Psychology of children in 2-3 years: features of behavior, moods, crises

At 2-3 years old, the psychology of children is such that they have a so-called crisis. Their behavior can change a lot. The child begins to act up a lot, unfounded tantrums appear, the baby wants to do everything himself, but completely refuses to fulfill any requests of the parents. Such manifestations are justified by the fact that the child is aware of himself as a person and wants to express his own will. We will learn to survive this period as simple as possible and find out what should be the upbringing of a child of 2 years.

Why does the child say no

At 2-3 years old, children reach such an age when they feel like a full-fledged personality and can talk about themselves in the first person. Children strive to show everyone their individuality, but express it somehow in their own way. Parents get a large number of moods, an expression of the willfulness of the baby. When a child often says that he will not do something or refuses to go somewhere, then mom and dad should understand that this is not just a whim, but an expression of oneā€™s own opinion. And they should consider this opinion.

Parents should be patient during this period. As the baby begins to refuse more and more often, the behavior of a child of 2-3 years is one continuous word "no." This will be his new amusement. Mom and Dad should let him know that his opinion is important to them and that it must be taken into account. Only in such conditions will all negativity go away and the child will again become cheerful and good-natured. With the departure of this crisis, children become much calmer, they begin to grow up and develop.

two-year crisis

How to respond to a tantrum

During the crisis, children quite often fall into tantrums, the causes of which, most often, remain a mystery to their parents. At the time of such conditions, the child must be able to react correctly so as not to provoke an even greater protest. Such tantrums do not always go away only with screaming and crying. At the time of crisis, a child can throw toys and other objects, try to hit someone, spit on a person nearby or bite him. In some cases, there are even attacks of suffocation. Parents should understand that they need to be able to show firmness, and not go on about the child, as such tactics will lead to an even more deplorable state. Children who, in two or three years, achieved everything by tantrums, becoming older, will begin to manipulate their parents, will use their love for their own purposes.

Mom and dad should remember that in the psychology of children 2-3 years old everything is so arranged that every child goes through tantrums and whims. It is just a matter of time. No need to be unnecessarily nervous and headlong to run to the doctors. This age will pass, and your baby will again become cheerful and obedient. However, if a child hysteria several times a day and this condition becomes his norm, then this will already be a cause for concern.

features of the psychology of children 2-3 years old

How to deal with tantrums

In this case, the tantrum is much easier to prevent than to stop then, these are the characteristics of the psychology of children 2-3 years old. Therefore, parents need to learn in time to notice the moment when the baby is ready to start their whims and be able to stop him.

  • You can try to persuade the child, explain to him why the parents forbid this or that action and what the consequences of this may be.
  • A very effective way is to switch attention. You can try to occupy the child with something else, to distract him from the problem that, in his opinion, has arisen.
  • If the baby asks you for something safe and harmless, then why not just let him do it. Indeed, if he does not harm himself and others with his actions, it means that he is not going to do anything wrong.

But you donā€™t need to absolutely allow everything for your child so that he does not cry, because this will only spoil the child, and he will eventually become more disobedient. If the parents did not manage to prevent a tantrum and the child began to cry, then just let him calm down on his own and try to stay calm at this time too.

When a child becomes hysterical, do not touch him, do not try to calm or persuade. Let him understand that if he does this, he wonā€™t achieve anything good, and on the contrary, he will lose the attention of his parents. When children in this state are left alone, they quickly forget about the causes of the disorder and are carried away by a new business. Many of them themselves come to mom or dad to chat.

If the baby cries and hysteria for too long, then you can try to calm him down, regret it, try to distract him with something new. However, itā€™s not worth it to go about whatever the child gets up to. Adults must be able to remain calm and remain wise. With their concessions, they will not be able to overcome tantrums, but only disguise them, which will make the character of their baby even more capricious.

child psychology at 2 years

freedom of choice

At 2-3 years old, the childā€™s psychology (whether itā€™s a boy or a girl) is structured in such a way that he wants to make independent decisions and have the right to choose. This is necessary if only because it is at this age that the will of an adult is formed. And in order for the volitional qualities to be formed correctly, the child already in these years should be able to make decisions independently. And if parents will constantly refuse him this, indicate that the child is wrong, then he can grow up a self-doubt person, become a slave in the company, will not learn to set goals.

But full freedom cannot be given to children at this age. But parents, like wise adults who have already lived their lives, must learn to see the middle ground. You need to come up with various tricks in order to outsmart the baby a little. He will do what you want, but at the same time he will think that he has come to such a decision on his own.

Does the crisis affect everyone?

At 2-3 years old, the psychology of the child (girl and boy) is arranged almost identically and therefore each baby suffers a crisis of two years. But for each, it takes place individually. In some children, emotions are expressed quite strongly and parents have a very hard time, but for someone everything goes so quickly and easily that mom and dad do not even notice how the child independently overcomes this period.

At this time, the behavior is affected by psychological changes. The child becomes a person, self-will appears in his character, he begins to be proud that he achieved something on his own, with his work. And the child can cope with this crisis himself, not without the help of his parents and their patience, of course. But those children who do not want to become independent, do not seek to prove themselves, need the help of a specialist.

child psychology 2 3 years

Recommendations for relatives

Psychologists do not stop monitoring children of all ages. And so, on the basis of such observations, they made a list of recommendations for parents about the crisis of two years:

  • No need to wait for this crisis, as something terrible and negative. After all, this is a very important stage in the life of a child. All manifestations that you can observe are the absolute norm, and every child and parent goes through this. And if you try to suppress all this by force, then the consequences can be quite serious.
  • In moments when the child is mistaken in something or crosses the limits of what is permitted, it is not necessary to say that he is bad or that his parents do not need him. It is only necessary to evaluate his behavior and explain why it is impossible to do so and what consequences this entails.
  • Some babies show aggression in moments of anger. They can bite, pinch, throw toys, and even fight with their parents. The task of adults at such moments is not to succumb to provocations and not to respond to aggression with the same. Anger and anger cannot solve the problem. It is necessary, on the contrary, to show the child what love and affection are; one must try to explain to him that such behavior will not lead to a good result. And he can see how to behave, he can only by the example of his parents.
  • The prohibitions are very important in education. It is necessary not only to forbid the child to do something, but also to be able to justify why this should not be done. It is good if the reason is that it is dangerous to the health or life of the child. All adults who surround the baby should also be warned that they should not be allowed to do something until the mother sees. Each family member must comply with the prohibition.
  • The effects of the crisis can be positive and negative. And their character depends not only on the child, but also on the parents, on how they were able to move this time and what they could teach the child.
child's behavior in 2-3 years

Useful Tips

Some useful tips on how the relationship between the mother and the child should be built during the crisis of two years:

  1. Sometimes it is necessary to allow the child to say no, that is, to accept his point of view. This is not just my motherā€™s weakness, but part of the normal development of each baby.
  2. The child looks at the behavior of his parents and tries to repeat it, because they are an example for him and everything that mom does is right. So every child thinks without exception. Therefore, you need to try to swear as little as possible in the presence of the baby, and especially not to show any kind of aggression.
  3. During communication, you should use the ā€œnotā€ particle as little as possible, especially when communicating with a child.
  4. Bans must be constantly alternated with approval.

Methods of Overcoming Stubbornness

Now you should pay attention to what parents can do, overcoming the stubbornness of their child:

  • First of all, you can try to distract the child and turn his attention to something more interesting.
  • If the baby refuses to do something on his own, then try to invite him to do it together. But the responsibilities must be divided equally so that the baby does not consider himself disadvantaged or, conversely, overloaded.
  • Giving your child a serious task, try to complete it in a playful way, and then it will be much more interesting.
  • If the kid does not want to master some new skill, then try to make visual material for him so that, looking at the colorful pictures, he wants to repeat what is depicted there.
toys for children 2 years

What should children be able to do at 2 years old

We learned quite a lot about how children from two to three years old behave. But many parents are interested in other issues. Often at women's forums, mothers ask what children should be able to do when they are 2 years old. This is a very important point, since children develop in different ways and their interests are different, but no one canceled the general age requirements:

  1. At two years old, the child is already freely putting together a pyramid and pictures from several parts.
  2. He can find out to which subject this or that part of it belongs.
  3. At two years old, children should already be able to distinguish between primary colors.
  4. The child must know what the words ā€œidenticalā€ and ā€œsimilarā€ mean.
  5. The kid knows how to talk about what he did during the day.
  6. Also at this age, children already know which objects surround them and which groups they belong to.
  7. The skills of children 2-3 years old are so growing that the crumbs can explain what a person or an animal in front of is doing.
  8. A child, having heard the description of the subject, should easily understand what is at stake.
  9. At this age, he already has the strength to remember a simple rhyme or nursery rhyme.
  10. With the help of adults, children can already talk about what is shown in the picture, what people in there are doing.

This is a list of what children should be able to do when they are 2 years old, all without exception. Someone may be a little ahead of this ā€œprogramā€, but the baby should not be allowed to lag behind it. Since at this age, children learn the world and right now they must remember elementary things, develop their speech and memory. At an older age, this will be much more difficult.

children in 2 years

Interests and Toys

Another important point is toys for children 2-3 years old. First of all, they should be safe and interesting, and in this case you should not chase the high price and fashion. So, children at this age will be interested in:

  • Sculpt various figures from dough or plasticine together with mom.
  • Fold the tower of cubes.
  • Collect mosaics or puzzles, but not too small.
  • Many children are interested in playing with music posters.
  • You can buy a child a talking toy or tablet.
  • Children at this age love to draw with felt-tip pens or paints.
  • If this is a girl, then she must have a stroller for dolls, utensils, and other items that she often sees in her motherā€™s hands.
  • Boys can also purchase toy tool kits so that they can repair their toys, like Dad does.
  • Be sure the child should have a ball, a bucket for sand and various figures in the set.

This is an incomplete list of what a child should have in two or three years. But these are the basic toys that all children play.


We studied in detail all the peculiarities of the vagaries of children in 2-3 years, the psychology of babies and the features of their behavior. If parents follow all the recommendations that they can find in this article, then this crisis will pass for them unnoticed. It is not necessary to put the whole responsibility on the child, because he is still small and will not be able to cope with his own problems, and surrounded by parental love it will be much easier. We also learned what children should be able to do when they are 2 years old and now each parent will know what skills need special attention and pull them up a little.


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