What to choose a door for a bathroom: design, material, photo

It is believed that the door to the bathroom has its own distinctive features. First of all, it's size. The height is not different, but the width is usually reduced. But dimensions are not the only difference. It is worth paying attention to:

  • The material from which the fence will be built.
  • The presence of a ventilation system.
  • Fixation technique.
  • The presence of fittings.

In addition, you will have to consider whether it will be a glass door for the bathroom or a solid canvas. The cost of the entire structure and lead time depend on this feature. Before proceeding with the repair, it is necessary to consider some nuances.

Suitable coating and filling at the bathroom door

To correctly select the door, you will have to start not only from personal preferences, but also from the size of the room. If it turns out to arrange everything necessary on the square (toilet bowl, full-fledged shower, sink) and at the same time there is space left, then it is easy to solve the problem. Any material will be appropriate, but it is worth paying attention to your financial capabilities.

bathroom door

If the space is very limited, the bathroom door will be constantly exposed to moisture. From this it follows that the material should not react to moisture, otherwise it will not last long. Why does the door react to moisture? To answer this question, it is worth considering the design of the door. It consists of a frame and a main canvas. Most often, inside there may be such material:

  • Array of wood.
  • Chipboard.
  • MDF.

What are its advantages?

These materials do not accept moisture. The maximum allowable threshold for them is 60 percent. If this figure is higher, it is better to choose the door to the bathroom from glass or plastic. Also affects the shelf life is how much the inner filling is protected by the outer finish. Solid wood is the most vulnerable to moisture.

Vulnerable areas

Masters believe that each door has unprotected places that often become unusable:

  • The method of applying protective equipment is carried out in stages. The main canvas is covered first, and only after that is the feed. As a result, a junction appears, and not stained. If it is not sealed, then moisture will quickly get inside and ruin everything.
  • Few manufacturers cover the top and bottom of the door with protective compounds. Water is difficult to get there, but the accumulation of moisture vapor will cause the structure to begin to swell inside. After purchase, you can independently process these places with varnish.
  • Often when fixing accessories or handles imperceptible gaps are formed. This is an ideal place for moisture to accumulate. After purchase and installation, it is worth protecting these places with sealant.
bathroom door

What are doors made of?

There are several popular materials:

  • Laminate coatings. These are the most beautiful bathroom doors. A special cloth is applied to the main surface, after which it is coated with resins. Permissible humidity during operation of this option reaches 50-60 percent. If you purchase this door, then it will last a long time. Laminate is comparable to the surface of a laminate, but its properties are improved due to the thick topcoat. The cost will be higher than that of a simple laminate.
  • The use of PVC film. The frame is made of inexpensive wooden components, after which they are covered with a durable film. It is exposed not only to washing just with water, but also with the addition of cleaning products. Which bathroom door to choose? The answer depends on personal preference. The models and colors are diverse. There are downsides. This is the presence of chloride in a small amount. Also, the film may crack, which leads to the penetration of moisture inside.
  • Door covering with ecointerline interval. Compare with plastic: the composition is formed from wood fibers and plastic compound, without harmful substances. According to external data, this is an imitation of wood, but with a long service life. Manufacturers claim that these are hypoallergenic components that are not exposed to heat.
  • Veneer coating. For internal components, inexpensive wood species are used. Above, an already expensive veneer is used. The finish is lacquered, so there is no reaction to high humidity. Such a door is not cheap, but completely environmentally friendly.
bathroom doors

What else can be applied?

You can use plastic interior doors to the bathroom (product photos are in our article). These are budget models, they have often been installed. But do not confuse materials for such models with plastic windows. Sources at creation are used inexpensive, durable. They are not affected by high humidity, mold and fungi. Expanded polystyrene is launched inside, which allows you to create protection against noise, cold and moisture. There are disadvantages: a small assortment of color solutions, some of which contain components of the chloride material. You should not risk it - there are well-known manufacturers that have proven themselves from the best side and are selling certified products.


A door moisture-proof for a glass bathroom is a good option. According to the masters, this is the most suitable option for any design. In aesthetics and practicality, it surpasses other materials. But there are drawbacks - this is a heavy construction that requires high-quality fittings for fastening. The cost of such an interior door is the highest.

moisture-proof door for a bathroom

There are enough options for the materials used in creating bathroom doors. Before buying, you should evaluate your financial capabilities, the period of operation, understand the level of humidity, and only then make a choice for practical reasons. The next, no less important stage in the solution is the method of opening and closing.

How should the door open?

There are popular models here:

  • Sliding bathroom doors.
  • Plowing open.
  • Folding out.


Before choosing it is worth evaluating the positive qualities and the presence of cons of each system. There are different doors on the market, so it’s worth understanding how each mechanism works:

  • Swing. This is the easiest and most common option on the market. With swinging door structures for the bathroom, thresholds can be made. What are they needed for? Thresholds increase protection against the penetration of sounds. The disadvantage is the necessary place for plowing. Not in every house or apartment is it present. Therefore, sometimes it is worth paying attention to non-standard offers.
  • Sliding constructions. This is a significant saving of space. But this is not always relevant and true. No thresholds are provided here. Because of this, a large gap appears. As a result, heat is lost, sounds penetrate into the room. This is very impractical. With a complete lack of space for choosing classics, it is worth giving preference to cassette models. Their design goes into the wall. There are practically no shortcomings in this model, but if a breakdown occurs, you will have to disassemble the wall. Before installing the door to the bathroom with your own hands, you need to weigh the pros and cons.
  • Folding. The big advantage is that no space is required in or near the wall. Most often, there are two models on sale - a book and an accordion. In the open position, they occupy an opening, which is not convenient for everyone. Folding has minimal protection against sounds, and the heat goes away quickly.

Which bathroom doors are preferable? Everyone must decide for himself, depending on the available space, design and personal preference. You should not experiment and choose a non-standard option, if it does not exactly fit into the general vision of the entire room.

Transparent canvas

You should not understand this literally. Most often we are talking about beautiful frosted glass inserts. Through them, almost nothing is visible.

interior doors to the bathroom

But today, manufacturers create unique options that will look beautiful and give the room sophistication. It is difficult to give exact recommendations on the choice - everyone decides for himself. But the practical part has its own characteristics:

  • Sound insulation is not broken. But this is only possible with practical thick glass. With poor-quality inserts, audibility will become quite high. If there is a need for protection against the arrival of any sounds, then it is better to give preference to a solid canvas. In other cases, such models look beautiful.
  • Through the glass shadows are visible. This solution is free or busy. This is not a priority for everyone, so the choice remains with the owner.
  • Light is visible from the bathroom. Therefore, there is no need to check whether it is on or off.

As a result, it is easy to understand that when choosing it is worth paying attention to the level of quality. If the glass is thick and inserted without errors, then the door will be a beautiful addition to any interior. Going to the store, you need to stock up on information in order to make the right choice.

Do I need ventilation?

Many could see that the doors in the bathroom were ventilated. What is it for? It is not always present in the room itself or does not cope with the load. Because of this, after taking a shower, moisture appears on the doors and walls. The effects of this evaporation can affect the finish.

When buying, you should think about a door with a ventilation grill or make it yourself. One has to ask such a question before a trip to the store is planned. After all, not always self-installation is performed beautifully, you can spoil the aesthetic qualities. Therefore, interior doors to the bathroom are chosen, taking into account all the features in advance.

interior doors

If moisture in this room persists, you will have to install forced ventilation. The main task is the movement of air. The fan is mounted on the hole. It works from a power feed or from a network. This is the so-called extractor hood: warm fumes go outside, and cool ones come from the corridor. It happens that there is nowhere to go air. Then the supply air structure is carried out. Everything is thought out at the planning level to prevent dismantling.

Suitable hardware

It is difficult to imagine a door for a bathroom without the use of fittings. This includes a pen and a lock. There are many such devices on sale. How to build your choice? It is not that simple. It is important to consider not only personal desire and design decisions. Do not forget that the door material is of great importance. Here are some choices:

  • Integrated latch design. An affordable option for the price and installation method. The base is a pen. A latch is integrated inside. The task of the protective device is to prevent scrolling in a certain position. To do this on the door, you need to have a drill or screwdriver. Using these tools, two holes are made - through and end.
  • Separate items. In this protective design, individual parts are acquired - a handle and a latch. The latter is fixed on the overlay or crashes into the canvas. But most often they use a latch. After all, its service life is long. Creating protection against opening this type is simple. This brings high reliability.
  • Simple lock or plumbing. His device is elementary. The mechanism can lock the door from opening, as well as hold the latch inside. The operation of the element is comparable to a lock with an integrated latch, but reliability is higher. When installing, you have to try - not everyone can handle it. If you purchase a door with a ready-made lock of this kind, then the price increases decently.
DIY bathroom door

Castle selection

There are enough ways to lock the bathroom door. But you should not choose too sophisticated locks, with keys, etc. After all, the room does not require that. The main task of the lock is to limit the accidental opening of the door, if it is not clear whether there is someone inside or not. It is good when such a lock is opened from the outside with a simple stud. This may be necessary if children accidentally lock the structure. In any case, everyone chooses which interior door to the bathroom suits him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9499/

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