to the museum by any public transport. There are trolleybuses No. 1 stopping at the Gallery stop, or No. 5 and No. 7, reaching the stop. "Soviet". In addition, the museum can be reached by bus No. 3, 7, 14, 68, 14, 10 and 60 or by trams No. 11, 7, 4 and 3, stopping near the Central Department Store, from which you will need to walk about five hundred meters to the gallery .

perm gallery photo
For all questions of interest, you can call this phone number: +7 (342) 21-295-24.

There is no doubt that this art gallery is an amazing and interesting place. Within its walls are many informative, unique and beautiful paintings and exhibits. Therefore, at least once in your life you should definitely visit this museum of the Perm Territory.


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