MDF board: characteristics, manufacturers

The modern development of technological processes allows us to provide users with a variety of building and finishing materials. MDF board is one of those materials that are used to equip facilities and in the manufacture of furniture. Consider the characteristics and features of this product.

MDF boards

History of creation

MDF was invented in the USA (late sixties of the 20th century). The abbreviation can be interpreted as follows: medium density fiberboard. The material is made of wood, which is practically crushed to the smallest fibers. This production is not harmful to forests, since woodworking waste is mainly used.

Recycled material is cleaned of sand and other extraneous implants. Then, the prepared components are thoroughly washed and dried. Then the mass is heated and a tape of the required thickness and width is formed from it with further pressing. Under pressure, a binder of natural origin (lignin) is released from the components. The product acquires the final configuration after air evacuation, representing a homogeneous structure in the form of an MDF board.


After the pressing process, the product is processed, after which the existing defects are removed and adjusted to the required dimensions. It is worth noting that not all wood species produce the necessary binding effect. In this case, lignin or its analogues are added.

Among sheet materials, MDF is considered the safest, since it contains a minimum of formaldehyde. Children’s and other furniture is made from the specified material (international standard - F1). Additional benefits are associated with increased resistance to moisture and fire.

Practical MDF boards

Release Forms

In its natural form, the material in question has a brown color with a grayish tint, and a uniform dense mass is observed on the cut. The final color depends on the type of ground wood and the amount of bark. These MDF wall plates are excellent for building various types of partitions in construction and furniture manufacturing.

The working surface can be further improved by veneering, lamination, and PVC film. This solution allows the beneficial use of this material in finishing work. Technological production standards make it possible to produce products of various shapes and thicknesses, which are used for finishing work, the production of furniture parts, baseboards, platbands and other moldings.

The structure of the material under consideration consists of small fibers that form dust when milling. Among other features - the possibility of manufacturing curly facades, decorative grilles and screens for heating radiators.

MDF floor

MDF board size

The manufacturing technology of this material allows you to adjust the density in the range from 750 to 1100 kg / m 2 . Products with a lower indicator are used for finishing works and in furniture production, and versions with a higher density are used as floor finishes.

In the latter case, the material is characterized by increased abrasion resistance and strength. Plates can be produced with the following parameters:

  • The warpage coefficient is from 1.2 to 15 millimeters diagonally.
  • Width - from 15 to 120 cm.
  • Length - from 130 to 260 cm.
  • The thickness of MDF boards is from 3 to 40 mm.
  • The difference in density is from 0.2 to 2.5 mm.
  • The runaway in width / length is 2/5 mm.

It is convenient to work with the specified material in connection with a small run-up in size. In addition, the joining of tiles is quick and does not require special adjustments.

Features of MDF boards

Types of surfaces

The material can be produced with the following types of surface treatment:

  1. Polished versions. They can be processed on both or one side. The product is optimally suited for puttying or painting. If you use the material to align the walls, it is advisable to use a primer.
  2. Laminated MDF board. It is covered with a PVC film, duplicates the color and structure of popular types of wood. This coating can also be matte or glossy. Elements of cabinet furniture for living rooms are made from this material. The assortment is also used to equip the bathroom, with the addition of hydrophobic fillers that protect against the effects of liquid and steam.
  3. Veneered tiles. In this case, the MDF is glued with thin saw cuts of valuable wood species. Among the minuses of such material, a high cost is noted. The appearance of the products is most similar to the wood veneer of the respective species.
  4. Plastic. This is one of the simplest types of finishing of the material in question, it is used most often in the furniture industry.
MDF board structure

The best manufacturers of MDF boards

The following is a list of manufacturers that are most often found on the domestic market:

  1. SWISS KRONO GROUP. The Austrian company began its work in the late 19th century, as a sawmill. Now this corporation includes a number of companies that specialize in the production of wood-based panels. In Russia, the brand is known under the brand name Kronostar.
  2. P&M Kaindl. Another Austrian manufacturer of MDF furniture boards. In the manufacture of the material used high-tech equipment and the highest quality raw materials. Products are exported to many countries of the world, are in demand and are presented in various variations.
  3. KASTAMONU. The company has been operating since 1969, it is represented by subsidiaries in Romania, Turkey, Bosnia, and Russia. The company's products include MDF boards with a diverse coating, one of the five best analogues in the modern market.
  4. Sonae Industria. The Portuguese company has branches in 12 countries of the world, practically not inferior in terms of sales to other well-known competitors. High quality is ensured thanks to multi-stage control, as well as continuous improvement of the technologies used.
MDF tiles

Domestic manufacturers

The following brands should be distinguished in this category of MDF board manufacturers:

  1. JSC "Plitspichprom". A large domestic company specializes in the production of laminated and other MDF panels in 35 versions. The company has representative offices in various regions of the country. The production uses Swiss, German and Italian technologies using appropriate equipment. There are both budget and luxury products.
  2. "Zheshart Plywood Factory". The plant has been operating since 1946, is one of the leaders in the production of domestic MDF boards. Products are also actively exported to the countries of near and far abroad.
  3. LLC "Master and K". The indicated group of companies has been acting recently as the flagship of the production of the material in question in the domestic version. Collections are replenished periodically with new lines, among which even the most demanding buyer will find a product with the required parameters and design.
  4. LLC "MDF Plant". This enterprise is a plant with a full production cycle. The production of products begins from the selection of wood, its harvesting and release of the final product. Thanks to the phased control, the material is obtained in high quality, complies with international standards.
Installation of MDF boards

Installation Recommendations

Installation of MDF boards is carried out in one of the following ways:

  1. To install the material in question on uneven walls with a deviation of more than 10 millimeters, a frame structure is used. Most often it is made of wooden bars with a cross section of 20 * 30 mm, which allow you to compensate for flaws in the floor.
  2. Plates are mounted on a flat surface using special glue or liquid nails. The composition is applied in zigzags or dots, and then put the sheet against the wall. Holding it for a few seconds. The general position is adjusted by tapping, checking the vertical and horizontal levels. Joints close up putty.
  3. Moisture-resistant material is usually laid on the floor, which has a thickness of at least 5 millimeters and a density index of 900 kg / cu. see Otherwise, the installation rules are identical to the above recommendations.


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